What has been your biggest struggle with losing weight in the past?



  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    My biggest struggle was my all or nothing way of thinking. As soon as I had a bad meal, I figured that the rest of my day (usually the rest of my week) was ruined. I can't count the number of times that I had great intentions on Monday, went over on Tuesday and said, "I'll start again Monday". Once I got over that mental hurdle I saw some real results. One bad meal or day isn't going to mess up my weight loss goals in the long run, it's how I react to that one bad meal/day/week.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Mine was not learning how to incorporate anything I wanted, including booze unless it was a "cheat day". So of course maintenance was a free for all. Every day was a cheat day. Which is why I'm here after many years of regaining the weight and then some.

    No more cheat days, plenty of on-track treat days.

    It's Friday! I just enjoyed a delicious ribeye (oil, butter, seasonings included and meticulously weighed), a mountain of broccoli and a glass of wine, and I have enough calories left to nibble later or keep working on the wine. I'm not even near getting into my exercise calories yet. I feel like I could eat this way forever. I'm eating like a normal human and losing weight.
  • willburpeeforcookie
    willburpeeforcookie Posts: 117 Member
    For me it has always been a struggle feeling as though I didn't deserve to be fit/healthy or that I wasn't worth the time and effort. I had to change my mind before I could change my body.
  • junethon
    junethon Posts: 11 Member
    My issue is once I reach my goal I forget that it is a lifestyle change not just a diet. I start eating as I did in the past, I forget to watch my calories, I exercise less, then I start to regain. At this point I get frustrated with myself and I eat to feel better. NOT THIS TIME! :)
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    My biggest issue was right between my ears! I used to see my dietician once a week to weigh in, and that created a lot of anxiety for me. We switched to once a month, and that has worked splendidly. I came to dread that weekly weigh-in, and started patterns of disordered eating that disturbed me.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    It was the fear of repeating what I did the first time I tried to lose weight 40 years ago. I did lose weight, with very poor nutrition leading to immune weakness and I contracted pneumonia. My mother's home doctoring nearly killed me. She was abusing the primitive medical system at the time to have 4 different doctors unknown to one another prescribing the same group of strong medications to her. The doc who saw me recommended "rest". Mom prevailed upon me to take one of her sleeping pills. I insisted she break it in half, as I knew the extent of her addiction. That half of one of her pills put me to sleep for 2 days. I woke up, felt better, and went out to get a 20" deep dish pizza. Thus my lifelong fear of being thin and undernourished. With mfp, I finally found a way of knowing what I needed and knowing how to get it. The fear is gone. I'm ok.
  • angfirst
    angfirst Posts: 47 Member
    edited June 2016
    My biggest challenge was banning certain foods from my life. While in theory it should have helped me eat less, it actually caused me to eat more when I binged on those banned foods!