Annoyances at the gym!



  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Like I said maybe they haven't tried them. But most don't use them.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Serious lifters don't use them. Of course they probably have never tried them either.

    There's a guy at my guy deadlifts about 3x bodyweight. I would say he is serious

    And the most experienced guy I train bench with wears them and hits over 2X BW on bench (390 @ 180 - hit 405 @ 190 a few months back).
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    LOL I hate it when people drop their weights while on the whole place vibrates......It just jolts me.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'm sure it helps his bench greatly.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Annoyances at the gym! Well, they aren't annoyances to me but....Guys who wear manbuns, yoga pants and toe shoes at the same time make me giggle. Kinda hard to not laugh in the middle of my set. Guys that are puffer fish, peacocks or guys with imaginary lat syndrome make me laugh too. Sometimes they hear me and make their way to the movie room/safe space to gather their emotions after being offended by my giggle. People who whine about weights being dropped are annoying, these are the same people that text or instagram while occupying a machine. Women that wear a lot of makeup all dressed up but don't really workout to break a sweat and take selfies while occupying a machine. We have two gyms owned by the same company, one is more of a social club type atmosphere, the other is a hardcore noisy gym for serious lifters.

    Men wear toe shoes at your gym?


    newmeadow wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Annoyances at the gym! Well, they aren't annoyances to me but....Guys who wear manbuns, yoga pants and toe shoes at the same time make me giggle. Kinda hard to not laugh in the middle of my set. Guys that are puffer fish, peacocks or guys with imaginary lat syndrome make me laugh too. Sometimes they hear me and make their way to the movie room/safe space to gather their emotions after being offended by my giggle. People who whine about weights being dropped are annoying, these are the same people that text or instagram while occupying a machine. Women that wear a lot of makeup all dressed up but don't really workout to break a sweat and take selfies while occupying a machine. We have two gyms owned by the same company, one is more of a social club type atmosphere, the other is a hardcore noisy gym for serious lifters.

    Men wear toe shoes at your gym?


    Every blue moon you'll have a guy come in wear those rubber shoes that look like toe socks,lol. They don't last long though.

    Oh, you mean like the Vibram Five Finger shoes. Are people still wearing those?

    I wear them.

    I have one pair that are too big that I wear to lift - next best thing to lifting barefoot which I'd prefer, but for obvious reasons is not allowed in the gym. And, I have a pair that fit that I wear to run short to middle distances.

    I had no idea anyone found them annoying. :tongue:

    What annoys me is more common - not racking weights, leaving said weights too high for the shorties like me to reach them without climbing the power cage like it's a jungle gym. Trying to strike up a conversation while I'm in the middle of a lift. That sort of thing.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    edited December 2016
    Don't think anyone said they were annoyed by them. They are cute, especially colorful ones.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    fitterpam wrote: »
    LOL I hate it when people drop their weights while on the whole place vibrates......It just jolts me.

    There's a cable machine at our gym that's on its last legs, I'm not sure why they haven't replaced it yet, but the weights sometimes get stuck at the top. Then you release the tension on the cable and a second later they slam back down. It's jolting for everyone, but when you're standing right next to it it's SO LOUD. It scared the crap out of me the first time it happened. My gym annoyance: that that machine is still in the building, and that no one's covered it in gigantic OUT OF ORDER signs.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm pretty sure they don't disinfect the barbels or gym mats and I find that disgusting. My friend got staph and we just figured it was from a mat in a group fitness class.

    I don't expect dumbbells or mats to be disinfected in between uses. I practice basic hygiene safety by not touching my eyes, nose, mouth, etc. while working out and wash my hands when I'm finished.

    I also don't touch mucous membranes while at the super market, or nursing home, etc., etc.

    When I had poison ivy on my forearm and thus broken skin I covered it up thoroughly before going to the gym.

    5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

    Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.

    These common-sense precautions can help lower your risk of developing staph infections:
    • Wash your hands. Careful hand-washing is your best defense against germs. Wash your hands briskly for at least 15 to 30 seconds, then dry them with a disposable towel and use another towel to turn off the faucet. If your hands aren't visibly dirty, you can use a hand sanitizer containing at least 62 percent alcohol.
    • Keep wounds covered. Keep cuts and abrasions clean and covered with sterile, dry bandages until they heal. The pus from infected sores often contains staph bacteria, and keeping wounds covered will help keep the bacteria from spreading.
    • Reduce tampon risks. Toxic shock syndrome is caused by staph bacteria. Since tampons left in for long periods can be a breeding ground for staph bacteria, you can reduce your chances of getting toxic shock syndrome by changing your tampon frequently, at least every four to eight hours. Use the lowest absorbency tampon you can, and try to alternate using tampons and sanitary napkins whenever possible.
    • Keep personal items personal. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, sheets, razors, clothing and athletic equipment. Staph infections can spread on objects, as well as from person to person.
    • Wash clothing and bedding in hot water. Staph bacteria can survive on clothing and bedding that isn't properly washed. To get bacteria off clothing and sheets, wash them in hot water whenever possible. Also, use bleach on any bleach-safe materials. Drying in the dryer is better than air-drying, but staph bacteria may survive the clothes dryer.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Annoyances at the gym! Well, they aren't annoyances to me but....Guys who wear manbuns, yoga pants and toe shoes at the same time make me giggle. Kinda hard to not laugh in the middle of my set. Guys that are puffer fish, peacocks or guys with imaginary lat syndrome make me laugh too. Sometimes they hear me and make their way to the movie room/safe space to gather their emotions after being offended by my giggle. People who whine about weights being dropped are annoying, these are the same people that text or instagram while occupying a machine. Women that wear a lot of makeup all dressed up but don't really workout to break a sweat and take selfies while occupying a machine. We have two gyms owned by the same company, one is more of a social club type atmosphere, the other is a hardcore noisy gym for serious lifters.

    Men wear toe shoes at your gym?


    newmeadow wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Annoyances at the gym! Well, they aren't annoyances to me but....Guys who wear manbuns, yoga pants and toe shoes at the same time make me giggle. Kinda hard to not laugh in the middle of my set. Guys that are puffer fish, peacocks or guys with imaginary lat syndrome make me laugh too. Sometimes they hear me and make their way to the movie room/safe space to gather their emotions after being offended by my giggle. People who whine about weights being dropped are annoying, these are the same people that text or instagram while occupying a machine. Women that wear a lot of makeup all dressed up but don't really workout to break a sweat and take selfies while occupying a machine. We have two gyms owned by the same company, one is more of a social club type atmosphere, the other is a hardcore noisy gym for serious lifters.

    Men wear toe shoes at your gym?


    Every blue moon you'll have a guy come in wear those rubber shoes that look like toe socks,lol. They don't last long though.

    Oh, you mean like the Vibram Five Finger shoes. Are people still wearing those?

    Weren't the makers of those sued for making false medical claims about them?

    Can't remember if it was Vibram or one of the couple other minimal toe shoe companies, but yes. One of them was claiming fewer injuries wearing them which is a complete joke. If anything, there are many more because people don't take their time adjusting to them, which I get. It can take a year to convert from standard drop and cushioned running shoes. I understand that achilles and calf injuries are a big problem.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    fitterpam wrote: »
    LOL I hate it when people drop their weights while on the whole place vibrates......It just jolts me.

    There's a cable machine at our gym that's on its last legs, I'm not sure why they haven't replaced it yet, but the weights sometimes get stuck at the top. Then you release the tension on the cable and a second later they slam back down. It's jolting for everyone, but when you're standing right next to it it's SO LOUD. It scared the crap out of me the first time it happened. My gym annoyance: that that machine is still in the building, and that no one's covered it in gigantic OUT OF ORDER signs.

    We have on thats getting hung up too. I don't walk away until I get it back down. Usually caused from someone letting go of the cable before it's at the bottom.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Can you clean Vibrams? They just seem really gross with all the sweat and foot skin rubbing off in there.

    Yep. They go right into the washer and dryer. No hassle.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Not the gym exactly, but the change rooms: When it's practically empty but the one other person in there with you puts their stuff right next to the locker you're using. I need my space, especially when I'm nekkid.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »

    Oh, you mean like the Vibram Five Finger shoes. Are people still wearing those?

    Yeah, theres a few that come in wearing them,lol. Those shoes to me serve no purpose.[/quote]

    Actually people who like to deadlift or squat barefoot will wear those since most gym dont allow bare feet.

    There is a purpose. [/quote]

    Or you could get wrestling shoes or minimalist running shoes that aren't model after Al Bundy (that's actually true btw).
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    I still laugh quietly as to not offend the manbun guy with imaginary lat syndrome.

    ILS is real! :lol:
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    No, pretty sure it was the ones with toes.

    Not sure about the Five Toes but Sketchers did get sued over false claims.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    fitterpam wrote: »
    LOL I hate it when people drop their weights while on the whole place vibrates......It just jolts me.

    There's a cable machine at our gym that's on its last legs, I'm not sure why they haven't replaced it yet, but the weights sometimes get stuck at the top. Then you release the tension on the cable and a second later they slam back down. It's jolting for everyone, but when you're standing right next to it it's SO LOUD. It scared the crap out of me the first time it happened. My gym annoyance: that that machine is still in the building, and that no one's covered it in gigantic OUT OF ORDER signs.

    We have on thats getting hung up too. I don't walk away until I get it back down. Usually caused from someone letting go of the cable before it's at the bottom.

    You are a good person.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Annoyances at the gym! Well, they aren't annoyances to me but....Guys who wear manbuns, yoga pants and toe shoes at the same time make me giggle. Kinda hard to not laugh in the middle of my set. Guys that are puffer fish, peacocks or guys with imaginary lat syndrome make me laugh too. Sometimes they hear me and make their way to the movie room/safe space to gather their emotions after being offended by my giggle. People who whine about weights being dropped are annoying, these are the same people that text or instagram while occupying a machine. Women that wear a lot of makeup all dressed up but don't really workout to break a sweat and take selfies while occupying a machine. We have two gyms owned by the same company, one is more of a social club type atmosphere, the other is a hardcore noisy gym for serious lifters.

    Men wear toe shoes at your gym?


    newmeadow wrote: »
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    Annoyances at the gym! Well, they aren't annoyances to me but....Guys who wear manbuns, yoga pants and toe shoes at the same time make me giggle. Kinda hard to not laugh in the middle of my set. Guys that are puffer fish, peacocks or guys with imaginary lat syndrome make me laugh too. Sometimes they hear me and make their way to the movie room/safe space to gather their emotions after being offended by my giggle. People who whine about weights being dropped are annoying, these are the same people that text or instagram while occupying a machine. Women that wear a lot of makeup all dressed up but don't really workout to break a sweat and take selfies while occupying a machine. We have two gyms owned by the same company, one is more of a social club type atmosphere, the other is a hardcore noisy gym for serious lifters.

    Men wear toe shoes at your gym?


    Every blue moon you'll have a guy come in wear those rubber shoes that look like toe socks,lol. They don't last long though.

    Oh, you mean like the Vibram Five Finger shoes. Are people still wearing those?

    I wear them.

    I have one pair that are too big that I wear to lift - next best thing to lifting barefoot which I'd prefer, but for obvious reasons is not allowed in the gym. And, I have a pair that fit that I wear to run short to middle distances.

    I had no idea anyone found them annoying. :tongue:

    What annoys me is more common - not racking weights, leaving said weights too high for the shorties like me to reach them without climbing the power cage like it's a jungle gym. Trying to strike up a conversation while I'm in the middle of a lift. That sort of thing.

    I certainly don't care if people wear them lol, I just haven't seen them for a few years so I was surprised to hear that they are actually still being worn. Most people who want the minimalist shoes buy the standard toe box, minimalist shoes, but that trend in running looks like it's in decline.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    fitterpam wrote: »
    LOL I hate it when people drop their weights while on the whole place vibrates......It just jolts me.

    There's a cable machine at our gym that's on its last legs, I'm not sure why they haven't replaced it yet, but the weights sometimes get stuck at the top. Then you release the tension on the cable and a second later they slam back down. It's jolting for everyone, but when you're standing right next to it it's SO LOUD. It scared the crap out of me the first time it happened. My gym annoyance: that that machine is still in the building, and that no one's covered it in gigantic OUT OF ORDER signs.

    We have one thats getting hung up too. I don't walk away until I get it back down. Usually caused from someone letting go of the cable before it's at the bottom.

    You are a good person.

  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    Not the gym exactly, but the change rooms: When it's practically empty but the one other person in there with you puts their stuff right next to the locker you're using. I need my space, especially when I'm nekkid.

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