Protein shake for breakfast good or bad?



  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Whey Protein WITH some good carbs is a great meal anytime of the day. Need to add more green veggies? Simply add a handful of fresh spinach to your shake. Be sure to add some fruit, frozen works best and/or some raw oats (great for fiber and very filling). Make sure you are adding carbs with your protein powder to make it balanced. Almond milk works great in protein smoothies.

    Get creative. mango orange ? banana strawberry ?

    Balanced would also include fat, wouldn't it?

    I wouldn't have a protein shake for breakfast as I like breakfast, and I like eating - chewing my food makes me feel more satisfied than if I was to drink the same amount of calories/macros. If I was going to have a liquid breakfast , it would have greens, fruit, fat and protein.

    You do what you like though!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member

    Protein is insulinogenic.

    I looked up insulinogenic :embarassed: and got
    Definition of INSULINOGENIC
    : of, relating to, or stimulating the production of insulin

    So protein stimulates the production of insulin?? I'm still not getting it. Can someone please explain, thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Protein is insulinogenic.

    I looked up insulinogenic :embarassed: and got
    Definition of INSULINOGENIC
    : of, relating to, or stimulating the production of insulin

    So protein stimulates the production of insulin?? I'm still not getting it. Can someone please explain, thanks :flowerforyou:

    People go on about carbs spiking insulin, but so does protein. However, even if it really mattered, you just need to eat a mixed macro meal (i.e. include fats) and it blunts it...for carbs and for protein.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Thanks Sara :smile:
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm not sure its a good/bad dichotomy. I do every day. It boosts my protein macro for the day, quite filling and better than the fry up which is on offer at the canteen where I work :-)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Does protein shake help weightloss??

    I've lost 40 lb doing it. For me its not a way to go onto a VLCD though. I use Its a supplement. I still keep a 1000 cal per day deficit :-) It allows me to meet my protein macro easily without having to take on a load of fat or carb while doing so
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Apparently they are twice as bad on bank holidays....
  • martinastrong
    martinastrong Posts: 2 Member
    That said - not having breakfast isn't the end of the world! If you are not hungry in the morning, don't force yourself to eat! Save those calories for later, when you are hungry. Eating/not eating breakfast isn't going to make or break a diet - it's the number of calories you take in over the long haul that will decide that.

    Wow thats some bad advice right there. Skipping breakfast puts your body into starvation mode which means its going to hang onto that fat with everything its got. If you force yourself to eat a little in the morning, soon you'll find yourself waking up hungry which means your metabolism is working! YAY!
  • That said - not having breakfast isn't the end of the world! If you are not hungry in the morning, don't force yourself to eat! Save those calories for later, when you are hungry. Eating/not eating breakfast isn't going to make or break a diet - it's the number of calories you take in over the long haul that will decide that.

    Wow thats some bad advice right there. Skipping breakfast puts your body into starvation mode which means its going to hang onto that fat with everything its got. If you force yourself to eat a little in the morning, soon you'll find yourself waking up hungry which means your metabolism is working! YAY!

    Wow that's some bro-science right there. Skipping breakfast in no way puts your body into "starvation mode". True starvation mode, where the body stop burning fat in cases of famine only happens, get this, after a famine. If you didn't eat, or ate extremely little (a few hundred calories) every day for weeks on end, and you got down to very little body fat that way, only THEN would your body start to hang on to its last reserves of fat. Your fat reserves are there for just that reason, and your body suddenly going "HOLY CRAP! EVERYONE STOP USING THE FAT!" whenever you missed a meal would make us pretty unsuccessful, as a species.

    That said, true starvation diets where you eat very little for long periods of time will burn muscle as well as fat. The point of a low-slow burn of a few hundred calories a day under your TDEE is to reduce muscle wasting while still burning a little fat. But skipping one meal a day still make no difference. Many people are successful using leangains style 6-8 hour eating window, and many people skip an entire day once a week for fasting. Everyone's different, but nobody without hypoglycemia or diabetes or some other metabolic disorder is going to go haywire from missing a meal now and then.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    That said - not having breakfast isn't the end of the world! If you are not hungry in the morning, don't force yourself to eat! Save those calories for later, when you are hungry. Eating/not eating breakfast isn't going to make or break a diet - it's the number of calories you take in over the long haul that will decide that.

    Wow thats some bad advice right there. Skipping breakfast puts your body into starvation mode which means its going to hang onto that fat with everything its got. If you force yourself to eat a little in the morning, soon you'll find yourself waking up hungry which means your metabolism is working! YAY!

    This is absolutely wrong. Your body does not go into starvation mode by skipping breakfast in the slightest.