Ask a Big Aussie Bloke...



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Awesome thread and bumping for the list of places to visit! My hubby and I always have said we want to visit, but will most likely stay!

    Yes you should stay. It's lovely down here :)

    Good to have you back aussiebloke!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Hey Big Aussie Bloke (mind if I call you BAB?)! Just wondering if you guys claim Mel Gibson at all anymore, now that he's lost his accent and gone crazy. And how do you feel about an Englishman as the new Mad Max?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I've been in Australia for almost 7 hours now. Why haven't I seen a kangaroo or a dingo? :sad: (totally stereotyping for giggles)
  • Welcome to Australia Bregalad :) The dingoes only come out when you are camping they dont like the suburbs :wink: The kangaroos, ummm they are off playing with the drop bears planning their point of attack :laugh:

    As an aside where are you travelling to in Australia?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Welcome to Australia Bregalad :) The dingoes only come out when you are camping they dont like the suburbs :wink: The kangaroos, ummm they are off playing with the drop bears planning their point of attack :laugh:

    As an aside where are you travelling to in Australia?

    Haha. I don't really expect to see too many :P Just having a little giggle about it.

    Right now I'm visiting the Gold Coast (staying in Surfers Paradise, right on the beach). Next Friday I'll hop over to Perth for eight days.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Welcome to Australia Bregalad :) The dingoes only come out when you are camping they dont like the suburbs :wink: The kangaroos, ummm they are off playing with the drop bears planning their point of attack :laugh:

    As an aside where are you travelling to in Australia?

    Haha. I don't really expect to see too many :P Just having a little giggle about it.

    Right now I'm visiting the Gold Coast (staying in Surfers Paradise, right on the beach). Next Friday I'll hop over to Perth for eight days.

    Oh good pic of Surfers there on your profile! Have a nice time over here.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    How about Indians ? Any good jokes there ? :bigsmile:

    haha I wanna hear too!!! LOL
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    What's your favourite colour? Blue.

  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    What do you think about your neighbours?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Welcome to Australia Bregalad :) The dingoes only come out when you are camping they dont like the suburbs :wink: The kangaroos, ummm they are off playing with the drop bears planning their point of attack :laugh:

    As an aside where are you travelling to in Australia?

    Haha. I don't really expect to see too many :P Just having a little giggle about it.

    Right now I'm visiting the Gold Coast (staying in Surfers Paradise, right on the beach). Next Friday I'll hop over to Perth for eight days.

    Oh good pic of Surfers there on your profile! Have a nice time over here.

    Yeah, I just took that a little bit ago for my friends list to see where I'm staying :)
  • What do you think about your neighbours?

    Which ones? the ones next door couldnt care less the ones over the ocean as in NZ ahh they seem pretty cool :wink:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Thought I'd give an update. 2 weeks and 2 days in Australia now and I still haven't seen any dangerous critters. I did see one spider that was larger than any I've seen before, but it was apparently not a dangerous one. I'm actually slightly disappointed! :sad: I have 6 more days in Perth (had to extend my vacation for a week due to visa delays so can't head to my new job in Russia yet), so there's still time, I suppose...
    (for those non-Aussies reading this, yes, I did see a gigantic mob of kangaroos!)
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    My kid saw a completely terrifying non-venomous green tree snake at school last week in suburban Brisbane.

    My tennis mate's friend was bitten by a redback spider on the weekend and ignored it until he started to suffer breathing difficulties and went to the doctor. His arm is still very swollen and red.

    Brisbane is a perilous place.

    On the plus side, we have had 2 legal mudcrabs in the pot on the Indooroopilly reach of the Brisbane River this week.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    On the plus side, we have had 2 legal mudcrabs in the pot on the Indooroopilly reach of the Brisbane River this week.

    Crabs? This guy was adorable (at Canal Rocks in WA):

    Edit: If anyone is interested, this is one of my favorite pictures so far of my trip (also from Canal Rocks, and not going to resize it, sorry, so right click -> view image):
  • Thats a great shot bregalad. :happy:

    Honestly people over dramatize things to do with Australia :laugh: :laugh:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Thats a great shot bregalad. :happy:

    Honestly people over dramatize things to do with Australia :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey shhhhhhhhhhhh! I like doing that.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Thats a great shot bregalad. :happy:

    Honestly people over dramatize things to do with Australia :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey shhhhhhhhhhhh! I like doing that.

    Well, we hear on the Discovery Channel and stuff like that about all the dangerous things there, so it's not just people telling us that, it's media. Something like 5 of the 10 most dangerous animals are in Australia.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member

    Well, we hear on the Discovery Channel and stuff like that about all the dangerous things there, so it's not just people telling us that, it's media. Something like 5 of the 10 most dangerous animals are in Australia.

    I remember seeing a was "101 Ways to Die in Australia Within 50 feet of Your Hotel Room" or something like that ;^) and there was a snail that lives on rocks by the beach...if you step on it, it whips out a RAZOR SHARP appendage of some kind, SLICES your foot open, INJECTS you with poison and you're dead within minutes. Seriously. It was horrifying.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member

    Well, we hear on the Discovery Channel and stuff like that about all the dangerous things there, so it's not just people telling us that, it's media. Something like 5 of the 10 most dangerous animals are in Australia.

    I remember seeing a was "101 Ways to Die in Australia Within 50 feet of Your Hotel Room" or something like that ;^) and there was a snail that lives on rocks by the beach...if you step on it, it whips out a RAZOR SHARP appendage of some kind, SLICES your foot open, INJECTS you with poison and you're dead within minutes. Seriously. It was horrifying.

    That would be the cone shell, does't slice your foot open, but does shoot a venomous 'harpoon' out that will kill you pretty quick. Scariest thing is, it doesn't have to shoot it in a straight line, but can bend it cause the harpoon is attached to a tentacle.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    That would be the cone shell, does't slice your foot open, but does shoot a venomous 'harpoon' out that will kill you pretty quick. Scariest thing is, it doesn't have to shoot it in a straight line, but can bend it cause the harpoon is attached to a tentacle.

    That's even worse!! Depending on how long the harpoon-tentacle is, you could just innocently step nearby and it could decide it doesn't like the cut of your jib or the style of your espadrilles or whatever, and pow!! Snail harpoon of death. Yeesh.