October (2016) Running Challenge



  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    7 miles last night, on the nose, with Kody.
    57.2 miles for the month.

    My hamstrings have calmed down by my quads are still just as sore as the day before. I feel like a newbie runner! I just can't believe that doing those lunges did this to me. It doesn't make much sense. It was tender walking out the door but after a warmup walk and two stops to pick up dog crap, the pain mostly went away. I ran to the local pond, did three laps and ran home.

    Going across the busy intersection some young punk turned into the lane I was walking across, just a couple feet in front of me. I saw him coming (I trust no driver) so I wasn't at risk, but I was pissed and told him quite loudly that I felt he was a dumbass. His window was open and he hit his brakes. For a moment I thought we were going to have a little "talk".

    I've been working rather consistently on my running form. Main focus has been firing the glutes and getting more power from them in the pullback and push off, while depending less on my quads. It was awkward at first, and made my hamstrings sore, but I can definitely see and feel the results. My next step is to build up hip strength.

    I got two compliments for my headlamp last night from others on the trail. One guy even wanted to find out where I got it. I forgot to tell them that I had it on the lowest setting. If you're looking for one, check out foxelli.com They make three models, the MX10 (160 lumen rechargeable, $20) MX20 (165 lumen, 3AAA, $13) and MX500 (280 lumen, rechargeable, $30). I have the MX20 for normal use and the MX500 for trail use and just ordered the MX10 because I'd prefer a rechargable. All have at least 2 levels of brightness and the brightest is VERY bright. Good stuff. Those prices include shipping in the US. They do have sales every so often as well.
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    October goal: 50 miles
    10/1: 1.75 miles
    10/2: 3.15 miles
    10/3: 2.25 miles
    10/4: 2 miles
    10/5: 2 miles
    10/6: Rest Day
    10/7: 2 miles
    10/8: 2.25 miles
    10/9: 3.15 miles
    10/10: 2.25 miles
    10/11: 2.25 miles
    10/12: 2.5 miles
    10/13: 2 miles
    10/14: Rest Day
    10/15: 4.19 miles (2.25 + 1.9) <<<
    10/16: 2.25 miles
    10/17: 2.25 miles
    10/18: 2.5 miles
    10/19: 2.25 miles
    10/20: 2.25 miles
    10/21: 3.15 miles
    10/22: 1 mile
    10/23: 5 miles
    10/24: 2 miles
    10/25: Rest Day
    10/26: Lazy Day
    10/27: 2 miles
    10/28: 2.25 miles

    Total/October: 58.6 miles

    Back to normal this morning! Went out at 5am for a bike ride (11.5 miles) and then out for my run with Fergus. It was a nice crisp morning and it felt good to be out in the am again. I am looking forward to the time change next week so I can hit the greenbelt earlier.

    @9voice9 Thanks for sharing the article. As a very slow runner, I have generally experienced nothing but encouragement from most other runners that I meet. I am sure that there are runners out there that harbor resentment against us pokey folks.

    @shanaber Hope you get good news from the doc tomorrow!

    @garygse Good for you! And happy birthday! :)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @7lenny7 I have the MX500L and I always have it on whatever the first setting is. It's great for letting bears know I'm coming so I don't freak them out, and the wolves know to stay away.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »

    I volunteer as a head course marshal for the Twin Cities Marathon. I always make sure the people who work in my section know that the race is equally important to the mid-and-back-of-the-pack runners as it is to the lead pack. What happened in Portland is really unfortunate (and hard to understand). I remember a small town 5K being messed up by a crossing train years ago, and we all had a good laugh about it, but you'd think things like that would be controlled for in a big city marathon.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Got my scheduled 3 in last evening, mostly in the dark. It was fun and I'm mostly feeling good to go after 4 weeks of steady training. This is my most consistent training since early spring.

    Planning 6 miles tomorrow, probably on trails. That will give me 45ish miles for the month.

    Happy running, all!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    @MNLittleFinn In case you don't hear it enough, thank you for working in the profession you do.

    @mbaker566 Jump in and join those of us attempting our first full in 2017!

    @RunRachelleRun I've always heard that's it good to rotate shoes, but I've never heard anything about having different drops. Interesting. I personally try to have 2-3 pairs of the same shoes that I rotate. I have a love affair with Brooks Glycerins. With training starting soon, I was planning to buy some new shoes, but maybe they should be something different than what I already have. Food for thought, for sure!

    @7lenny7 Thanks for the link to the Porta Project! I'll be sharing it with my friends! I have a Foxelli MX10; my hubby bought it for me for Ragnar Trail and I loved it.

    @Calvin2008Brian I'd be one of the other Minnesotans in the group!

    @garygse Happy Birthday!

    Oh, and add me to the list of people who love running at night. I wear my Foxelli headlamp and RU Seen reflective vest. If I'm running roads, I don't carry a flashlight, but do if I'm on trails. My fastest running paces to date have all been after 9:00pm, even though the bulk of my running is done right after work (5:00-6:30 pm).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2016
    My shipment from REI should arrive any day now. I'm so excited!

    I was able to order some things I otherwise would never have been able to afford, including a Garmin Forerunner 735XT and Brooks Cascadia waterproof trail shoes (my favorite color - red!). Can't wait to try them both out!

    Had enough left over after that to throw in some insulated tights and warm socks. :smile:

    WHOO hoo! Way to go! I'm jealous of that Garmin!.... Lol! I like the cascadias! I have 2 pair (10's). I just gotta figure out my gait issue. *Hangs head* I know what it is, just gotta keep working at it. Patience... Enjoy the anticipation of the delivery truck!

    Man I wish i hadnt let my kids hadn't spent all my running money on gas to the gym... I want running stuffs!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    10/1 8.00
    10/5 4.05
    10/7 2.85
    10/8 9.00
    10/15 10.00
    10/17 3.75
    10/26 4.61
    10/28 3.2

    Total 45.46/100

    I hope to hit 65/100 by the end of the month. A slightly adjusted goal. I've got 12 miles on the schedule for tomorrow then Sunday I will do 45 minutes and40 minutes on Monday.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »

    I volunteer as a head course marshal for the Twin Cities Marathon. I always make sure the people who work in my section know that the race is equally important to the mid-and-back-of-the-pack runners as it is to the lead pack. What happened in Portland is really unfortunate (and hard to understand). I remember a small town 5K being messed up by a crossing train years ago, and we all had a good laugh about it, but you'd think things like that would be controlled for in a big city marathon.

    Not a train, but when I did the Hot Chocolate 15K two years ago a police officer stopped all the runners to let cars go. I started off the race really rough & had just found the groove only to be stopped suddenly. My race fell apart after that. I couldn't get back into it. I had started out hoping to do better than the year before but ended up worse off.

    I was at the front of the pack when stopped and people didn't know why we were stopped so they kept running into people and trying to go around. It was just a mess. I didn't do the race last year for a few reasons, and this was one of them. I didn't want to be stopped mid-race. Yah, I'm not going to win any races but I like to try and beat my previous times. Hard to do when you get stopped. I am still debating if I do it this year or not.

    I've also had friends realize that the volunteers sent them the wrong way when we were rehashing after a race. I was talking about the turn around point and how I wanted to see my split from the timer there and she was like what timer? Turned out one volunteer was telling the longer distance runners the correct point and another wasn't.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited October 2016
    1: 4.02 miles (aerobic)
    2: 6.01 miles (long with 5 x 1/4 mile zone 3 intervals)
    3: 3.00 miles (recovery)
    4: 3.72 miles (tempo)
    5: rest
    6: 6.97 miles (aerobic)
    7: rest
    8: bailed due to rain and other lame excuses
    9: 13.12 miles (long with 12 x 1/4 mile zone 2 intervals and zone 2 finish)
    10. 2.53 miles (recovery)
    11. skipped (grumpy quad and a bad attitude)
    12. 3.42 miles (tempo)
    13. 2.85 miles (aerobic)
    14. rest
    15. 10 miles (long at different pace intervals with fast finish)
    16. 4.01 miles (aerobic)
    17. rest
    18. 2.95 miles (fast finish)
    19. 2.43 miles (aerobic)
    20. rest (bad hamstring - skipped planned run)
    21. rest (bad hamstring - skipped planned run)
    22. rest (bad hamstring - skipped planned run)
    23. 13.1 miles (Vancouver Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon: 3:01:43)
    24. rest
    25. rest
    26. rest
    27. 4 miles (recovery hobble)
    28. 4.02 miles (recovery jog with a little less hobble)
    Total: 86.18 / 100 miles
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @garygse Yay! Awesome time for 13.1 and congrats for smashing your goal. Happy birthday too!

    @7lenny7 Thanks for the different perspective on shoe mileage. And for the headlamp recommendation. I just bought a new one for $35 and it only has 100 lumen. Doesn't seem great. I'll have to see if I can get my hands on one of those up here in Canada.

    @RespectTheKitty Ah, it will be so hard to wait. I've had the 735XT for about a month now. Such a great investment. Did you go for the aqua or the black? I got the aqua and I love it!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »

    I volunteer as a head course marshal for the Twin Cities Marathon. I always make sure the people who work in my section know that the race is equally important to the mid-and-back-of-the-pack runners as it is to the lead pack. What happened in Portland is really unfortunate (and hard to understand). I remember a small town 5K being messed up by a crossing train years ago, and we all had a good laugh about it, but you'd think things like that would be controlled for in a big city marathon.
    @Calvin2008Brian and @9voice9 - This is a great article and I hope the RDs truly believes what he is saying... In many ways the middle and back of the pack runners are the reason there are so many more race options now and help offset the overall cost of putting on a race.

    When my daughter and I ran the Beat the Blearch HM last month we had a rude comment from one of the photographers about being the last runners and he could finally go home - my daughter has not been running much and is slow. However there were lots of runners still behind us and his comments, in addition to making my daughter feel so disheartened with a couple of miles still to run, put a disappointing edge on an otherwise super fun race.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - what a jerk! He's standing around with a camera - let's see him run a HM!

    That Portland marathon is the one my daughter ran. She was in the corral that went .5 over. She sent in her Garmin info to the race directors and they adjusted her time. I guess they just calculated the amount to drop it by. It was her first marathon and she was going for "just finish" especially after coming off a pulled groin. She said everyone around her was freaking out at mile 1 because their Garmins were all showing 1.5! So the entire race they were .5 over! She still loved it.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @shanaber That's outrageous. I hope your daughter has bounced back from that experience. I would have complained to the race director about that photographer. It is bad enough to come in last - I've been there. It doesn't mean we (slowest) aren't working hard. Some people have different genetics/obstacles they are dealing with. If we find joy in running and can finish within the race's posted time limit, then we should be treated with the same respect.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @RunRachelleRun, @Elise4270, @WhatMeRunning, @7lenny7 - When I was first trying 0 drop shoes I had a few pairs of different Altras. The ones I like the best are the One-2. I have moved away from them for a while now to Skoras but with Skora being out of stock I did order/try several of the Altra's again.
    Here is my take - The Altra sizing can be very off and not consistent across models or even model versions. I wear a 6.5 in regular shoes and typically a 7.5 in running shoes. My first pair of One-2 were a 7.5, my latest are an 8 and I also got a pair of Intuitions and they are an 8.5! If you have a store nearby that carries the model you are considering I recommend you go in and try them on first. I still like the One-2 the best. They are light and fast with just a bit of cushioning. The Intuitions have more cushion but feel a bit heavy to me. They are one of Altra's best selling shoes though. I also tried the Paradigms and they were way too cushioned for me. They made me feel like I was running on marshmallows and my legs got really tired. Definitely if you haven't run in 0 drop shoes they do take some getting used to, so rotate them in slowly and your calves still may get very sore.

    @elise4270 - check out the One-2. They are not overly cushioned at all. My first concern was that they wouldn't have enough cushion when I initially got them.

    I am going to have to look into rotating more with other levels of drop. I have in the past but not consistently. I love my Skoras so much I just tended to rotate among them and occasionally my Merrill Bare Access but they are also 0 drop. I actually have it as an item to ask my Sports Doc today.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    Checking in
    Date.......Distance.......Type........How my legs are feeling

    October 1 - 5.9 km - Easy - Niggle in left IT band
    October 2 - 11.9km - Easy - Calves a little tight, fine after warm-up
    October 3 - rest
    October 4 - 6.7 km - Tempo - Fine, no pains
    October 5 - 6.2 km - Easy - Fine, taper fine, wanna go fast
    October 6 - 7.0 km - Easy - Very fine
    October 7 - 5.0 km - Easy - Springy, rested legs
    October 8 - 5.0 km - Easy - Ready to race
    October 9 - 21.1km - Race - Dead legs are dead
    October 10- rest
    October 11- rest
    October 12- rest
    October 13- rest
    October 14- rest
    October 15- rest
    October 16- rest
    October 17- 6.1 km - Easy - Tight calves
    October 18- 8.0 km - Easy - Tight calves AND tight IT band, probably DOMS
    October 19- 7.5 km - Easy+ST - I was right, it's just DOMS
    October 20- 6.0 km - Easy+Drills
    October 21- 7.2 km - Easy+ST
    October 22- 8.0 km - Easy and 1000 m trial (3:10,6)
    October 23- 10.3km - Easy+Drills
    October 24- rest (xt)
    October 25- 11.5km - Easy+ST
    October 26- 7.1 km - Easy
    October 27- 11.0km - Easy+ST
    October 28- 10.0km - Easy


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k) 48:28
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10.5k) 49:12
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut) 1:31:53
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    @MNLittleFinn Good to know that I am not the only one...
    @Elise4270 I tend to tilt my pelvic the wrong way too... So, I guess that adds to the posture problem.
    @Stoshew71 Thanks again! Definitely different things hurt over time too. But I guess I do a little bit of the "push off from just your toes" thing. Time for me to revisit the videos you posted some pages back.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    10/1: 13.1 Miles: 1st Half Marathon Race!! / Yoga
    10/2: 4.5 Miles (Very Slow…) / Yoga
    10/3: 3 Miles…Feeling much better 
    10/4: Body Pump and 3 more slow miles
    10/5: 3.1 mile run / 1.7 mile Social run/walk through my gym with my kiddo
    10/6: Body Pump
    10/7: Yoga and Tried out my new Foam Roller
    10/8: 14 Miles (6 with Hubby running and Kiddo bicycling)
    10/9: 5 Miles
    10/10: 3 mile trail run with the family
    10/11: 7 minutes of Core, Body Pump, 30 minutes of Stationary Bike
    10/12: 4 Mile run turned into 1.87 after a huge wipeout
    10/13: 3 Mile Walk
    10/14: 3.1 Mile Run
    10/15: 10 Mile Run. Planned to go 12, but my hamstring started acting up around Mile 5. It didn’t hurt bad, but it wasn’t normal, so decided to cut my run short. 
    10/16: 45 Minutes of Stationary Bike
    10/17: 45 Minutes (12 Miles) of Stationary Bike
    10/18: Body Pump and 30 minutes (7.5 miles) on Stationary Bike
    10/19: 60 minutes (15.6 miles) on Stationary Bike
    10/20: 3 Mile Run / It was a chilly 75 degrees with a strong north wind. I didn’t break a sweat at all!! Still had discomfort with the hamstring though. Ugh!!
    10/21: Rest Day
    10/22: 3 mile slow run with the kiddo: still discomfort / 15 minutes row machine, 45 minutes (12 miles) Stationary Bike
    10/23: 5 mile run on Zero Runner – Wish I tried this sooner, but I thought I’d still have pain when bending my knee.
    10/24: 3.1 mile run on Zero Runner / 10 minutes of Row Machine
    10/25: Body Pump and 20 minutes (5.3 miles) on Stationary Bike
    10/26: 5 mile run on Zero Runner
    10/27: 3.1 mile run on Zero Runner and Body Pump

    85.9 miles of running / 64.4 miles on Stationary Bike – Eliminated goal due to leg pain

    2016 Races Completed:
    Buffalo Boogie (5K) May 7 – 23:42
    Marine Creek Trailhead Trot (5K) May 14 – 22:00
    Joe’s Run (10K) June 4 – 48:04
    Firecracker 5000 (5K) July 4 – 22:51
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (15K at Night) July 16 – 1:32:05
    Clark Gardens I’m Only Half Crazy Half Marathon/5K (HM) Oct 1 – 1:48:21

    Upcoming Races:
    Turkey Trot – Appleton, WI (5 Miles) Nov 24
    BMW Dallas Marathon (HM) Dec 11
    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26