Lost momentum



  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Knowing how to lose makes all the difference. We have been successful.. We know what worked.. Many of us have lots of new clothes we enjoy wearing..if we are good 80 percent of the time...it works...my routine actually is my comfort zone during the week...I can loosen up on the weekend for a meal or two and it's still okay. I've not got maintenance down yet...but I'm enjoying more calories. You Can do this!!!
  • LULU4178
    LULU4178 Posts: 69 Member
    Do not go buy bigger clothes! Wear the same pants and or shirt every day until they don't feel snug. That is what I did (only had to do it once). Kind of embarrassing to be a 50 year old woman with the same outfit every day but it motivated me to get it together and lose the couple of pounds I had gained. I am a school teacher and a few kids commented on my clothes. Ouch!

    Look at old pictures of yourself. That also helped me. Writing in to MFP means you have some motivation. Go for a walk. Just do something-anything-different than you have been doing to get out of your rut. Think "What can I do today that I will be thankful for 6 months from now." This kind of thing happens but think how far you have come and get back on track. You can do it!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited May 2016
    Our journey is never over. If we resume previous eating habits then gain is inevitable. That's why its best to weigh in regularly and for some there is a need to continue logging foods. That way any small gain can be nipped in the bud while its still small.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    "By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are and what you've achieved - and perhaps learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses - you actually can enhance everything about you. Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments."

    Jack Canfield

    I found this inspiring.... there's even more at the link below... as someone already shared...watching youtube vids, Reading quotes is also what pumps me up, then sharing those quotes on my feed and other places really cements them in my mind because I realize I'm passing them on for others to gather strength from as well. :smiley:

    Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/goals.html