So confused



  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    Meadowsmummy, I think you should talk to your doctor about your concerns with your heartrate. And, utilize your community resources to get nutritional guidance. Even a one-time consultation with a nutritionist can help you evaluate where you are and how you are going to move forward to your goals. Or, I used one of the many free calulators mentioned in another post. Fitness magazine has some great ones on-line. They are not completely accurate as another member posted, but they are helpful for you to establish some sort of baseline. And, with regard to food, I know was gulilty of being a white liar when it came to the foods I was putting in my body. It has taken me years to finally admit that my idea of a healthy diet was not correct. Remember Atkins? At a quick glance, it made people believe that you could eat hamburgers and lose weight. A hamburger may have proetin in it, but also has a lot of fat and calories. And, what about those chicken wings- protein, but lots of fat. This year I had a few health scares that woke me up. With the help of my doctor and MFP, I have started to look at the value of the things I am putting into my body. And, everyone's needs are different. Hard core runners or weight lifters are going to need more calories than the average office desk jockey. Get personal guidance tailored to you by a professional to start instead of guessing or self-diagnosing. Best wishes!

    I do have a drs appointment next week and i am going to talk to him.
    You hear and read so much that contradicts everything on here as well in life. Every body is difference and not everyone has the same way to get to the end result.
    Obviously I, like alot of people who use this site are unsure in the beginning or else we wouldnt need help and advice to loose weight and the world would be skinny and websites like this would not exsist.
    Thank you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    I do have a drs appointment next week and i am going to talk to him.
    You hear and read so much that contradicts everything on here as well in life. Every body is difference and not everyone has the same way to get to the end result.
    Obviously I, like alot of people who use this site are unsure in the beginning or else we wouldnt need help and advice to loose weight and the world would be skinny and websites like this would not exsist.
    Thank you.

    Any time you ask a question here on the General Forums, you will get answers that are all over the place. People have a million and ten different opinions.

    Weight loss isn't that difficult. The best thing you can do is keep good records. Take pictures, take your measurements, buy a digital food scale and use it every time you eat at home - for all your home cooked meals. It will keep you in check and it will teach you what a portion size looks like so when you are at a birthday party or out with friends you will have a mental picture of how big a piece of cake should be and how much ice cream you should be having with it.

    Without good record keeping, you won't know when or what to adjust. This isn't a perfect science and you're going to have to experiment a little bit as you get closer to goal. Right now weight loss should be fairly rapid since you have so much to lose. But if you haven't kept good records that are as accurate as possible, you won't know what to adjust nor how much.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Thank you all for your advice its not that i didnt not want to accept it..i did not realize that the HRM only accurately measures during active state. I was using it throughout the night as an experiment to see what my resting heartrate was just because while i was active i couldnt get an accurate reading i have a toddler and every time i tried resting to get a reading i would hear "mommy come here, mommy do this".
    Then someone suggested if i my calories were that high during rest there is something not adding up. As per my title i am confused
    So i just calculated my tdee-25% and it is 2158 .
    Maybe i need to increase my calories again.

    What calorie level were you eating at before you started restricting calories? Unless you were eating more than 2158 cals a day, you will not lose on that amount. As I stated before, because of your high BF%, your BMR will not be as high as most calculators say it is. Unless you are VERY active thruout the day, You probably wont lose much, if any on that calorie level. But go ahead and give it a try if you want. Then if your weight increases, take it back down.