10,000 steps a day?



  • kaaaayla
    kaaaayla Posts: 91 Member
    It's 2pm, and I'm currently at 11,642 because I went to the gym before work. But on days when I don't work out, I take the stairs at work, park far away from the door, take my dogs for longer walks, leave my key card at my desk so I have to take the long route around the office... and then if I'm at like 8 or 9k before bedtime, I'll just wander around the house and put things away, water the plants, whatever. Gets chores done and steps in.
    But the easiest thing is to pre-plan. Have a goal of getting to 4,000 by lunch time. Then if you're not there, take a walk. That way, you'll have less to do at night.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited July 2016
    You have to strategize. I considered riding the bus to work, but it would drop me off at the office. Instead I talk the subway and walk 3 miles daily and climb 18 stairs when my knees are okay with it.

    I do not live in a city with a bus/subway system.

    But I do make conscious efforts to park further away or take stairs.

    As for my feet hurting, I am trying to rectify that. I have plantar faciitis and have inserts and I do stretches.

    I walk with my 7 month old in the stroller and it is generally at least a 2 mile walk. You would think I would get to my goal of 7500 with that.

    Thanks for your insight.
  • cindygogle75
    cindygogle75 Posts: 27 Member
    Besides using my fitness pal I also use the sense me app on my phone and carry my phone on my all day and it records all your steps taken no matter what you are doing sometimes I go over 10,000 steps one day I did almost 19,000 steps
  • sfhappy
    sfhappy Posts: 59 Member
    Sorry to hear your feet are hurting you. Perhaps you should not worry so much about taking more steps, but focus more on alleviating the plantar fasciitis. I remember how painful that was for me. It took awhile, but I finally got over it. Had to tape my foot for support.

    However, the way I figure the "steps" method is that about 1000 steps is 1/2 mile. So, if you can walk 1 mile in 20 minutes, that would be 2000 steps. You might think about staying active for 20 minutes at a time in order to better reach your goal.

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    CaptainJoy wrote: »
    If you carry a child around, push a stroller or shopping cart, or carry baskets of laundry around, you're probably getting more steps in than your tracker shows. Consider putting your tracker in your pocket or on your ankle if you don't swing your arms as much. It'll pick up more of your missed steps through out the day.

    UGH! Yes! I walked a TON on vacation - the one day we walked so much my feet and legs were sore but I was pushing a wheelchair the whole time and only 3,000 steps registered for the day! Booo!!!
  • Sarc_Warrior
    Sarc_Warrior Posts: 430 Member
    I have severe asthma as well as an autoimmune disease that effects the lungs. I am a proud father of a 5 and 9 year old. I have a desk job. And I still find a way to get 14000 steps a day.