Ok I messed up making this page.....PLEASE COMMENT HERE!!!!!!! So all can see....THANK YOU



  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    @onsickmom... sorry that i have been awol for awhile.. you know how life gets sometimes.. sorry to hear about your pending divorce. It has to be stressful, but it sounds like you are on the road to full recovery. Praying for you..
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @blwelch1 ...... Thinking of you always..I have the beautiful card in my room right where I can see it...A constant reminder that love is everywhere if you seek God's love !!!! Yes I'm stressed!!! Trying really hard not to be....I get into my own thinking...That's dangerous..So constantly trying to focus back on God and not me!!!! It's not about me.... I love my husband...But I will not be in this anymore...Too much to explain!!!! I prayed about my decision..I was afraid to make God mad....I still struggle with anxiety...I just went on a 20 minute walk to clear my mind...Daughters here with hungry kids and messy...He and she talking about homes for rent..I just wanted to RUN....But walking is all I can do...So that's what I did...Lol....Hugs much love
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    yep, you are in a season of change. It's hard and God loves you,and He knows your heart. The devil is the one that loves it when we struggle and have anxiety. Don't let him win. Sorry for being long in responding. I went to Florida with some friends and usually weekends and vacations i do not get online. I hope you have a great week..
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Glad you had a good time...You are so right it's the evil coming at me....A friend I met online said I should watch Shift....By Dr Dwayne Dyer...About addicted thinking in general...A documentarie... I'm gonna give it a look..Today I added to my suffering....Lol !!!! I quit smoking!!!!! I started with step 2 on the patch...I've had a few moments today !!!!!! But it's already 6:30 here and at 10 pm will be my first 24 hours....And get this!!!! SAT will be 6 MONTHS SOBER!!!!!! God is good!!! I love the little church and all in it....And I refer back to the day devotion in the book you sent me...Some days just once is OK..Other days I must read several times...If I can get past this anxiety stuff I would say I'm doing great !!!! It just really throws me down!!!!!! I'm praying thru it...Maybe without cigarettes it will settle down some..Of course I'm still getting nicotine thru the patch...I have a feeling I will go as fast as possible with that....Get it over quickly...Cause I'm crazy like that...Hard to walk into church smelling like a dragon and cry in prayer and feel guilty every time I light up...Plus it's horrible on the health...I sure love you my dear!!!!! Happy to hear from you!!!!
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    6 months sober, soon to be cigarette free!! you are doing great and just keeping putting one foot in front of the other. You've got this girl!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I'm day 2 no cigarette!!!!! I have done so much today I can barely move now...Lol....All that time wasted smoking and drinking....I'm excited for my future!!!!! Tomorrow is Friday and when I wake eat I'm 6 months off alcohol!!!! Six months!!!!!!! Still alive.. Anxiety hasn't killed me....So far today I haven't had any !!!!! Maybe cigarettes were helping cause it...And I'm sweating when I'm supposed to!!!! Strange....But I like it!!!!! Thanks for being my pray friend and cheerleader!!!!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    You yes!!!!!! Six months sober !!!!!!!!!!!!! Half a year !!!!!!!!!!! Day 5 no cigarette!!!!! I'm so happy
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    Way to go GIRL!!!

  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Way to go! You are an inspiration.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks!!!!! And bonus after I gave up the cigarette my anxiety is almost totally gone !!!! So with half a year no alcohol and cut way way back on pain medication....Well and I had stopped one called tramadol over nine months ago along with soda!!! No caffeine...I only drink water...But I cut back on pain medication I'm currently on...Hhope to be off it within the next year....And just use over the counter meds!!!! This journey has taken me places in my mind I never knew was possible!!!! I was at church two Sundays ago and while being prayed over I felt a warm swoosh travel thru me like warm waters!!!! Felt so loving !!! In my right mind I felt the holy Spirit!!!!! It's real !!!!!! I don't ever really think about drinking!!! But cravings for cig is pretty strong!!!!! I just tell myself how much better my anxiety is.... Do you want a panic attack??? Smoke a cigarette !!! Lol hey it works!!!! Also trying not to sub one thing for another...I wanna eat ALOT!!! But am not gonna let that get me...I've lost too much weight to start packing it back on...I'm gonna look thru some calories here in a minute..Wanna make some cream of mushroom noodles ... HEALTHY WAY!!! IM SOBER!!! IM HAPPY!!!IVE FOUND SOME PEACE IN MY LIFE !!!!!!FINALLY!!!IVE BEEN SET FREE!!!AMEN PRAISE GOD!!!!!
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    !!! In my right mind I felt the holy Spirit!!!.... i believe it was.... And, you could post on the Successful Stores page that i check out too... Not sure if I have read one better than yours!!!!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Awe!!!!! I love you soul sister!!!!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I just read your post from earlier today and I'm so happy for you!! I know how terrible anxiety attacks can be, I had no idea stopping smoking would help with that but that is awesome!! Congrats on getting your life back on track :)
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you MonkeyMel21.... I had no idea smoking could change that either...My guess is that my blood pressure is more level not having all the toxins....I per Brianna for two days and it smelled funky too.....Lol....I do have a patch on...But a step two 14 mg one...Then gonna do the 7 mg for two weeks and be done!!!!! I'm excited about so many things...I walked almost a whole hour this eve....And did some leg stuff...Put foot on chair and lift..Was great for me ...... Yehhh!!!! Lol....So love you gals supporting me....Love you so much
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    two weeks off cigs....And 190 days off the booze....I worked yesterday..And thought I would sleep hard last night but woke with pain and had to pee about 4 times ..BLAHHHH...LIFES GOOD>>>>HOPE ALL ARE WELL>>>>OXOX
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I am now 205 days SOBER!!!!! And I'm 30 days off cigs,,,,, I am wearing a 7 mg patch and will for a couple more weeks.....I haven't had a soda or a tramadol pain pill in 311 days!!!! I've finally reached a point where I'm not having bad anxiety like I was....But I do go to great lengths to not be anxious,,, Church every Sunday!!!! Still listen to Jason Stephenson meditation....I am back working!!!! I'm in slot of pain !!!!!!!! But that's OK!!!! I can feel it and everything else in my life!!!!!!! Praise God !!!! Amen!!!! Hope your all doing well...I made it this far!!!!!!!! Come join me!!!! It's beautiful here !!!!!
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Good job. It is so encouraging to hear how far you have come.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Good to hear from ya Tamera.....Thank you!!!!! Oxox
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    216 days SOBER.....40 days no cigarettes and 4 the day off the nicotine patch !!!!! I'm feeling much much better than I was during the first few months of sobriety!!!! My anxiety is under control.... I was a bit fearful to become smoke free!!!! All said it made them anxious and I so didn't wanna do that to myself!!!!! Well that type of anxiety is different than the general anxiety disorder I have....OK QUITTING DIDNT GIVE ME ANXIETY,,,, If anything it made my anxiety almost totally gone !!!!!!! What I used to calm myself caused it to be much worse!!!!! I sure am enjoying living again or finally !!!!!! I woke early today and started changing the caster pump on my truck....Then went to church...Then used the chain sawcto cut trees down in my fence line...Small trees of course!!! Now I'm relaxing with a heat pad across my knees....I found that if I use the heat pad for a good hour while I'm relaxing I don't wake in pain as much!!!! I am also back working!!!!! Hello never thought that would be possible!!!!!!Yes !!!!!!! To anyone thinking of becoming sober I can tell you it's possible and life after is much better....There is a page called hello Sunday morning...I joined that....Most because I'm here almost alone!!!!!! There are thousands on that web site and I can get and give advise to others...I'm here!!!!! And a few come in and out...So please leave a hello and welcome!!!!!!!! Sobriety is beautiful !!!! God is good
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Hello beautiful people..Hope all are doing fantastic....