Help me poop please



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    MrsSpitser wrote: »
    It may sound ridiculous but I have the opposite problem. I tried LCHF previously and got terrible diarrhea. I stopped the diet because I couldn't leave the house, or cough, or sneeze, etc. But then I decided to try it again thinking that I may have just been eating the wrong things. And again, here I sit, dreading running to the bathroom for the 10th time today (no exaggeration). Please tell me this eventually goes away. I have been drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and try to include low carb veggies each day. I'm pooping my guts out and I'm miserable. Any advice is appreciated.

    Maybe cut back on fats?
    Are you drinking 8 glasses of water like its a goal or is that just how you drink based on thirst?

    I would definitely recommend keeping your fluid intake up while you have diarrhea as it can rapidly result in dehydration and it's difficult to rehydrate when your body isn't holding onto the fluids and you feel nauseous from the discomfort. You will likely need more fluid than normal because you're losing so much. However, you're also losing your electrolytes too, maybe rotate back and forth between a mug of broth and a glass of water throughout the day.

    I just wanted to add that I wasn't suggesting to drink less. I was wondering if they were deliberately forcing extra water as that's a very common thing people do when they're dieting and then don't consider the added sodium needs or that forcing down a lot of water beyond thirst isn't actually necessary, especially on a daily basis.