September (2016) Running Challenge



  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    9/01 ..... 3.2
    9/02 ........... Rest
    9/03 ..... 3.3
    9/04 ........... Rest
    9/05 ........... Hiked 6 miles
    9/06 ........... Walked 6 miles with a friend
    9/07 ..... 2.3 Easy run then walked, DOMS was a little much to ignore
    9/08 ........... Rest
    9/09 ........... Rest
    9/10 ..... 3.2 With DD. She walked a little more than last time but I am still happy with what she put in.
    9/11 ..... 5.0 With DH. I was a little surprised with the pace: felt easy at ~10:30 min/mile, it was usually 11-12 for me
    9/12 ........... Rest
    9/13 ..... 3.1 With DH again. It was later at night and we wanted to get it done. We ended up running more like a tempo speed. I threw in a fast (for me) finish thinking, I probably wouldn't be able to run fast for next few weeks after the blood donation...
    9/14 ........... Rest - donated blood today. Will focus on having more iron rich food and hope the run tomorrow would not be too much of a suffering...
    9/15 ..... 3.1 Ran too fast in the beginning. I need to work on slowing down again...
    9/16 ........... Rest from running. Did some bodyweight strength training again, finally :sweat_smile:
    9/17 ..... 3.3 Family/Group run
    9/18 ..... 2.4 Wanted to run 5~6 miles but my legs (mostly left leg) felt really tight which I assumed was from the strength training on Friday and possibly a lot of standing the day before. Half way through, DH wanted to stop and I gladly agreed...
    9/19 ........... Rest
    9/20 ........... Walked 5 miles
    9/21 ........... Rest
    9/22 ..... 3.2
    9/23 ........... Rest
    9/24 ..... 3.3 Family/Group Run
    9/25 ........... Too Hot
    9/26 ......5.0
    9/27 ........... Rest
    9/28 ......3.2 + strength train
    9/29 ..... 3.1 with DH

    Total Miles: 46.6

    Nice and cool running weather today. It's a dilemma running with DH: it is nice to run together but he usually runs faster than I would like :confused:

    Rest day planned for tomorrow, so, this will be my last run of the month and not meeting goal is a reality.


  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    vandinem wrote: »
    @greenolivetree Grabbed by a black dog in the dark?! I'd have passed out and I'd still be out.

    I literally was thinking "I'm still breathing, my heart is beating, I'm running, I'm not dead!" Apparently not a mean dog but sheesh! Outta nowhere.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    - more consistent with running, aiming at consistently over 30 mpw
    - more consistent with strength training
    - lose 5-10 lbs, would be nice to shave 2 inches off my waistline :blush:

    Stretched goals:
    - winning an age group 5k medal: there is some local races that I may be more likely to get a bronze even in my current condition but DH asked me, "wouldn't you want to get one that you feel like it count?" Ugh, yes. There are two races that I would feel more meaningful, I will need to run 5k in under 23 minutes in those to have a chance. My PR was 26:04 from almost a year ago... not so likely for the coming year.
    - sub-2 hour HM, current PR 2:23:54, again, not so likely in a year

    @greenolivetree That's scary :scream:
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    9/1 - 4 miles. Weather was beautiful! Had to cut it short because I hit snooze too many times.
    9/2 - Unplanned rest day. Apparently yesterday's snoozing was due to impending illness. First virus of the new school year.
    9/3 - 8.09 mile group run. Again, beautiful weather! Plus, virus seems gone.
    9/4 - Normal rest day. Way overate at family picnic.
    9/5 - 5.06 miles.
    9/6 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class.
    9/7 - 4.03 hot, humid, sticky miles...summer is not over yet!
    9/8 - 5.2 miles at Trek/treadmill class.
    9/9 - Managed to turn off my alarm and oversleep by 2 hours = no run or spin class :-1:
    9/10 - 9.4 mile group run. Another gorgeous morning for a run!
    9/11 - Insanely busy church/family activity day.
    9/12 - 4.7 miles. Getting spoiled by this weather.
    9/13 - Life got in the way.
    9/14 - 5.08 miles...seriously, this weather is fantastic for running!
    9/15 - 4.06 miles. Legs felt like bags of wet sand.
    9/16 - Spin Class. Missed it the last two weeks, so it felt difficult in a good way.
    9/17 - 3.33 miles. Short run before race tomorrow.
    9/18 - 10.15 miles. Capital Pursuit 10-Mile. Love this race! "Serious" runners for the most part, so it tends to be fast. Weather was beautiful, if a bit hot the last two miles. Time about what I expected based on my training level the last few months. Loved it!
    9/19 - Rest day. Very sore.
    9/20 - 5.05 miles. Beautiful morning.
    9/21 - 4.02 humid, sticky miles. Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that summer's over!
    9/22 - 5.02 miles. First day of fall...77° and humid at 5:00 a.m.!
    9/23 - Spin Class.
    9/24 - 4.75 miles. Was supposed to be 11 mile group run at 6:00, but family life got in the way. By the time I went out, it was 89°...just didn't have it in me.
    9/25 - Rest day.
    9/26 - 5.02 miles. Gorgeous morning! Fall seems to have arrived!
    9/27 - 4.36 miles. Fabulous weather, again!
    9/28 - 4.82 miles. GOAL!!
    9/29 - Rest Day.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sept 1-5.9 miles + 0.6 miles with puppy
    Sept 2-7.5 miles
    Sept 3- 14 hilly miles
    Sept 4-rest day-long hike
    Sept 5-4.0 miles + 0.6 miles with Stella
    Sept 6-8.0 miles w/ cruise intervals
    Sept 7- rest day (because I needed it!)
    Sept 8- 6 miles hills
    Sept 9- 4.4 miles dreadmill speed work AM+ 3.0 miles recovery PM
    Sept 10-3.8 miles
    Sept 11-11.1 miles
    Sept 12-rest the hamstring
    Sept 13- 7.0 miles
    Sept 14- 4.1 miles
    Set 15- rest- hamstring
    Sept 16-rest-hamstring
    Sept 17 5.0 miles
    Sept 18- rest
    Sept 19- 7.0 miles
    Sept 20-4.0 miles
    Sept 21-7.4 miles w/5@ tempo
    Sept 22-5 miles recovery run
    Sept 23- 8.1 miles Treadmill mixed intervals + 0.5 miles with Stella
    Sept 24-4.0 miles easy + 0.8 miles w/ Stella
    Sept 25-16 miles fast finish
    Sept 26-rest day
    Sept 27- 4.5 miles easy
    Sept 28-6.2 w/ 4 @ tempo

    Question for you all. Does anyone ever get real bad chills after a run? Last night I had a strange episode following my run and I'm not sure what to make about it. I did a 6.2 mile run with middle 4 @tempo pace. Temps were around 64F and damp because it had been raining all day. Run felt fine. Afterwards I got in my car and drove home, changed my clothes, played with my dog for a bit and started making my dinner (about 1 hour). Suddenly, I just felt super cold and began to shiver uncontrollably. I made a cup of tea which did not help. All of my limbs were aching and I could not quit shivering. I took a hot shower for about 25 minutes. I barely had the energy to get dressed and hop into bed. I layed under my covers still shaking and eventually fell asleep. I woke up about two hours later soaking wet. I changed my shirt and went back to bed. I woke up again, soaking wet. Changed again and went back to sleep. This morning I woke up feeling tired, but better. I showered and came to work and I feel fine.

    In Dec 2014, while in peak training for a January marathon, I had a similar episode that left me very ill for a week. We were in New York, the day after a 20 miler, when I got the same type of shivers. The next day on the trip home, I got such intense muscle aches that I could barely move. They lasted a week. I went to my doctor and he thought that it was because I needed my immunosuppressant medication. I got the infusion and was eventually fine. In hind sight, I have since speculated that I was actually experiencing the symptoms of acute dehydration. The 20 mile run capping off a peak training weak, followed by one too many cocktails, etc.

    The past two weeks have been a a bit crazy for me as well. I got braces on last Monday and have had a good bit of trouble eating. The pain has subsided, but I have not been able to chew real well. I lost 3 pounds since getting them on. I have been trying to drink a lot though. I am wondering if it could be due to lack of proper nutrition or something else involving my teeth or if it was just one of those things. I am not sure if maybe I should take a rest day today. Drinking a Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness shake for some nutrition.

    Does anyone have any insight?
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2016
    on a side note, I swear, I'm actually getting more tired from keeping the run slow than when I sped through it. Is this for real, or is it in my head? could it just be that since the time on my feet is longer for the mileage? Interesting things for me to ponder.

    Not sure if this is for real or in the head but I totally feel the same way, as if my feet are happier in more or less a tempo speed. I wonder if it has anything to do how the hormones are generated in different running speed.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Your "brave woman" post on strava cracked me up this morning. Hey person ahead with a dorky vest and headlamp on. LOL

    Me and this guy Scott in my group always *kitten* about the same thing. There's a 2 lane highway with no one else on the road, and they all insist on taking the inner lane past us. If they do move over, it's like at the last second and by then you are already leaning up on the curb.

    @Stoshew71 It's so frustrating! Especially in the dark, you have no idea if the person in the car even sees you because you're squinting against their headlights. But I don't wear all this safety gear for people to ignore it!!

    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    Me, back chasing that sub 2 half pain free, strong, having had won the lottery so I can come visit everyone and we can go run and shop for new gear together. :blush: a year from now- I'd really like to be at my running goal weight, -10 pounds.

    In the next year I want to BQ (this fall) and I am playing with the idea of a 50k in the early summer and a 50 miler NEXT fall. But we'll see if I take to trail running or not. Next spring I want to get to a 1:30-1:32 HM time. No spring marathons for me... taking the HM by the horns instead! I wanna get faster at long distances, but I also want to run longer races. I'm nuts ;)
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @greenolivetree - man, that WOULD be scary. I laughed though at the "what the crap, am I gonna die?" reaction. Good lord, people, don't just let your dogs hang out in the dark (or pretty much any time) unsupervised and free!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    My goal for a long time has been to get faster, but it is a puzzle I can't seem to solve, and I'm starting to worry that my accumulation of Birthdays is my major problem. I've been very consistent with the MFP Running Challenge group for over a year at 100 miles/month (minus a couple due to injury), so I think I have the mileage base, but I can't crack 8:30/mile very often. With the coming Treadmill Season, I'm going to see if I can do some interval workouts to improve on that.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @lporter229 I get chills after harder runs sometimes too, I think it has to do with adrenaline dump after a hard workout.
  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    Having just started running in January 2017, I have a long way to go so this will be a good sized list :)

    - train for my first Half - the Indy Mini in May 2017 - still debating between Higdon Half Marathon plan, Hanson Half Marathon plan or Fitzgerald 80/20 plan
    - add strength training this winter once Fall races are completed
    - develop a proper dynamic warmup before running and actually use it
    - develop a proper post-run recovery routine (stretching, foam rolling, etc) and actually use it
    - change nutrition profile - daily eating habits I used to lose 135lbs can no longer be used when running 20+ miles a week - need to change daily nutrition profile to support new amount of exercise
    - work to improve running technique - currently working on hip based routines to improve all three axis of motion

    Gonna be busy for the next 9 months or so ...
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited September 2016
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Sept 1-5.9 miles + 0.6 miles with puppy
    Question for you all. Does anyone ever get real bad chills after a run? Last night I had a strange episode following my run and I'm not sure what to make about it. I did a 6.2 mile run with middle 4 @tempo pace. Temps were around 64F and damp because it had been raining all day. Run felt fine. Afterwards I got in my car and drove home, changed my clothes, played with my dog for a bit and started making my dinner (about 1 hour). Suddenly, I just felt super cold and began to shiver uncontrollably. I made a cup of tea which did not help. All of my limbs were aching and I could not quit shivering. I took a hot shower for about 25 minutes. I barely had the energy to get dressed and hop into bed. I layed under my covers still shaking and eventually fell asleep. I woke up about two hours later soaking wet. I changed my shirt and went back to bed. I woke up again, soaking wet. Changed again and went back to sleep. This morning I woke up feeling tired, but better. I showered and came to work and I feel fine.

    In Dec 2014, while in peak training for a January marathon, I had a similar episode that left me very ill for a week. We were in New York, the day after a 20 miler, when I got the same type of shivers. The next day on the trip home, I got such intense muscle aches that I could barely move. They lasted a week. I went to my doctor and he thought that it was because I needed my immunosuppressant medication. I got the infusion and was eventually fine. In hind sight, I have since speculated that I was actually experiencing the symptoms of acute dehydration. The 20 mile run capping off a peak training weak, followed by one too many cocktails, etc.

    The past two weeks have been a a bit crazy for me as well. I got braces on last Monday and have had a good bit of trouble eating. The pain has subsided, but I have not been able to chew real well. I lost 3 pounds since getting them on. I have been trying to drink a lot though. I am wondering if it could be due to lack of proper nutrition or something else involving my teeth or if it was just one of those things. I am not sure if maybe I should take a rest day today. Drinking a Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness shake for some nutrition.

    Does anyone have any insight?

    Thank you Dr. Google:


    Apparently a big topic of discussion in Oct 2010...
  • ccontr11
    ccontr11 Posts: 25 Member
    9/1: 3.02 miles
    9/5: 3.09 miles
    9/6: 3.08 miles
    9/8: 1.29 miles
    9/10: 3.20 miles
    9/11: 3.03 miles
    9/12: 2.89 miles
    9/14: 3.55 miles
    9/17: 3.02 miles
    9/19: 3.03 miles
    9/24: 2.94 miles
    9/27: 3.15 miles
    9/27: 2.09 miles
    9/28: 5.80 miles
    9/29: 3.50 miles

    Total: 46.59 miles
    Goal: 50 miles

    Almost there! Good job on completing your running goals this month, everyone! I'm so glad I found this group, seeing everyone's motivation on here has really motivated me to consistently run again, which is amazing! I almost thought I wasn't gonna reach my goal this month but here we are, 3.5ish miles away!! The weather is so nice today, I might just finish up today :)

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @greenolivetree Yikes!

    Hope you are unharmed. I would have thought the boogie werewolf vampire got me!
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    9/1: 4.1 miles / Treadmill Run in Afghanistan
    9/4: 7 miles / Track run in Afghanistan
    9/5: 5 miles / Track run in Afghanistan while listening to an outgoing rocket blast. (Outgoing=good / Incoming=Bad)
    9/8: 5 miles / Track run in Afghanistan
    9/9: 8 miles / Track run in Afghanistan
    9/10: 4 miles / Track run in Afghanistan
    9/11: No running: Left Afghanistan and it was weird to have the 9/11 date stamp by my Afghanistan visa on my passport.
    9/12: 6.45 miles / Treadmill run in Dubai (Way too hot to do anything outside other than lie on the beach under an umbrella, which is what I did most of the day)
    9/13: Arrived back home to Texas!! Slept, slept, and slept some more
    9/14: 12 miles / Run in the park breathing clean air
    9/15: 3.1 miles and Body Pump / Happy 15 year wedding anniversary to me and Hubby!
    9/16: 5 miles
    9/17: Rest Day
    9/18: 13.1 miles / Half Marathon training to test 30 seconds slower than goal pace. Ran with an 8:40 average pace with plenty of room to spare. Started in the dark on a paved trail around a lake with a headlamp and bugs flying at my head and lots of wind and a few spider webs. Then the sun came out so I put my visor on (thanks to my trusty hydration belt for giving me a strap to tuck that into), then it rained, then it sunned, rained, and back to sunny. Very happy with my pace, hydration, and Sport Beans.
    9/19: 4 miles / Hot and humid before work - No breeze, and no one had their sprinklers on.
    9/20: Body Pump Class and 20 minutes of Elliptical
    9/21: 3 miles in the morning, Yoga in the evening
    9/22: 4.39 miles (Warm up, 10x 400m intervals with 1 minute recovery between, cool down) / Body Pump
    9/23: Yoga
    9/24: 10 miles: Found a neighborhood with lots of hills: 687’ Elevation gain (which is a lot for Texas!!)
    9/25: 5 mile dreadmill run / Strength Training
    9/26: 4.15 miles
    9/27: Body Pump and 20 minutes on the Stair Climber
    9/28: 4 mile birthday run, celebrating turning 29 again and again and again…
    9/29: 2.2 mile run / Body Pump after work

    109.5 of 100 miles for September

    2016 Races Completed:
    Buffalo Boogie (5K) May 7 – 23:42
    Marine Creek Trailhead Trot (5K) May 14 – 22:00
    Joe’s Run (10K) June 4 – 48:04
    Firecracker 5000 (5K) July 4 – 22:51
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (15K at Night) July 16 – 1:32:05

    Upcoming Races:
    Clark Gardens I’m Only Half Crazy Half Marathon/5K (HM) Oct 1
    BMW Dallas Marathon (HM) Dec 11
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26

    Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes yesterday!! I thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate cake from my team and the homemade Harvey Wallbanger cake (best cake ever!!) from my husband. Cake has carbs and I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to carb load before my half marathon on Saturday, right? ;)

    @greenolivetree How scary about the dog. I do run with a small pepper spray that straps to my hand. I bought it because some scary guy appeared to follow me on a trail once, but I figured I'm probably more likely to need it against an animal. Every now and then, I do see stray dogs roaming around, and there are some people who don't keep their dogs on a leash. I had a co-worker attacked by a dog once while walking her dog. If you do get pepper spray, just make sure you learn how to use it.

    I sent a request to join the Strava group, so the pic of the blonde runner named Lisa is me!! :smiley:

    @Stoshew71 Thanks for the link. I'm always freezing post run too. Well, at first I'm hot, but then I get super cold, even in the Texas summers. Like the author, I'm tall and thin with a BMI on the low end of the range.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes yesterday!! I thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate cake from my team and the homemade Harvey Wallbanger cake (best cake ever!!) from my husband. Cake has carbs and I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to carb load before my half marathon on Saturday, right? ;)

    I sent a request to join the Strava group, so the pic of the blonde runner named Lisa is me!! :smiley:

    @Stoshew71 Thanks for the link. I'm always freezing post run too. Well, at first I'm hot, but then I get super cold, even in the Texas summers. Like the author, I'm tall and thin with a BMI on the low end of the range.

    You are welcome. Interesting read since I never really looked into it before.
    @Elise4270 must have beaten me to the punch since you were already accepted into the group when I looked in.
    Happy belated birthday btw.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    End of month question for everyone. What changes, goals do you anticipate seeing in the next year running? Where would you like to be?

    Me, back chasing that sub 2 half pain free, strong, having had won the lottery so I can come visit everyone and we can go run and shop for new gear together. :blush: a year from now- I'd really like to be at my running goal weight, -10 pounds.

    My goals are:
    • Complete my 1st marathon. (Some goals may change depending on how the marathon goes. Not sure if I'll love it or hate it.)
    • Run in at least 3 of the XTERRA Texas Trail Running Series Races
    • I reached my goal weight this year, so I want to continue to maintain my weight and living a much healthier lifestyle.
    • Continue to improve my running abilities, whether it's my speed, technique, etc...

    Looking forward to seeing everyone else's goals!! :smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes yesterday!! I thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate cake from my team and the homemade Harvey Wallbanger cake (best cake ever!!) from my husband. Cake has carbs and I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to carb load before my half marathon on Saturday, right? ;)

    I sent a request to join the Strava group, so the pic of the blonde runner named Lisa is me!! :smiley:

    @Stoshew71 Thanks for the link. I'm always freezing post run too. Well, at first I'm hot, but then I get super cold, even in the Texas summers. Like the author, I'm tall and thin with a BMI on the low end of the range.

    You are welcome. Interesting read since I never really looked into it before.
    @Elise4270 must have beaten me to the punch since you were already accepted into the group when I looked in.
    Happy belated birthday btw.

    Not me. I just got home to check it and one of your other minions had already got it. :tongue:
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    An easy run today takes me to GOAL! I haven't made any of my goals since May, so I'm super happy that I managed to actually keep to my plan for once. Long may it continue, and ready to finally step it up next month :)

    Now to catch up on 4 pages of posts...

    September Running Challenge

    1st-4th - Poorlysick
    5th - 3.53 miles
    6th - 4.06 miles
    8th - 10.02 miles
    10th - 3.1 miles
    11th - 6.07 miles
    13th - 3.01 miles
    17th - 3.11 miles
    18th - 13.18 miles - HM PB!
    20th - 3.02 miles
    21st - 5.05 miles
    24th - 3.15 miles
    25th - 6.12 miles
    27th - 3.16 miles
    29th - 4.07 miles

    MTD - 70.65/70 miles - GOOOOAAAAAL!

    Upcoming races:
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon