
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Debbie glad that you found us and thank you for your service.
    The fact that you've already brought your weight down is really important. For me, the plateaus are hard to break but if you keep looking at your food choices, you can find things to limit or cross off your regular meals. Overtime it will make a difference CICO
    Any chance the local VA or Y would have exercise programs that would support your specific needs?
    Welcome and keep coming back!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Mary Oh my gosh, thank you for posting photos as you go along. Marvelous! Thank you, thank you!

    Posting Pics A couple of you asked about how to post pics. Look above the box you are posting in, click on the icon of the "page with a corner turned down", and go from there. If you have problems, ask, there are lots of gals on this thread much more computer savvy than me.

    Newbies Welcome! Very supportive place to come each day.


    Karen in Virginia
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Marcelyn ~ What a wonderful group of grandchildren!
  • MountainMomma58
    MountainMomma58 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Debbie and Lady. I'm new here too and have found everyone to be supportive and friendly. You picked the right group.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have seen DD & the new baby. He is a cutie & bigger than I expected. I'm currently the only one up & there is NO COFFEE.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Yikes Katla no coffee!!!!!!

    Big congratulations on the new grandchild, what a blessing ! <3
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited October 2016
    Mary stunning!

    Marcelyn You are indeed blessed.

    DB called my mom of 98 passed away last night. She was only in the hospital for a two days. When I saw her in September she did not know me. We still made the best of that visit.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Marcelyn - How fabulous! :D<3

    Katla - CONGRATULATIONS! :flowerforyou:

    Debbie - Welcome! You have done so well! There are many exercises you can do in a wheelchair and you can build up your strength through weights. I use dumbbells every day. If you Google it, it will come ........ :D Is your goal to get out of the wheelchair, or have you some other injury that makes that impossible?

    We had a quick go at the loft this afternoon. We have some decisions to make about pictures etc. One large picture we bought when we lived at the seaside didn't look right in this rural house. It will probably be ok in Hove. DH has some quite expensive batiks that I've never liked, (not my colours), so we want them to go to a good home. Some others have decent frames and just need new pictures. Lots of decisions, but a definite car load for the dump. :D

    Cooking Hairy Bikers Lamb Tagine for dinner. Yum.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Cheri, ((((HUGS!!!)))) I hope you feel better soon. As someone who has the blues with some regularity I sympathize a lot.

    Re, I agree with all others who have said you have a lovely, warm voice.
    About my boss. I didn't want to imply she's a bad boss (well, maybe I did that day, I was pretty p'od). She's actually smart, competent, funny, and warm--at least most of the time. But she's also got way too much on her plate, the company is growing and she's in a critical systems' building position. She's become very risk averse over time, which I understand, given her role. Our beauracracy is growing, and it needs to. IMO, bureaucracy should always be tempered with wisdom and compassion, and while she tries, things move so quickly that she doesn't always archive either. Also, I'm pretty creative, and I like to take more risks with my work than she likes to tolerate. And it doesn't feel like I fit that well anymore. :/

    The fall pictures are lovely, and Mary, those grand babies are adorable! You and DH look so happy to be with them.

    Katla, I hope your grandchild is out in the world by now! And I'm sorry your DD hurt you with her comment. My DD said horrible things to me late last spring. And she adores me. She regretted it later, and things are fine now.

    DJ, thanks for the kick!!! I didn't manage to do what I wanted the day after my request--just got 15 minutes of PT in plus about 80 one-handed kettle bell swings with 20 lbs. Better than nothing...it's the working day issue-- I manage to work out most days, but this week wasn't good. I was back on track yesterday.

    Joyce and Becca, I think it's wonderful that you both sing! I would love to be able to do so--if only because it can be such a joyful and emotional activity. And I love to hear how people use their voices differently.

    I've been on a weight plateau for about a month now, and I'm trying to see it as an opportunity to get used to my smaller size before I go down more. Silver linings and all that. ;) I also must be building muscle. Yesterday I used a 35 lb kettlebell for my swings (had tried before, but it was tough)!! Could only do 5 sets of 10, but I'm on my way.

    Also went to pilates--my teacher is giving me increasingly challenging routines. Yesterday I did 2 prone pull-ups-- a little frightening. I was hanging horizontally in the air, about 30 inches above the bed (cadillac, for those who have done this type of pilates), with both feet on a swing, my hands on the bars above me. It took me a minute or so before I could actually put myself in that position! And then I had to pull my body up with my arms...

    Yesterday's kettlebell workout, which I hope to do today, too (or something similar):
    Swings: 5x10x35
    Deadlifts: 4x10x50
    Windmills: 1x3x15 (I can now do 3 on each side in good form, lol!)
    Squats: 2x10x50
    Military presses: 2x10x20 I consider 20 lbs a major accomplishment since my shoulders and arms are typically weak compared with my abs, glutes, quads, etc. I think the Windmills have helped. They're slow exercises that require me to stabilize the Kettlebell up in the air while I'm bending and rotating.

    I'm going to visit my mom for a week on Thursday. She lives in Ecuador, which is a wonderful place. But it's hard to visit very often. I go every couple of years or so. As she gets older she asks me to come more often, and I worry about her. But it was her choice to move down there (3 flights each way), which I remind myself of when I start to feel guilty.

    I can't take my kettlebells, alas. But I can take my exercise bands and TRX. And I can walk. There's a river near her home with some exercise stations along the path...pull up bars, step up places, etc. It's nice to exercise outside like that.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2016
    Margaret so so sorry to hear of your loss. Praying for you and your family.

    Marcelynn you are indeed a rock star. Wow blessed indeed, beautiful picture of the grands.

    Katla we need pics ASAP. No coffee, that's just wrong. Lol

    Janetr okc (we haven't been there for six weeks :))
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Charleen: Congrats on those bling jeans! I'd be doing a happy dance...what the heck I'll do one for you happy-dancing.gif

    Rae:Love your thought process and positive attitude..maybe the compresses will do something nice to my skin. At least it feels good! Your story of how the organization you work for treats people makes me grateful for the organization I work for. Sometimes you just don't realize how good you really have it.

    Katla:Exciting news! Have a safe trip Later: Congrats on the new grandson!

    Liz:Sorry that you're in more pain. Thinking of you :)

    Kelly: PI is a wonderful nickname! That's how I remember my sister's apartment number :)

    Cheri:Hang in there, you've had a lot on your plate for the last little while. Hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter and grands.

    Becca:Hope you feel better soon.

    Mary:Fantastic picture..thank you for sharing!

    DJ: Happy horse racing 219559tr27jbv5lm.gif

    Sharon:Can't wait to see what you look like in your Queen of Hearts costume. It is so exciting to know that your daughter has been asked to bid on piece for the museum!

    Ladylosealot60:Welcome to a wonderful group of caring women. Do you have a name we can call you by?

    NYKaren:I've been cooking which is a good thing, but I'm not getting ahead with the menu planning which would make it easier. We can do this as Rori says!

    Debbie in Alabama:Welcome. If you do an internet search for "seated exercises" you'll come up with a number of links to exercises that you can do in a chair.

    Marcelyn: So glad that your recovery is going so well. I love the picture of your grandchildren. What a great idea to do an annual picture!

    Margaret: I'm so sorry for your loss.

    It was supposed to be my day to sleep in. Of course I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't get back to sleep! To further make life more interesting I've a reoccurance of corneal erosion. This time in both eyes and a lot more area is impacted. The OD put me on some steroid drops which is supposed to help repair the covering quickly. I think that the cpap is drying out my eyes so I went to get a different mask to try. Hopefully that will help. Who was it that said that aging is not for wimps?

    My thoughts are with you all..

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Oct:
    - Increase walking now that the hamstring has healed
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week[/quote]
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Heather, when I started discarding all sorts of precious things from my past, it helped me that Jake was willing to sit and listen the the story attached to every item. It helped me cement the memories without having to keep the actual items. If your husband doesn't have the time and patience to listen to your stories, then tell them to us as you discard the items. When we began discarding, my best friend who had moved from 2,400 square feet to 900 square feet, said "Be ruthless". And she told me that she cried a lot but kept discarding.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    Anyone else have trouble getting on here today? There is some kind of attack going on that has taken down lots of big sites including this one mostly on the West Coast. They've even fixed it only to have it happen over again. It's been ok since late this afternoon so hopefully it will stay this way. I get anxious when I can't get to all of you :#

    NOPE, I'm on the west coast, nada, zip, mo problem ever
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Good Morning,

    Thank you for all of the supportive messages.

    @Katla safe travels awesome news new grand baby!

    I been up since 5 this morning! Just when I woke up. So I had the energy got busy clean house , laundry going!

    Fixed a nice healthy breakfast. It has been encouraging my husband is eating what I been cooking. Low carbs low protein he has been enjoying the meals.

    Going to take time to cook dinners for a few days out. That way I won't need to worry about it next week.

    Heading into Boise with the family later today. My DD favorite place is to go to Barnes & Noble just to curl up and look at books. So that is the plan.

    Hope you all have a nice Saturday!

    Caldwell, Idaho
  • cmg2305
    cmg2305 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome you guys. I am new to this also and so far have found the group welcoming and helpful. We are not perfect but with the support we can stay on track. Thank you again for welcoming me.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    morning peeps and welcome new peeps!

    got my new chest strap, i'm ready to roll. kirby is off and today was to be the last outside run b4 the marathon. it's in the 40's so he doesn't wanna run outside, so we'll b doing a couple of hours on the treadmill at the gym instead
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Been for 2mile walk in the lovely Autumn sunshine we have today. Did Jessica Smith 15 min workout this morning followed by 15 min kettlebell routine (swings) with the 13 lb bell. Arms were sore after the last session hope that was a good thing, seem ok today.

    Weight still not moving but trying not to get discouraged. Must admit keeping under calorie but not eating really healthy need to kick my b***t

    Have another physio session Wednesday and an interesting phone chat about reading (what and how I read and how habits have changed over the years) it's part of an Open University project called Reading Communities: Linking Past and Present. I was interviewed when I attended a workshop here in Liverpool and they have asked me to contribute again, it will be done over the phone which will be a bit strange.

    Thursday of to DDs in Birmingham, first time staying in their new house as they have only just got a bed for the spare room, at least I hope it's a bed as I used to sleep on an chairbed in their previous house. Will probably go over calories but they have a lovely park 2 mins away and a dog so weather permitting will walk a lot and probably do Pokemon hunting with grands

    You are all in my thoughts

    Kate UK
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    edited October 2016
    Kate UK: I've got a joke for you which is most appropriate for your grands especially if you are going Pokemon hunting. (It's actually the only joke I can remember :)

    How do you get Pikachu on a bus? You poke- 'im - on

    Have a fun time
    Carey - Northern Alberta