Gallbladder removal



  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    I found the following helped:

    -small portions, and snacking twice a day to better align with a constant but low release of bile by the liver, which is no longer stored in the gallbladder
    -going vegetarian, as I found I tolerated plant oils much better than say, on a steak or pork chop
    -eating eggs, because the yolk contains lecithin, which emulsifies fat and makes it easier to digest
    -absolutely eating a low fat diet, so there is less fat overall to deal with (cream to skim milk in coffee, for example)

    I don't throw up, but a rich meal will have me cramping up, distended, and nauseous. In the beginning, when I was still figuring it out, if I had a few days where I'd have too much fat I'd get constipated in addition to the above.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have seen my doc and had bloods and all sorts of other tests done, so am awaiting the results, next step in an endoscopy to see whats going on inside my stomach.

    Oh--glad you are being looked after. If there is anything going on, the blood work and endoscopy will discover it. Hope you feel better soon. :smile:
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Wow 19 stones, that's crazy! I just had one big sucker.
    Unfortunately no foods are good for me at the moment, does not matter what I eat it still makes me sick, sometimes its straight after or sometimes an hour later. Im guessing give it time for my body to adjust and hope that it gets better, the only plus side is the weight loss although it's not a healthy way to lose

    Mine were really small and were blocking the bile duct and had started affecting my liver function. If you're still having problems after 3 months, I'd definitely go to a doctor to see what's going on. I hope the upcoming test helps. Has the surgeon released you yet from his/her care?
  • ironmaidenchick
    ironmaidenchick Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks, yea unfortunately the health system here is a bit screwed up, I left hospital the day after surgery and that was the last I saw of the surgeon, as it's considered a minor surgery there has been no follow up whatsoever.
    Hopefully it will be sorted soon :-)