Eat whatever you want



  • Annahbananas
    Annahbananas Posts: 284 Member
    Yes, I pretty much eat whatever I want as long as it's under my calorie goal for the day. I've had the best weight-loss results through doing it this way rather than cutting out entire chunks of food
  • ehaze52
    ehaze52 Posts: 10 Member
    I spent years teaching myself to want healthy foods. I also learned how to make healthy versions of things like pizza so if that's what I want, I can have it. Now I don't think about it, I just make and eat what I want.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    No, actually. I want pizza, cake, chocolate, big greasy sandwiches...and a lot of it. But even if I ate a small portion, I'd be hungry the rest of the day-even in maintenance. Luckily I also want vegetables so I get by with treating myself to the rest once in awhile.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    No, actually. I want pizza, cake, chocolate, big greasy sandwiches...and a lot of it. But even if I ate a small portion, I'd be hungry the rest of the day-even in maintenance. Luckily I also want vegetables so I get by with treating myself to the rest once in awhile.

    Pretty much.

    Although I guess it depends on everyone's notion of what 'want' means. I eat what I want I guess in the sense that I don't eat things I don't want...
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    No, actually. I want pizza, cake, chocolate, big greasy sandwiches...and a lot of it. But even if I ate a small portion, I'd be hungry the rest of the day-even in maintenance. Luckily I also want vegetables so I get by with treating myself to the rest once in awhile.

    Pretty much.

    Although I guess it depends on everyone's notion of what 'want' means. I eat what I want I guess in the sense that I don't eat things I don't want...

    Exactly. And I didn't see your post before posting mine.

    I don't eat things I don't like. I also don't need every meal to be a decadent gourmet explosion in my mouth. My lunch is fuel. It's a huge salad with protein and 400grams of veg with hot sauce. I like the way it tastes and it gets me through my day. I also like the way pizza tastes but one slice would have more calories than a salad I eat from a mixing bowl, and I'd be hungry 30 min. later.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    70lbs down enjoying all my favorites and staying within my calories. This prevents the need for "cheats". I do watch my protein, but that's about it.
  • sweetilemon
    sweetilemon Posts: 122 Member
    It's all balance, I don't eat any 'new' foods just because I'm trying to lose weight. I certainly wouldn't eat something I didn't like. I like healthy foods but I also like high cal foods so it's just about balance. When I'm watching my calories I tend to eat things in proportion to my daily calorie target that will keep me full until the next meal. When I don't watch I end up eating more regularly, bigger portions, sometimes higher calorie choices. When trying to achieve a weight loss goal 'spending' 1000 cals on a big mac meal isn't worth it to me. It's not that I'm depriving myself of today I did fancy a big ice cream sundae but it would have been 1000+ cals. I didn't want a little scoop of ice cream I wanted the full thing. But I want to lose weight more so didn't have it.
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    No it does not work for me, if I have to eat 80 grams pasta or 1/8 of pizza I'll pass it. Eating a little just want me want more of it and does not satisfy me at all. Does it make sense?
  • mrbullfrog
    mrbullfrog Posts: 54 Member
    I have a regular breakfast daily and a protein shake before bed. I tally these calories up first thing in the morning. Should I go over goal before bed I cut out the protein shake.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I enjoy whatever I want. I just make sure it does into my weekly or daily (even better) goals.

    Today I made strawberry pie from scratch with fresh strawberries. Last week it was peach pie, and blackberry pie the week before. These foods are entirely worth rearranging my meal plans to fit (hint: brunch as opposed to breakfast and lunch).

    It wasn't eating the foods I loved that got me into trouble ; it was a combination of eating too much overall and being inactive due to illness and injury. Now I pay attention to my calorie goals.
  • layladrew26
    layladrew26 Posts: 111 Member
    The mistake I made 1st time I used this app was restricting the foods I love.. such as pizza. I ended up giving up on the whole losibg weight thing and put more weight on than when I started because I hadnt had my favourite foods and binged on them. This time round I have managed to lose 3 stone in a year eating whatever foods I want. I love big satisfying meals so try not to snack inbetween meals but if I fancy a packet of crisps or a bar of chocolate I will have it if it fits in my goals. Everyone is different but this method works for me. Its all about seeing what works for them. I do however go over my calorie allowance now and again but no biggie as overall I am still losing weight and it usually balances out over the week. I do believe though if you want to 'feel' good you should eat nutritious foods and try to include them when you can.
  • healthy491
    healthy491 Posts: 384 Member
    Yeah :) especially on weekends ! Life is too short to eat foods you dont like :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    All the yummy food is motivation to exercise. :grin: