How Low-Carb Diets Actually Work



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    julescba04 wrote: »
    I'm finding Keto making huge difference. No more rumbling tummies and thinking that I might starve to death. I've had one meal today!!!! ( 1100 calories and a low carb chocolate bar)

    Are you saying you eat one meal a day? If so, what do your meals look like. I'm so tired of bingeing at night on carbs, that I've got to find some way of sticking to my 1200 calories a day without starving to death.

    Are you sure 1200 isn't too aggressive a limit? You might be having trouble because you're restricting too much. Double-check your recommended intake with one of the several calculators mentioned in the Launch Pad and in other threads, and see if you can't bump up your intake a little bit. It might not require much, even something as little as 100-150 might be sufficient to stave off the cravings.

    Additionally, check your foods for artificial sweeteners or other potential trigger foods. It's possible they're sabotaging you without you realizing it, and not allowing your body to drop the cravings.