dying in group fitness



  • kea9f
    kea9f Posts: 27 Member
    I started a few months ago in my first group class, which is like an orange theory class. I am obese and never had done any real work outs, and it killed me! My heart rate was at 97% of my max in a minute of walking on the treadmill! It was hard to stick with it, but I'm glad I did, ive improved so much. The big thing was I stopped worrying about other people. My joints don't like to treadmill, so I do the cardio on a bike, and I'm the only one to ever do that. I can't do some of the exercises, so I have the trainers give me modifications for them. I stopped worrying aboit competiting with anyone else, and because of that, I have managed to improve myself so much more than I has thought I'd be able to! Keep at it and only worry about doing better than what you could do before. =)

    That is awesome, good for you! I would never have gone to the class at all when I was heavier, so you are my new hero! I will try to take your advice and forget about other people. They probably really don't care anyway. I have never judged another person in the gym for their fitness level, so probably other people aren't either.
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I use the exercise notes to log my progress, typically with weights. I might comment on how I felt while on the elliptical, or my max weight on various machines. I still feel like a total wimp, but my exercise notes show progress.

    Keep going, keep track of your individual progress, and be kind to yourself.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    kea9f wrote: »
    I struggle with pushing myself enough to make any progress, because I'm in really bad shape and everything is a struggle, and I'm type A enough that I just cannot stand failing at things, so if I can't do it, I just won't. So I joined XSport and they have this group personal training thing I tried out today, and nearly died. I'm going to keep going and humiliating myself because I'll never get stronger on my own, but ya'll...it sucks. What can I do to get better at this as quickly as possible? I bought twice a week classes, because I know women can lose muscle in a week, and plan to space them out as evenly as possible, and next class I'm going to try and modify more of the moves so I'm not struggling quite as hard. But seriously - I am like falling out of even the beginner moves because I have no muscles. I am going to have to keep it lighter the other 5 days of the week, but I think I still have to work out...What should I be doing on those days? Just something really light like elliptical or walking, or would working in lighter strength training help?

    Any constructive advice would be helpful - I feel like if I can't do this I will never be in shape!!

    In answer to the "what do I do in between?" question, I don't think you necessarily have to take the other 5 days lightly. I strength train 3x per week (and not super-heavy, I'm still learning) and I fill in a few other days with something more cardio-oriented so that I have at least 4-6 days that I'm doing something for my strength and fitness. I just realized that "you can lose muscle in a week" issue this past week as I have been sick and haven't worked out and can tell.