Craving a diet coke



  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    NicoleL874 wrote: »
    Mandy_1982 wrote: »
    That is strange how some places say no carbonation and others are OK with it. My dietitian is really against it and she had me thinking I could never drink it again.

    This is how I handle "definites" with ANY professional..."Why? Can you please supply me with copies of studies or names of studies so I can read the information. That way I can understand better." I deal with "shouldn't" better than "can't".

    This describes me in general, but as part of the WLS process, I checked that part of my brain at the door. I understood that most of the 'musts' have wiggle room, and are not consistent program to program, but it was obvious to me that what I was doing wasn't working. I jumped in to full compliance mode for the pre- and post-op period and was very successful. One of the things I advise is to not push the edges of your program.

    Now that I am almost two years out, I have certainly pushed edges and found a bunch of 'musts' really are 'should's'. Where has that gotten me? A bunch of bad habits and some regain.

    I am struggling with getting back to the things that made me successful, and it is hard.


    PS: I'm not too active here any more, but I read every day. If anyone is interested n my journey,I summarize my experiences in a couple of posts here:

    Feel free to add me if you like. Hopefully, I'll be more active in both logging food and contributing.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    @rpyle111 Heh. Yeah, I'm wired differently than most. My brain is my biggest strength and my biggest downfall. I need data. In all areas of life. There are very few definitive statements in life. I work best with having the information up front, and understanding the "why". That way I can start battling those "shouldn't" statements from the get-go. *smile* I'm working on setting my boundaries and sticking to them. My brain hears "CANNOT" and interprets that into "CHALLENGE"! lol

    Learning myself has been the biggest challenge to this. Figuring out what my pitfalls were in the past and figuring out what will work for the long haul. I know what works for me is not for everyone, but never know who it may help!

    Your story is awesome and inspiring. Keep on keepin' on with your bad self!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    NicoleL874 wrote: »
    @rpyle111 Heh. Yeah, I'm wired differently than most. My brain is my biggest strength and my biggest downfall. I need data. In all areas of life. There are very few definitive statements in life. I work best with having the information up front, and understanding the "why". That way I can start battling those "shouldn't" statements from the get-go. *smile* I'm working on setting my boundaries and sticking to them. My brain hears "CANNOT" and interprets that into "CHALLENGE"! lol

    Learning myself has been the biggest challenge to this. Figuring out what my pitfalls were in the past and figuring out what will work for the long haul. I know what works for me is not for everyone, but never know who it may help!

    Your story is awesome and inspiring. Keep on keepin' on with your bad self!

    As an engineer, it was really hard to submit to other people's rules :#