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Cheat day..yes or no?



  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited December 2016
    I wouldn't have a whole cheat day if I was you. If you've been on a diet for a long period of time I would have a cheat meal once a week just to make sure your body's metabolism gets shocked and metabolizes your meal.
    Why would the metabolism need to be "shocked" into metabolizing a meal...?
    I'm not saying eat sweets and craziness. Have a nice high carb moderate protein moderate fat meal. And a lot of people imo get confused that the body doesn't run on a weekly basis. It runs of an a daily hour to hour basis. So cutting back on calories to prepare for something big doesn't make sense.
    Nonsense. How did you determine this?
    The last thing you want is to continue to drop your calories because you're losing progress and that's simply because your body's metabolism will adjust if you feed it the same thing. Why I think a cheat meal is very important once a week. Just my 2 cents.
    What does this even mean?
  • banpluak
    banpluak Posts: 11 Member
    I have almost zero access to the treats that I crave so for me a cheat day does happen. Once every 3 months or so I have to return to civilization, so to speak, and then I eat, drink and be merry. This is not just a cheat for the diet but for my mind as well. It actually revitalizes my efforts for losing weight and calorie control. But thsat's just me. Right or wrong I need to play once in a while.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    I couldn't even imagine 20k, or even 12, being required. That would likely land me in a hospital getting my stomach pumped.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.

    1) The figure being discussed was 14k
    2)We are talking about 1 day at these calories not a prolonged period
    3)Someone who has a high TDEE

  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2016
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.

    1) The figure being discussed was 14k
    2)We are talking about 1 day at these calories not a prolonged period
    3)Someone who has a high TDEE

    That poster doesn't have a high TDEE. He has a history of wondering why he can't lose weight. I defend my statement of saying that for him it was disordered and a binge.

    For someone else, it could be a planned refeed.
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    You can do too much damage with a cheat day. Have a cheat meal once a week. That way you don't just lose it and binge, but there is some control. I have a cheat meal schedule every week. I don't always use it, but I have it to look forward to just in case I am having a weak moment.

    ^^This!! I use to have a Saturday as my cheat day but would go WILD and end up spending the following week paying for it, just to end up doing the same every week and not losing. Now I have a treat on a Saturday (be it a meal I've been looking forward to or a dessert or a sweet etc) and it works better for me!! I allow myself a treat every day (within my calorie budget) so I don't feel the need to go mad on a Saturday and it's much more sustainable in the long run (for me at least, everyone is different).
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I'd like to see what 4lb uncooked spaghetti looks like! I bet that's awesome!! It sounds like heaven!!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I'd like to see what 4lb uncooked spaghetti looks like! I bet that's awesome!! It sounds like heaven!!

    It ended up being rather difficult to cook because, despite having a large pot for cooking, I didn't have a big enough strainer for it. So when it was done cooking, I had to strain some of it from the pot, then set the rest of the spaghetti and water aside, find another container to put the strained spaghetti in the meantime while straining the rest of the spaghetti, then repeat.
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.

    1) The figure being discussed was 14k
    2)We are talking about 1 day at these calories not a prolonged period
    3)Someone who has a high TDEE

    That poster doesn't have a high TDEE. He has a history of wondering why he can't lose weight. I defend my statement of saying that for him it was disordered and a binge.

    For someone else, it could be a planned refeed.

    It has been quite awhile since I've had trouble losing weight. And yes, I've had trouble losing even when eating at a deficit... that's incredibly frustrating for someone with my appetite. I could put up with feeling like I'm starving as long as I'm seeing some progress. When I hit a plateau and progress stops, it becomes impossible to justify being dissatisfied AND to have no progress. I've found that very few understand or have experienced a true plateau / whoosh. After it happened to me a couple of times, I've figured them out. So I haven't actually asked for help on plateaus for about 2 years. I haven't experienced a true plateau for 1.5 years. And for the past 9 months, I've actually been losing based on CICO finally after switching to low carb.

    So I've lost very slowly for most of 3 years and half of that loss has happened in the past 9 months when I finally figured out what works for me. I still have cheat days with about the same frequency as during the first year (actually, about twice as often, but with smaller magnitudes that even out to about the same), but have still lost much more quickly.

    I find it odd that you would bring up challenges / struggles where I most recently posted for help 2 years ago; and for which you don't recall the details correctly and wouldn't have known what happened since. It seems to be a particularly unusual method to argue the definition of "cheat day."
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.

    1) The figure being discussed was 14k

    The figure being discussed was 16K or, specifically, 14K over maintenance, which I estimated at 2000 for the person who said she gained 4 lbs after a "bit of a cheat, not massive." The question was whether one would actually gain 4 lb of FAT after such a cheat day, which I believe is not possible (in part because no one would describe 14K over maintenance as "a bit of a cheat, not massive.")

    Given the amount of food this involves, I still don't see how this level of calories is ever required, but I want to make sure the correct context is given.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    mskimee wrote: »
    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I'd like to see what 4lb uncooked spaghetti looks like! I bet that's awesome!! It sounds like heaven!!

    Rice, not pasta, but I think this will help out. (The rice part starts about halfway in.)

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.

    1) The figure being discussed was 14k

    The figure being discussed was 16K or, specifically, 14K over maintenance, which I estimated at 2000 for the person who said she gained 4 lbs after a "bit of a cheat, not massive." The question was whether one would actually gain 4 lb of FAT after such a cheat day, which I believe is not possible (in part because no one would describe 14K over maintenance as "a bit of a cheat, not massive.")

    Given the amount of food this involves, I still don't see how this level of calories is ever required, but I want to make sure the correct context is given.

    That'll teach me to read further back before commenting.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That's why I think it's important to understand how weight loss works. It's simply not physically possible to gain 4 lbs in a day, let alone if you are basically staying in maintenance calories (which is how I read "bit of a cheat day, not massively"). What is possible is for weight to fluctuate daily independent of what you eat, and what is also possible is for a major change in amount of sodium or carbs (or also other things like exercise) to lead to a big fluctuation of water. But unless preparing for a bikini competition or some such most people don't have reason to care about water weight.

    The reason I think it's harmful to mistakenly think that these are fat changes and mean that eating at maintenance but pizza (or having one cookie or whatever) = weight gain is, well, it's not true and it's bad to believe things that aren't true, but also because it can lead to the idea that to diet correctly one must be very restrictive way beyond watching calories (or keep calories super low all the time, as some seem to think)* and that can lead to the idea that if you go off plan some day, well, then, it's ruined and might as well go nuts or feel bad about yourself.

    For me, "cheating" wasn't a good concept because I easily fall into the "well, I cheated so it's a bad day, so I might as well make it worth it" or "it's already bad so eating more won't make it worse, I'll get back to it tomorrow or Monday or after Christmas or on Jan 1." (Did that repeatedly until I finally got serious in late Jan 2014, even though intellectually I knew it was stupid.)

    Now, not saying anyone should have to eat anything they prefer not to, but I do think it's important to understand that eating a cheat food doesn't cause fat gain -- eating excessive calories do. And to lose 2 lb of fat you need around a deficit of 7000, so to gain 4 lb of fat you'd need a surplus of 14,000 calories.

    *For example, there was a poster who claimed to gain on 1400 but lose 2 lb per week at 1200 which is simply again not possible.

    A surplus of 14K calories in a day is possible. In fact, it isn't really that hard... I've had cheat days of far more than 14K surplus. Some of us have an appetite.

    So you can throw down 12-14 pounds of ribeye steak in a day? Or maybe 10 cups/5 pounds of pure lard (100% fat, max possible calories)? C'mon now. We're pushing the boundaries of "speshul snowflake" here.

    I don't think I've ever eaten pure lard for a day, but have had cheat days with several donuts, 4 lbs. (uncooked weight) spaghetti + sauce (including 2 lbs. sausage), pizzas, a few cakes, cookies, chips, and ice cream. Yes, there have been cheat days where I have logged in excess of 20K.

    So not one of the overweight or formerly overweight people here are capable or have ever been capable of eating a big surplus the way I have?! I find that hard to believe. Still, I won't say it is "not possible."

    I also agree that for the vast majority this would be impossible to achieve and certainly an unlikely regular occurrence.

    But do you really think it is relevant for the poster who was concerned that she went from a 2 lb loss to a 4 lb gain in one weekend after a cheat meal? Do you really think the likely situation is that she consumed these vast quantities of foods that you indicate are possible? Or.... do you think it is far more likely that she probably had some temporary water retention from an increase in sodium, carbs, or both on a cheat day that was maybe 1000 or so cals above her norm?

    You seem determined to bring in your individual experience into these threads as if it is representative for the rest of the population, derailing the thread into another argument with people disputing your claims or arguing over semantics, which is just not helpful.

    OP's question was about our thoughts on a cheat day. My thoughts are that it can seriously set back weight loss. I say "can" and not "will" because there are a lot of variables. My experience is that scheduling a cheat day once every several months slows down weight loss significantly. A cheat day every month would negate deficits for the whole month and possibly cause a gain.

    Are my thoughts and experiences on a cheat day relevant to OP's question about our thoughts on cheat days? Yes.

    If you are talking about a 14K+ cheat day then no, they are probably not relevant...

    That's not a cheat day. That's more in the neighborhood of a binge.

    Maybe for some but for others, like myself, a day of that caloric magnitude is not that detrimental and is sometimes required. It all comes down to circumstance though.

    For who in their right mind is 20k kcal required? Even Michael Phelps said that 12k number about him that went around the internet was overinflated.

    1) The figure being discussed was 14k
    2)We are talking about 1 day at these calories not a prolonged period
    3)Someone who has a high TDEE

    Even with a high TDEE, let's say 5000, who needs 3 times their TDEE?
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    I told myself a long time ago that I would never go on a diet so restrictive that I felt like I NEEDED to have a cheat day. When I think of cheat days/meals I think of my extremely restrictive Atkins diet and then having cheat days...or cheating 1 bad thing and just throwing the whole day away! It was a horrible cycle I will never put myself through again!
  • TaraTaraTara76
    TaraTaraTara76 Posts: 89 Member
    I don't think they are a good idea. From deprivation we are all bound to sometimes cheat but to plan one out intentionally is no good. In my opinion. I used to do cheat days but then realized I was screwing up here and there anyways. I think your body will almost make you cheat sometimes just don't plan it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't think they are a good idea. From deprivation we are all bound to sometimes cheat but to plan one out intentionally is no good. In my opinion. I used to do cheat days but then realized I was screwing up here and there anyways. I think your body will almost make you cheat sometimes just don't plan it.

    Doesn't it depend on what a "cheat day" is?

    I don't think the term "cheat" really makes sense in this context, but since people seem to like to use it I think we need to recognize there are a wide variety of meanings.

    (Also I'd question the idea that eating a bit off plan = "screwing up" or that dieting="deprivation.")
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I don't think they are a good idea. From deprivation we are all bound to sometimes cheat but to plan one out intentionally is no good. In my opinion. I used to do cheat days but then realized I was screwing up here and there anyways. I think your body will almost make you cheat sometimes just don't plan it.

    This is confusing.

    Your body will make you cheat, don't plan it?

    I've had that happen, actually, from over-restricting.

    It led to overeating.

    Wouldn't it be better to plan a controlled indulgence within a certain calorie budget so that you're not undoing hard work than to let your body decide it's had enough and go hog wild?

    I'm not saying that all scenarios of the body making you cheat will necessarily lead to overeating, but I don't understand what you're saying here, and why you think unplanned cheats are okay and planned ones aren't.

    I find the psychology of planned ones healthier. Planned indulgence - dieter is in control of food choice and decision making process, eats planned food and walks away from the process feeling fine. Unplanned - dieter reaches a breaking point, gives in, has what they've been denying themselves and then swears "never again" and feels shame.

    Very unhealthy behavior.
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    I know plenty people who have cheat days and I also know plenty that don't. I'm one for the latter, as a cheat day to me means I'm on a diet and this is temporary. For me, I've made a lifestyle change and cheat days has no place in my thinking. For others its the exact opposite, so do what works for you.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited December 2016
    I know plenty people who have cheat days and I also know plenty that don't. I'm one for the latter, as a cheat day to me means I'm on a diet and this is temporary. For me, I've made a lifestyle change and cheat days has no place in my thinking. For others its the exact opposite, so do what works for you.

    I'll weigh in as the exact opposite. For me, they're not "cheat days", they're just part of life - because there are special occasions when I'm going to throw moderation to the wind and not worry about it for a meal, or a day. For me, part of a "lifestyle change" is thinking about things in the long term, and I know that an occasional indulgence is going to have minimal, if any, effect in the big picture. So I'm up 4-5 pounds the next day from water retention and extra food in my intestines....big deal, I know it's temporary and will work its way out within a few days.

    A cheat day to me doesn't mean I'm on a diet and this is temporary - it means I'm in it for the long term and have figured out how to fit them in within the proper context and not be obsessive about it.

    With that said, I don't schedule cheat days/meals. I just let them happen when they happen and make sure they're the exception rather than the rule.