Candida overgrowth in gut



  • MinuitMinuet
    MinuitMinuet Posts: 156 Member
    The author hasn't been active since 2016.
  • omerfkhan
    omerfkhan Posts: 43 Member
    Yes just start kefir and get fine

    If you are lactose intolerant start with coconut milk kefir after one month go for lactose free milk kefir it's available in USA market you will be fine
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It's often recommended to take a probiotic when taking antibiotics.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    YES, me. Although in my case it was pretty obvious, for.. you know, reasons that are kind of gross. It's a horrible thing to struggle with. I absolutely agree with aliwms, oregano oil helped a ton. If it's topical for you, you can use the oregano oil topically; just dilute it first with a carrier oil or lotion. Lots of oils will help, though, especially tea tree. Not only will tea tree diminish the growth of the candida on the skin, but it will help with inflammation. This is why it's so helpful with dandruff; if there's any fungus, it helps to control that fungus, AND on top of that, it also reduces inflammation. In fact, I strongly recommend you get some Dr. Bronner's tea tree soap for when you shower. The bar, not the liquid. And after you shower, make sure you dry off really well. Candida needs moisture to thrive, and if you stay damp after your shower, that could be making the skin aspect worse.

    HOWEVER. These are momentary fixes. You HAVE to fix your diet. Having an excessive amount of candida is usually a sign of overall gut dysbiosis. There aren't a lot of quick and easy fixes. Get rid of junk food, added sugars, and focus on things that are unprocessed. Consider lowering your fat intake to about 20% of your total calories. Lower, if you can tolerate it. That sounds counter intuitive, but candida in many cases is saving your life; it's eating excess sugar in your blood stream, and just happens to be living in your gut (which is full of both blood AND direct sources of food). Contrary to popular belief, it is not the enemy, it is a part of your natural ecosystem, and it could even be keeping your blood sugar from being absolutely through the roof. But if you eat a ton of fat, it makes it harder for your body to process sugar efficiently. Some people attempt to control candida by eating a very small amount of carbohydrate, but the effects are hit and miss. People who have managed to get their fat intake down, eat more vegetables and fruit, less meat and dairy, or even eliminating meat and dairy, usually report better, faster results than those on low carb diets. Candida DOES thrive on carbs and sugar, but the reason you have so much sugar systematically is often linked with your fat intake. Not only does it make it more difficult to store sugars as fat, it also slows your digestion, meaning the fruit/ veg/ carbs you eat are sitting for longer in the digestive tract. It's a complex issue, candida. Bottom line, eat a lot more plants, and a lot less junk food.

    There are a lot of videos on youtube of people who conquered DECADES long candida problems, not by doing the low-carb diets so popularly recommended, but by doing very low fat diets, like 80/10/10. They explain all this better than I do, so you might wanna hop on there and search something like candida, low fat diet, etc. And if you think about it intuitively, there is no reputable dietician or nutritionist on this earth that will tell you to stop eating fruit. Humans are frugivores (although this doesn't imply we're not also omnivores, just that most of the species' diet's calories come from fruit when in nature). We naturally need fruit in the diet; which means getting rid of sugars and carbohydrates is probably not the answer to any kind of health problem. And while I definitely can't adhere to as strict a diet as 80/10/10, I absolutely can tie flare-ups of my candida to periods where I was eating high fat foods for long periods of time. There were tons of times when I was eating quite a lot of carbs and sugar and did just fine; even soda or candy. One of the big problems with the almost no carb approach is that the candida often comes back in full force the second you have a piece of cake or something. TONS of people who adhere to it will wail about this.

    Actually, speaking of YouTube, I think one of the best persons who speaks on the topic of Candida is Candida Crusher. Check him out first. Some of his videos are clickbait titles, but these are usually his attempts to get people to realize there's no overnight cure for candida, things like that. While there's a lot of good information out there, this is an actual doctor from New Zealand who actually treats people with Candida. That's more powerful information than any one person's experience.

    So much wrong in one post. Eating fat slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This isn't hard to prove; buy a blood glucose meter and see for yourself.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Aack! Nailed by a necro thread.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    If you have problems from too many antibiotics, the GAPS diet works better than the candida diet in my experience.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Anyone else open these necro threads and get super excited for a second when you see an awesome old poster is back, and then look at the date and get sad?

    Yes. So many amazing posters gone. :frowning: