


  • klp1017
    klp1017 Posts: 95 Member
    This post made me go back and log a chipwich I ate late last night that put me over my calories. Just because I didn't log it doesn't mean I didn't eat it!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think the key is to find what works for you. I personally hate the terminology of "cheat days", and I never used them as such. I've had days where I went over (semi-planned, due to holidays etc) but still logged everything, and occasionally days where I didn't log because either it was just too difficult to estimate (other people cooking for me etc/alcohol involved) or I was just to busy to do so. None of that is what *I* would call cheating. Having labelled "cheat days" is just not something that works for me.

    For some people, having days where they don't log calories is extremely beneficial, psychologically speaking. Since I reached my goal weight and started maintaining, I have found it extremely difficult to have days where I am more relaxed about logging, and find that psychologically, I'm very reliant on strict logging. I don't like that. I actually wish that while I was losing weight, I'd incorporated more days without logging at all.

    So, I don't think it's about self-deception, at least it isn't about that for everyone. For some people it's just about being a bit more relaxed and not having to think about calories for that day, and if that helps them to stick to it long-term, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's about results over time anyway, not one individual day. If you're having cheat days and not logging them, and not getting the results you want, then obviously that's something to look at. If you're getting the results you want, then who cares?
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    Like so many of you, I dislike the whole mindset of "cheat days" or "cheating". But I know what you mean: eating and ignoring it, as if what you don't log didn't happen. As someone who lost, then regained all and more, that's exactly why I'm on MFP and keep logging even at goal.

    Some days I end up (b/c of workout) with cals unused. I'll occasionally allow myself to eat back some of these the next day- just like the WW approach of banking points. I'm not cheating, I've planned for the treat. Keeps me off that slippery slope... I never want to regain again.