Weight Loss Goal

Hi everyone,

I currently weigh 51kg, I'm 5'2 and I wish to lose weight. My ideal goal would be 46kg.
If I stick to a 1000 calorie diet, 1hr of cardio everyday (which on average burns 500 calories) and drink 12 glasses of water a day how much weight can I expect to lose in 14 days?



  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    It depends on how fast you lose and how your diet was before then, but I would say you could lose up to a pound a day, especially if your diet was pretty high calorie before this. The first couple weeks usually have the biggest losses. Good luck! Listen to your body! Make sure those 1000 calories nourish your body or do like me and drink a superfood shake that is about 70 calories and has all the nutrients I need for the entire day in it!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    1000 calories is too low. To get all the nutrients your body needs you need at least 1200 plus eating back 1/2 or more of your exercise calories!
    Why do you want to be underweight?
    Why would you want to harm yourself eating like this?
    Very sad you think this little of yourself!