Weight Update ! Gain? Loss?



  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    36w3d and up a total of 13.5 pounds.
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs
    31 weeks: +12 lbs
    33 weeks: +17.2 lbs
    34 weeks: +18.2 lbs (currently 159 pounds)

    Doctor is really happy with my weight gain as am I so I took this week off logging. Still trying to watch what I eat and if I feel like I am out of control (ie: gain more than a pound a week) I'll go back to logging. I just don't want to add more stress to these last few weeks since we have nothing ready yet.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,762 Member
    Height 171cm (5'7.5")
    37 weeks today and up 20lbs

    Starting weight: 66.4kg (146lbs)
    4weeks: 67.1kg
    13weeks: 66.6kg
    19weeks: 68.0kg
    23weeks: 70.5kg
    25weeks: 71.2kg
    31weeks: 73.4kg
    34weeks: 74.2kg
    37weeks: 75.3kg (166lbs)

    Measurement at belly button
    19weeks: 91cm
    23weeks: 92cm
    25weeks: 95cm
    31weeks: 99cm
    34weeks: 102cm
    37weeks: 103cm (40.5")
  • mrs_n0rris
    mrs_n0rris Posts: 65 Member
    I meant to post earlier but forgot! At 37 weeks I'm up 30 lbs according to the midwife's scale. I started at 130 lbs and am now 160 lbs and 5'2. While I'm still in the healthy range and am likely to deliver short of 35 lbs with only 3 weeks remaining, I am hoping that some of this weight is just Christmas fluff that'll either go away now that I've resumed normal eating habits or at least that I won't gain more than a lb or too. At this point I guess it's not the end of the world, but I'm rather short and don't want to take on any more weight then necessary.
  • Starting weight was 115 @ 5'4. Today I am 30 weeks pregnant and weigh 133.6. So 18.6 pounds gained so far. Dropped a little from last week but baby looked great and weighed 3 pounds 3 ozs :) I'm trying to cut out alot of junk but can't kick my nightly bowl of ice cream, its my happy place LOL
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    I have not been wanting to post these updates lately....

    36 weeks: up a total of 26 lbs.

    I had wanted to stay under 25, so I'm a little discouraged. Hopefully we will meet him soon!
  • mrs_n0rris
    mrs_n0rris Posts: 65 Member
    At 38 weeks i'm sitting at 160 lbs for a grand total of 30 lbs gained @ 5'2. I was hoping to be closer to the 25 lb mark, but as this is my last weigh-in ( the babe comes Monday!) And my overall level of discomfort has gone up so much, I don't really care :) Christmas was definitely a killer for weight gain but other than that I stuck to about one lb a week. I'll be happy to drop the weight though once the little one is out, this is the heaviest I've ever been and I've really noticed the toll it takes.

    You're doing great Alexz210! And you're almost at the finish line so don't sweat it too much :)
  • 31 weeks pregnant today :) starting weight was 115 @ 5'4. Currently weigh 134.2, so 19.2 pounds gained so far. Gained 1/2 pound since last week but I'm battling water retention bad! I keep gaining 2-3 pounds overnight anytime I eat anything with salt, so as long as I watch my salt intake everything else seems to be gaining appropriately LOL. Good luck go everyone! I have 7 weeks left before I am induced so hopefully I can stay around 25 pounds gained this time.
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs
    31 weeks: +12 lbs
    33 weeks: +17.2 lbs
    34 weeks: +18.2 lbs
    35 weeks: +20.4 lbs (currently 161.2 pounds)

    My weight from Saturday to Tuesday was 160.8. Not fabulous but acceptable. Woke up Wednesday for my "official" weigh in and I was 161.2, what??!!! Thursday I was down to 159.8 (normal eating Wednesday, wasn't trying to lose weight). So I'll keep track of my "official" weight but hopefully next week gives me the same number and it was just a bad morning of water retention and constipation. 5 more weeks (+/-) getting excited for the end!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs
    31 weeks: +12 lbs
    33 weeks: +17.2 lbs
    34 weeks: +18.2 lbs
    35 weeks: +20.4 lbs
    36 weeks: +21.2 lbs (currently 162 pounds)

    I just can't seem to stop gaining, but I'm not tracking either so that's what happens.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,762 Member
    Height 171cm (5'7.5")
    39 weeks today and seems to be maintaining rather than gaining - I simply haven't been as hungry. Apparently this is quite common in the last few weeks.

    Starting weight: 66.4kg (146lbs)
    4weeks: 67.1kg
    13weeks: 66.6kg
    19weeks: 68.0kg
    23weeks: 70.5kg
    25weeks: 71.2kg
    31weeks: 73.4kg
    34weeks: 74.2kg
    37weeks: 75.3kg
    39weeks: 75.1kg (165.5lbs)

    Measurement at belly button
    19weeks: 91cm
    23weeks: 92cm
    25weeks: 95cm
    31weeks: 99cm
    34weeks: 102cm
    37weeks: 103cm
    39weeks: 103cm (40.5")

  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,762 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs
    31 weeks: +12 lbs
    33 weeks: +17.2 lbs
    34 weeks: +18.2 lbs
    35 weeks: +20.4 lbs
    36 weeks: +21.2 lbs (currently 162 pounds)

    I just can't seem to stop gaining, but I'm not tracking either so that's what happens.
    You're doing just fine - no cause for panic! I'd says yours is a very healthy weight gain. Well done.
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Wow, where is everyone with their updates? Feeling a bit self-conscious that this topic is filled with me. Anyway
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs
    31 weeks: +12 lbs
    33 weeks: +17.2 lbs
    34 weeks: +18.2 lbs
    35 weeks: +20.4 lbs
    36 weeks: +21.2 lbs
    37 weeks: +24.4 lbs (currently 165.2 pounds)

    Three weeks left (hopefully). I had secretly hoped to end at 165 out of vanity but that's out the window now. I'm going back and forth between caring about my weight and trying to log and be responsible, and just saying F it and enjoying the last 3 weeks. I just really don't want to be above 170 since that was when I started looking/feeling fat with my first pregnancy. That would be 30 pounds so it's not a bad number to end at.
  • mrs_n0rris
    mrs_n0rris Posts: 65 Member
    Currently 9 days postpartum and down to 143.5 from 160 for a total of 16.5 lbs lost. So a little over half way :) I've been breastfeeding and not logging but have noticed that my appetite is closer to what it was pre-pregnancy and have been trying to keep the indulgences under control. My belly is still tender from the c-section and I haven't really been exercising at all - that's next week's challenge!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Currently 9 days postpartum and down to 143.5 from 160 for a total of 16.5 lbs lost. So a little over half way :) I've been breastfeeding and not logging but have noticed that my appetite is closer to what it was pre-pregnancy and have been trying to keep the indulgences under control. My belly is still tender from the c-section and I haven't really been exercising at all - that's next week's challenge!

    Take it easy! Exercising too soon will do more harm than good - my OB didn't even want me to drive or do light housework. (And while OBs can be overly cautious, they're also the ones most familiar with exactly what was stitched up inside of you and how.)
  • 5'5"
    164lbs the day I went into labour.
    Had the baby January 20 at 42.5weeks gestation.
    Currently 135lbs - with 4lbs of that being giant milk filled boobies. ;-)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    164lbs the day I went into labour.
    Had the baby January 20 at 42.5weeks gestation.
    Currently 135lbs - with 4lbs of that being giant milk filled boobies. ;-)

    Congrats on baby :D
  • 33 weeks today and weigh 137.8 :( which means I gained 2.4 pounds since last week and I haven't been porking out either. I was okay with 1-1 1/2 pound gain a week but this is way too much. I though it would slow down a bit as I got closer but it seems to be picking up for me. Starting weight 115 @ 5'4 do I've gained nearly 23 pounds already