Am I skinny fat?



  • adrylong
    adrylong Posts: 29
    I have the pooch as well, mostly due to having had a baby 2 years ago and not really doing anything to correct it. I realized recently, that the pooch had turned into a sizable POUCH, and it made me look like I was pregnant again. I have stopped eating products with gluten and noticed the bloat was minimized. I am also doing sit-ups, including the most important sit-ups for the lower abs which are reverse sit-ups. I do 100 of those 3-5 days a week.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    "skinny fat" is when an individual is at a healthy weight but they have a higher ratio of fat to lean mass. Here's a visual with a male...


    This individual is roughly the same weight in both pictures...the one on the left is just a higher % of BF to lean mass ratio.