May 2016 Running Challenge



  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @DrLauraDVM16P Welcome to the party :-)
    And belated congratulations on your first half marathon! I ran my first two weeks ago, and had a blast too. When I started running, I never would have imagined I'd run for more than 30 minutes, or even enjoy it.

    @MNLittleFinn For me, all my running shoes have a different feel to them. If I want something fast for road running, it's either the Saucony Cortanas or the Brooks Pureflow - and somehow, I've come to think of the Sauconys as my "long distance shoes", so I used those for the half marathon, while I'll take the Brooks for the 10k road race this afternoon.
    For the 10k I'm planning tomorrow, which is mostly forest trails & fields, the organisers just sent out a mail that a lot of the paths are rather muddy, encouriging everyone to bring trail shoes if they own some. I actually have two pair - Asics Runnegade and Saucony Xodus. The Sauconys are only a few weeks old, but I already decided they are more for rocky terrain. The Asics are better for mud, and they are more flexible and lighter anyway, so for a muddy 10k, they are my obvious choice.
    With enough shoes to chose from, it's not hard for me to find one which seems right for a race. Of course, at the time I ran my first 5k race, I think I only owned one pair of running shoes, so back than the decision was also simple ;)
  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    1/5: 8.1 Miles
    3/5: 5.0 Miles
    5/5: 6.0 Miles
    7/5: 9.0 Miles
    10/5: 5.0 Miles
    12/5: 3.8 Miles
    13/5: 3.7 Miles
    15/5: 13.1 Miles
    20/5: 5.0 Miles


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    Well, I am waiting to run this morning because I didn't do laundry and have no satisfactory running clothes! So the washer is going, sounds like it just hit the rinse cycle. Luckily running clothes dry quickly.

    Welcome @DrLauraDVM16P! This is a great place! Congrats on the half!

    @MNLittleFinn - I just choose the pair I like best on long runs and with lowest mileage.

    @Ohhim - I know it sounds crazy but I am treating the 50k as a training run. :trollface::tongue: That race is after my my first base training cycle at highest mileage  (60 mpw) and allows a two week taper. So I won't be in proper condition to race but will have the endurance for the distance. Plus it's my first time at that distance plus it's a challenging course. So it all adds up to (hopefully) enjoying a long easy effort run. Afterwards I should have plenty of time for some recovery/reverse tapering to get back to that mileage in time to start race specific training in the fall for the currently planned October full marathon which I intend to race. My original goal for the full was to beat 5:30 but I now think I could beat 5:00 as long as everything goes well this summer.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    5/1-4.12 miles
    5/2- Rest
    5/3- 5.01 miles
    5/4- 3.12 miles
    5/5- 5.1
    5/6- rest
    5/7- 8.44
    4/9-REST much needed REST
    4/10- 5.1
    5/12- 5.11
    5/13- Rest
    5/14- 10.02
    5/15- 4.1
    5/16- Rest
    5/17- 4.19
    5/18-Crosstraining- I hate Crosstraining
    5/19- 5.41<- cruise interval workout

    Total: 74.64/100

    Notes on todays run: For the first time, I didn't meet the Time duration assignment for my long run. But here's why: It's a cut back week so, I didn't do my Wednesday run, and to meet the time assignment for the run, would have meant that my LR was over 35% of my weekly mileage. I ran for 75 minutes, the assignment was 80-90. I still got in 7.3 miles in that time though, so I don't feel too bad about not going the whole time......maybe if I slowed down more I could have met the time assignment....negative splits....running that pace felt so good......ah *kitten* it it's ok.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Shoes feel like they are lacking in cushioning under the balls of my toes.. Hurts to put put pressure on the my toes when I push off while running and after a run. Anyone had this?

    I had that in February and if you Google around you'll find info about something called "Morton's Neuroma" that seemed to sum it up pretty well. I lowered my mileage for a while, and got some relief from a pair of Brooks Pureflow low-drop shoes. I haven't solved it completely though.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited May 2016
    What the hell, @whatmerunning!?!? Don't tell me that you've never pulled out dirty, crusty, stinky running clothes out of the dirty laundry and worn them before because you couldn't find anything clean! I've done that more than I would admit to normal folks. I've even done that with my favorite short tights before, which I wear without anything underneath.

    Perhaps I misjudged you...

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm with @whatmerunning, I'd washed a few items. Except socks, maybe the shirt. Butt not shorts. Maybe I smell worse than @7lenny7.

    Admittedly, In the winter I've reworn clothes. Definitely not when it's above 70
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I generally wear clothes just once, but if nothing is clean, I don't worry about wearing something dirty. I'm not going to be any dirtier or stinkier by the end of a run because of it. Just as long as the sweat has dried before putting something on
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    I have 2 pairs of shorts (since I'm running twice a day most days) which are both sweaty by the end of the day. They go in the dryer, and then back on the bod until the weekend, when everything gets washed. I usually don't wear a shirt for the at-home runs, and just have 1 or 2 for the at-work mid-day runs. I'm a little better about alternating socks. SWMBO has just gotten used to it. She used to complain, now just gives me "the look."
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    May 03      4.2T     4.2  
    May 04      4.2T     8.4 
    May 06      5.1     13.5 
    May 07      8.2     21.7 
    May 08      5.6     27.3 
    May 09      4.2     31.5 
    May 11      6.5     38.0 
    May 13      5.0     43.0
    May 14     12.6     55.6
    May 15      4.2     59.8
    May 17      5.0     64.8
    May 18      5.7     70.5
    May 19      4.2     74.7
    May 21      8.1     82.8

  • 19MotherRunner80
    19MotherRunner80 Posts: 37 Member
    yay hit 100 miles!


    Today is a rest day...I hate rest days!!

    Had a lot of catching up to do, busy week and I didnt get on here as much!

    @7lenny7 - loved the race report
    @runner_girl83 - I second mortons neuroma. I had to deal with that a couple months ago. It was a bit frustrating but went away slowly.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    What's the percentage of your weekly training that should be your long run again? Sry to be lazy ... on my way now and preparing. Thx!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    6 miles of hill repeats with 1,010 feet of gain per Strava.

    5/1 - 13.1 miles
    5/2 - 6 miles
    5/3 - 6 miles
    5/4 - 9 miles
    5/5 - 6 miles
    5/6 - Rest
    5/7 - 10.5 miles
    5/8 - 10.5 miles
    5/9 - 6 miles
    5/10 - 6 miles
    5/11 - 10 miles
    5/12 - 6 miles
    5/13 - Rest
    5/14 - 13.1 miles
    5/15 - 4 miles
    5/16 - 6 miles
    5/17 - 6 miles
    5/18 - 6 miles
    5/19 - 6 miles
    5/20 - Rest
    5/21 - 6 miles

    136.2/200 miles


    2016 races (this list is subject to change at the posters whim):
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO) 2:30:17.6 new PR
    4/16 - Garmin Wickedly Fast half marathon (Olathe, KS) 2:28:39.52 new PR
    4/23 - Heroes for Hope half marathon (North Kansas City, MO) 2:19:14 but was only 12.5 miles
    5/1 - Buffalo Bell Stampede half marathon (Leavenworth, KS) 2:25:06
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS) 2:17:38.4 new PR
    6/2 - Hospital Hill 5k 7pm PRE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    6/3 - Hospital Hill half marathon 7am RE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    9/25 - Broadway Bridge half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    10/15 - Kansas City Marathon 26.2 (Kansas City, MO)
    11/5 - Jenks half marathon (Jenks, OK)
    11/6 - Kansas half marathon (Lawrence, KS)
    11/12 - Longview half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    11/13 - Gobbler Grind half marathon (Overland Park, KS)
    11/19 - White River half marathon (Cotter, AR)
    11/20 - Pilgrim Pacer half marathon (Lenexa, KS)
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    What the hell, @whatmerunning!?!? Don't tell me that you've never pulled out dirty, crusty, stinky running clothes out of the dirty laundry and worn them before because you couldn't find anything clean! I've done that more than I would admit to normal folks. I've even done that with my favorite short tights before, which I wear without anything underneath.

    Perhaps I misjudged you...

    So i draw the line at tights at the bottom of the hamper; however, my favorite sports bra - forget about it. I'm just gonna stink by the end anyway. Might as well be stinky and happy!
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member

    I have heard that you're not a real runner is you haven't pooped in hole.

    Not a real trail runner anyway...

    Maybe I'm fine with never being a 'real' runner...
    Random middle of training plan thought...How do you choose which shoes to wear on race day? I have my 10k coming up in 3 weeks and my HM in 6, and am already thinking about which shoes to wear....

    I wear my favourite ones! None of mine are only good for certain types of running, I can't afford/be bothered with that, so I just go with which ones I like best at the time.

    I agree with @7lenny7 on this one, I definitely re-wear clothes. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Although obviously it's not through choice, only necessity if there's nothing clean left. Basically, my rule is if I have to smell it to decide if it's clean or dirty, then it's clean enough. If I can smell it just from having picked it up then that's where I draw the line. And I wouldn't do it if I were running with a friend or at the gym, because no-one else needs to know I'm that skanky/lazy/out of washing powder...

    2nd May - 3.06 miles
    3-4th May - poorlysick
    5th May - 2.40 miles
    8th May - 13.1 miles Hackney Half 2:05:24
    12th May - 3.27 miles
    14th May - 3.11 miles
    15th May - 5.08 miles
    17th May - 3.23 miles
    19th May - 3.64 miles
    20th May - 5.26 miles

    MTD - 42.15/70 miles

    Upcoming races:
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    @7lenny7 @Elise4270 @9voice9 - In the winter I have reused shirts and pants. But now that it's warm I guess I need to pamper myself. :tongue: I heard that polyester can take on a permanent body odor smell if not washed frequently enough. So that's what compels me, I suppose.

    @4leighbee - 25% to 33%
  • Zom_bunny
    Zom_bunny Posts: 86 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    20 to 40 cm of Snow in a 200 km radius - That nice spring snow that's more like a Slushy than snow. Heavy, wet, cold. Pulled trees down - Power outages every where. So I spent the day driving. 14 hr day - 12 hrs of driving. 15 minutes of work at multiple locations to repair Emergency Generators and then onto the next location. More of the same tomorrow. People are Idiots. Why would a person driving a small car pass me when I had the big 4x4 and was plowing trail? They ended up in the Trees. I then had to help them since all the cell sites were down. Did I mention I think some people are intellectually challenged? So no swimming, running or biking etc today = Grumpy!!. :s
    Zom_bunny wrote: »
    I did 18 miles so far this week 7 miles of it was my first trail run. Hated it im definetely more of an indoor girl !
    @Zom_bunny That just means you need more trail run training and experience.
    See the Key training hint from EvgeniZyntx wrote: » I have heard that you're not a real runner is you haven't pooped in hole.

    I love Trails, Natural surfaces are always softer than the Engineered Asphalt or Cement trails and the changing scenery - wildlife keeps me looking around for the next animal.
    Random middle of training plan thought...How do you choose which shoes to wear on race day? I have my 10k coming up in 3 weeks and my HM in 6, and am already thinking about which shoes to wear....

    @MNLittleFinn I always have a pair of shoes in rotation that are middle aged - not brand new - not approaching end of life and those are the ones I take as my primary shoe, and now I always have a second pair with me. In February while doing a little slow 3 km stretch run the day before my HM I had a shoe fail on me - all of a sudden my right ankle was being stressed and it was rolling in. I would never take a shoe that is new as it could have hidden manufacturing faults that you don't want to have popup in the middle of an event. I agree with @PoppetsMaster that Quality Running shoes should never need to be broken in.

    @ddmom0811 - Feel your pain on the loss of Math Skills due to the use of electronics ( and the no Zeros policy in some school districts ). I am old enough that I remember Slide Rules and the first calculator that had 5 yes 5 functions, add, subtract, divide, multiply and Square Root Oh Ah!!

    @runner_girl83 Sorry haven't had any Toe push off problems so I can't help you.

    I cussed out a duck .Maybe that can be my thing ? Fighting forest creatures.