


  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Lets knot loose site of the fact that sometimes your goin too missspell thangs hear. Eye cant weight too loose my extra wait sew eye can sea my lose pants. Wind eye way myself eye can sea that I half loosed alot of wait, and my waste is getting smaller to.

    There take that (now laugh damn it!) :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Oh - I did blog about this sometime ago - it's really just an observation. Plus if we had spell/grammer checker on this site we would see alot less of these types of errors.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I'm a grammar geek. Sometimes my friends appreciate learning the difference between "lay" and "lie" and maybe some people would appreciate the "loose/lose" reminder. Thanks!

    Exactly. And a gold star to anyone who can learn me the difference between affect & effect. :laugh:

    This topic gets heated every time it's posted. rolleyes.gif
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Lets knot loose site of the fact that sometimes your goin too missspell thangs hear. Eye cant weight too loose my extra wait sew eye can sea my lose pants. Wind eye way myself eye can sea that I half loosed alot of wait, and my waste is getting smaller to.

    There take that (now laugh damn it!) :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Oh - I did blog about this sometime ago - it's really just an observation. Plus if we had spell/grammer checker on this site we would see alot less of these types of errors.

    Haha ... ewe arr sew steeking funy! Eye luv it!

    I think for me, it just gives me a chuckle to see when people are loosing weight. No big deal to me. Sometimes if I am at work, I don't spellcheck. 'Tis human to err! :smile:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Lets knot loose site of the fact that sometimes your goin too missspell thangs hear. Eye cant weight too loose my extra wait sew eye can sea my lose pants. Wind eye way myself eye can sea that I half loosed alot of wait, and my waste is getting smaller to.

    There take that (now laugh damn it!) :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Oh - I did blog about this sometime ago - it's really just an observation. Plus if we had spell/grammer checker on this site we would see alot less of these types of errors.

    :laugh: We should have a spell check system!

    I really can't spell worth beans and worse still when I type so when someone posts stuff like this it makes me a little gun shy to post for a few days sometimes. This one was not so bad (as you can tell because I am posting) but some I have seen in the past can come off as nasty. Just think about the people who didn't get the rock star schooling and have pity on us. Dumb people want to be thin also! :wink:
  • gamecock
    gamecock Posts: 36
    People are entitled to be wrong! Please do not turn this into a site for perfectionists. It is more important that people have their say in a non judgemental atmosphere. I see these errors and I know what the writer intended sometimes it is easier than other times. Improper grammar, syntax and or improper word use may be disturbing to those with more education or knowledge but with all due respect please take your red pen some where else. People are here to lose (or loose weight ) not to be told they can not spell! I am not trying to be mean but I would hate to think that any one would clam up out of fear that they used the wrong word when celebrating something that makes them feel good about themselves. We are not hosting a Mensa meeting here. We are sharing. Sometimes it is ugly. No one is here for English lessons, we are here to rally one another!

    I agree with you.......if we were all perfect there would be no need for this site in the first place. We are all here to be encouraged and help others..........shouldn't (should not....lol) be for anything else.:drinker:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    This topic gets heated every time it's posted. rolleyes.gif
    Yup! Every single TIME!:tongue::yawn: Probably ought to just do a search and keep adding onto the same thread from the past!:laugh: Since they all basically turn out the same:drinker:
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    It's kind of like having spinach in your teeth. Some people would apparently rather not know. I appreciate someone telling me.

    Spelling shouldn't be an emotional subject. Yes, that word is spelled correctly. No, it's not. Nothing personal.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have a sticky note that says, "Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl yore mistakes."
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