

  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    I have it and I've lost getting on for 96lbs. I have gone from a uk 20/22 to a 10. Check out my profile photos if you want to see.
    I also have a pituatry gland that doesn't work properly. My symptoms have always been to do with no periods/periods that last months, infertility and weight gain, especially around my midlle. I was told it is highly unlikely I would conceive naturally.
    Peole on here rightly talk about the difference of a diet and a healthy lifestyle. To manage PCOS you need a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle, it seemed a life of torture for me at one point but now it is a source of joy!!! Other people have mentioned Collette Harris' book 'The PCOS Diet' it is extremely helpful and explains the way food can HELP manage PCOS symptoms.
    My consultant told me that I may find it impossible to lose weight especially if I 'yo yo dieted' and that my body needed consistancy - lower carb, lean protien, low sugar, low fat, 'clean' food with lots of vegetables and some fruit. I began a very low calorie diet under medical supervision at a weight management clinic which kick started everything. Then I moved to a general low fat/sugar eating plan which was still strict and had some cognative behavioural therapy linked to my food issues too. I eat as many veggies as I wan't plus 1 big or 2 portions of brown rice/pasta/potatoes/cereal a day, lean protien mostly and no more than 3 pieces of fruit. I do allow myself treats now too as I am at goal and just trying to shed a bit of vanity weight. I work out 5 times per week - 2 strength training with some cardio and then 3 high cardio with a small amount of weight training. For cardio I do a mixture of interval training and endurance.

    my 'symptoms' have improved and I don't notice them - (I have never had the hair/spot issues some have except for brown patches of skin) my blood pressure is good and it was very high, I have monthly normal periods, I am not trying to have a baby so not sure about the fertility. My hip to waist ratio has just become healthy (I thought that would be a never ending battle!) so I know that the higher risk of strokes, cancer and heart disease is being kicked in the butt!!

    On a positive note - I noticed someone said they felt disgusted at being told they had higher levels of testosterone, the levels women with PCOS have are generally speaking a long long long way away from a mans so there is nothing masculine about us seriously, so don't feel like that.:flowerforyou: Also, every fat cell secretes a small amount of testosterone, so the more fat you shed the better. My consultant told me that there is a higher percentage of elite female athletes with PCOS so you can use it to your advantage with training etc. ha ha I don't know if it is true but my PT says that the song 'woman on a mission' was written about me.

    I hope this is helpful, PCOS is a mixture of things and everyone is different but it is what worked for me.

    Fell free to pm me or add me if it is helpful/ you would like to.
    Love Gail
  • anglion
    anglion Posts: 4
    I'm currently being tested for PCOS (I have an ultra sound tomorrow), my doctor and my dietician both believe I have it, as well as insulin resistance and a whole heap of the other symptoms.

    Thanks for posting :D At least I know (if I am diagnosed) I'm not alone!

    Well after having the ultrasounds today (btw an internal ultra sound is sooo not as fun as it sounds!) I have officially been diagnoised with PCOS, although this is not really that surprising, considering I had the majority of other symptoms, it is still slightly depressing :ohwell:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Another thing we PCOS'ers have to consider is the fact there is a correlation between PCOS and Hypothyroid disease. Most women that have PCOS end up with hypothyroidism.

    I was told that by one of the Top Endocrinologists in this country at Washington University here in St Louis.

    I have now started a regimen of Synthroid.

    I am another woman that is disgusted with the fact that my testosterone levels are so high. I have the levels of testosterone that a man has. It has caused unsightly hair growth on my chin and neck (almost beard like), bulky muscles and it causes me to be a bit more aggressive in my actions.............

    I suffer from both Adrenal Fatigue and ovaries producing too much testosterone, so my body is making Testosterone in 2 places, not just the ovaries.........

    I have been battling doctors off and on for the past 12 years and I am just finding good docs that will listen to me.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Great post! I'm sure you have directed many women to their OB!

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2002. My hubbie and I have been trying to start a family since 2000 with no luck. My second attempt at Metformin to regulate, but so far no luck. LOL I had to call the fertility clinic twice in July for the start of AF (just over a week apart) and today I had to call them because it's been over 28 days...LOL They know me without looking at my charts....that's pretty sad.

    I have always struggled with the weight loss, but the metformin seems to be doing its thing and when I was on the pill briefly because I developed endometrial hyperplasia (precursor to cancer,I found out later), I dropped 35 pounds in 2 months (gained 15 back after I came off of it).

    Isn't it fun. There is nothing quite like all the women at the ulttrasound place gathering around YOUR screen to see the "classic textbook" case.....LOL

    I'm learning more about it every day. Eating a diabetic diet, taking my pills and exercising regular seems to be helping with the weight and the acne. BUT it's not helping with the cycles OR exhaustion.
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