Boyfriends and strip clubs



  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Not all, but a majority of women that work in strip clubs are there against their will. The same goes for massage parlors. This is the face of modern slavery. These women are being held captive. <snip>

    Here is what I suggest:
    Go into a strip club posing as a customer. Pick out a woman and pay for a lap dance. When you are alone, tell her: "I know you're here against your will, but I'm here to save you." Report back on the response you get.

    that is just four articles to enlighten you. Human trafficking in the sex trade is the worlds most profitable business. Just remember the next time YOU see one of these girls that they have been raped, beaten, and threatened into submission.
    Your "majority" doesn't mesh with my experience with strip clubs in the USA. At all. Are you saying I've only met the statistical outliers?
  • Guys and strip clubs! I just don't get what they get going to see strippers! Call me old fashion, but going to one when you have a GF or married is total disrespect to your partner. Even when I was single, all my friends would go and I'd tell them have a blast, I'm out.

    My boyfriend is the same way. Luckily for me, as I am one of the women who would be uncomfortable with it. You can't all sit there and say she shouldn't have a problem with it or that if she does then she shouldn't tell him or keep him from going. It's all a matter of respect. If something bothers her and she voices it to him, he should at the very least make an effort not to do it. That's just how mutual respect works, and unfortunately it doesn't sound like there's a whole lot of that in the relationship. I've been in relationships like that. I'm lucky now and in no aspect of my life am settling or having to ignore or get over things my partner does. And you deserve the same thing. I hope you figure it out either way! I do think approaching him is a great first step.