Hungry all the time



  • Pete1964AK
    Pete1964AK Posts: 85 Member
    Kev1234567 wrote: »
    a good rule of thumb is when you're craving something sweet, you need more carbs. when you have the munchies, you need more water. I found that trick helpful. I drink loads more water now. apple with peanut butter is not a bad substitute either.

    Loving the sound of apple and peanut butter :-)

    Make sure you weigh the PB though!

    Yeah, because my idea of what a tablespoon of peanut butter looked like and what is actually is - was frighteningly different !
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited August 2016
    Kev1234567 wrote: »
    Popcorn - I read that it is low fat. Is that right ?

    Can be............there are higher fat versions of microwave or pre-popped.

    Popcorn has lots of fiber....that's good for satiating hunger for many people. Air pop your corn, add butter (amount that you control) to give it some fat and (probably) more staying power. Plus salt/toppings actually stick when popcorn has some moisture.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    Kev1234567 wrote: »
    Thanks for the explanation Trish. I thought to lose weight you had to burn off more calories than you ate.

    You do. That is why you have to set up MFP correctly. There's a link on the getting started thread that explains it better then I can.

    First you figure out how much food you need to just be -- to stay at the exact same weight. I think they call it your TDEE total daily energy expenditure. That's your "normal" calorie intake. To lose weight you have to eat less that that, preferably by 3500 calories per week or 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week.

    So for me, my TDEE is around 1700. I have to eat 1200 calories to lose weight (assuming my sedentary lifestyle). When I exercise, it doesn't change my lifestyle because I still sit all day for work but exercise does burn calories. Because I'm already at a low calorie intake goal, if I work out & don't eat my calories back I could pass out. That doesn't help either. If you have bigger numbers & more wiggle room, you eat back fewer of your exercise calories because you still have stores to burn through. But as as an adult it's not a brilliant idea to consistently fall below 1,000 - 1,200 calories per day.

  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I eat that 100 calorie popcorn, I have trouble with night eating so if I am starved I eat me some protein, peanut butter, tuna, ham. Seems to fill me up.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    Kev1234567 wrote: »
    Not sure what you mean by back exercise cals. I eat regular meals. My problem is between meals and in the evening. I snack on biscuits, nuts, bread. All the nice but bad for you stuff.
    Ive started keeping a food diary so I can track exactly what it is I eat, which has made me really think about it and today Ive not snacked once. Fingers crossed.

    Nuts are actually a pretty reasonable snack. Biscuits and bread might be causing more hunger. I found when I started avoiding added sugar I could make it through the day without snacking. Everyone is different but avoiding refined sugar might help you.