
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Janets and Karen does sound like allergies. Seems early for tree pollen. Like the idea that staying hydrated helps.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Leslie Sansone's Shortcut Upper and Lower Body DVD. This was just a so-so video. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Yoga DVD.

    We have a social to go to tonight for the Newcomers. But I have to be Eucharistic Minister at my church, so after church I'll go there. Honestly, in looking at the menu, I'm not crazy at all about the food. Rice and mashed potatoes??? No veges???? So what I'm planning to do is to take some shirataki noodles and this cream of mushroom soup in a container that has a lid (thank you, Heather, for the suggestion of putting the noodles in a soup), have it in the car before I go there.

    Mrs GLT - great for your daughter!

    Sharon - I always enjoyed a Christmas party in January. The rush of the holidays are over and you can truly enjoy yourself.

    Chris - where do you get your leggins? I'm looking for a pair that are fleece lined in a bright green color to wear with my elf costume.

    Mavisjones - welcome back. Happy Birthday, also

    arbie - what foods did you find that kept you satisfied while being nutritious?

    Michele in NC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member

    Weight 185.6

    Stretches 17 minutes
    Squats 27
    Steps 7927
    Walk 45 min
    Water 10.5 cups

    DH says I've been irritatable all month. Told him just returning what I'm getting. And if it's been a whole month there there must be something wrong. I feel like he's been irritable all month. Finance situation getting to both of us I guess.

    My DB and wife are coming today. First time ever! Post on visit later.

    Rita from CT fighting anxiety, depression, and miserable DH
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Mavis keep on logging and checking in with the group, it works!
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    edited January 2017
    Penny Love, love the video!!
    Stats today:
    Treadmill 60 min
    Walking video 88 min
    Core 29 min
    Stretching 3 min

    Working hard, eating well, I weigh in tomorrow so we will see.
    Sarah, Ontario, Canada <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    pip - It looks like 'wisteria' which is pretty but, extremely invasive. If you like it then suggest you either plant it so it will go up a trellis or one stand-alone bush, then keep it trimmed so the tops won't touch the ground that will allow it to set knew roots than continue to spread ... When we build out house (as a child) it had purple blossoms but they do come in white and a pale pink.

    we intentionally plated it by the chainlink fence on our side. that divides the property to the neighbors house. when it's blooming, we see the plant not the fence which I niece, it's growing along the fence now.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    For the Fitbit users: it never made sense to me why I would wear a device on my wrist to count my steps, I don't walk on my hands. After being frustrated that my grocery cart holding steps didn't register, I devised a cloth sleeve to wear on my ankle secured with Velcro. It is pretty accurate as I have watched the steps register on the Fitbit app as I tested it. I have the flex so I can swim with it on and walk in the ocean. When I don't want to wear it on my ankle when I'm wearing a dress, I have a sleeve that attaches to my bra which is pretty accurate. Etsy sells ankle bracelets that hold the flex also. On my to do list this weekend is making new sleeves, I've worn out the old ones.

    I discovered leggings last year and love them! So comfortable, where have they been all my life? My collection doesn't include any wild patterns yet, but that may soon change.

    Down 1 lb. for the week and 4.5 lbs. for the month, extremely pleased. The progress is giving me great incentive to stay on track. Met a friend for dinner on Thursday, pre logged food and wine, was within calorie goal and although I gained a bit the next day (I suspect high sodium) it was all off by this morning with a little extra. I just may try on those size 4 jeans on my mall walk today.

    Trying the cauliflower pizza recipe this weekend, I will post the recipe if it turns out ok.

    Love to all,
    Chris in MA

    u don't walk with your hands but u use your hands when you walk. the swinging motion is what is activating the count of your steps. that's not all it counts. I don't use one anymore, due to inaccuracy of the calorie count which is what I do watc.. I use the apply watch and am comparing the stats to my wahoo fitness chest strap

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Re: You are doubly blessed. You have a good attitude and a plan of action. Your own attitude is powerful and important to your success. The news from the Dr. is not ideal, but it lets you know what is real and he's given you good options for improving your knee strength. I have one bad knee so I have some experience in the matter. The combination of taking off pounds and strength exercises has worked wonders for me. I credit yoga with saving my quality of life. MFP has made a huge contribution, but I didn't stumble into MFP until after I'd been working at yoga for a long time. They've made a great team for me. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: :heart:

    Joyce: I hope you find the stove of your dreams and it can be delivered ASAP. :smiley:

    Lenora: Spoiling our canine children has a lot less negative long term results than spoiling our human children. :wink:

    Betsy from NW WA: I have always used exercise to earn more calories, but I've also always burned a few more calories than I eat. This has been a huge help in keeping me stable and compensates for inaccuracies in my food reporting. I'm in maintenance now & bounce up and down a bit. Being able to earn a treat by exercising more has been very empowering & keeps me encouraged & motivated. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: Yes, there has been more talk about leasing a horse, and I may luck out and get to use my current lesson horse for free if his retraining is successful. He needs more exercise than his owner can provide. (We're both 60+ & she's both older and a far more experienced rider than me.) We will see if his retraining works well enough that he is safe. He's been a hellion in the past and aggressively attacked her once last year. I have seen huge improvements in Arrow since my teacher took over his training. Right now I don't have the extra time to spend at the stable because of DH's needed cataract surgery. There are other health issues for him as well. I'm in no hurry. :noway: :smiley:

    Heather: I'm glad you're doing enough better to have a little fun now. Yay! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: We bought our current mattress from Sam's Club and have been quite happy with it. We aren't actually members, so our DIL made the purchase and we reimbursed her for it. The challenge came in getting it upstairs in our house. It was delivered to our front door & we had to handle it from there. Foam mattresses are heavy & we both felt like we'd moved a mountain by the time we got it up the staircase. We'd like to buy a second one for the guest room but will need to get a bit healthier to manage getting it where it needs to go. :noway:

    Sherry: I'm happy that your new tablet is an improvement. :star:

    Sharon: I may never muck out the stall & wouldn't get into a situation where it was my responsibility at this point. I don't have the time available to commit to an every day chore like that. It is part of the reason I don't think about buying a horse. DH comes first & he has health needs that result in time demands on me. I would be glad to help with cleaning the stalls once in a while to learn and as a favor to the owner of the stable. She's pretty awesome. :smiley:

    NY Karen: Enjoy your meet up with Rori. She's awesome! Take photos to share. :bigsmile:

    Chris in MA: "For the Fitbit users: it never made sense to me why I would wear a device on my wrist to count my steps, I don't walk on my hands." I agree! Pip has made an excellent point about swinging your arms while you walk, though. Congrats on the loss. :smiley:

    Mavis: Stop by more often and we'll help to provide encouragement. That is the best thing about this group. Do you have us bookmarked? :flowerforyou:

    Rita: (((HUGS)))

    DH & the dog both have upset stomachs today & have been making frequent visits to their respective rest areas. So far I'm doing great. We think it must have been something bad they both ate. I hope it isn't something I'll come down with, too.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Heather - sounds like you are experiencing some wonderful things now. I can hear your old self peeking out when you describe your food. You should write for a magazine!

    Katla - You sound so happy about your day!

    Pip - Wow! Beautiful portrait! I can feel the love.

    Barbie - New pooch! Yeah!

    Re - seems you and your doctor have a good plan. Keep us posted.

    Tracie - sounds like fun to shop for the the twins!

    I am working today during the youth basketball games. It is picture day for the teams, too. Ugg! 20 children playing basketball in the gym. More little stinkers bouncing their balls in the lobby while they wait to play their games. The parents are oblivious to the fact that the lobby area is a place of business. Snooty, upper middle class types. Very few kids seem mannerly. The teacher in me finds it hard to contain myself! Hope my blood pressure stays in control!

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Last night was a tough one... I lay in bed for a long time with aches and pains all over. Took ibuprofen and acetaminophen before bed, and got up maybe an hour later to take more. Hips hurt, back hurt, toe hurt - I was really feeling old.

    spikeyhair - Love the fancy nails! One thing I wish I could tell my younger self is, "Take care of your hands!" I hate how old mine look.

    Heather - Ooh, I love flan. Very hard for me to resist anything custardy. Glad you are able to tour and eat.

    DJ - It's been quite windy here and we're having the same problem with itchy eyes and other allergy symptoms. The wind has just whipped everything up into the air. We're in an allergy belt here, so there's always something or other spouting pollen.

    Sharon - What a lovely gift you gave your mother by putting a stone on her baby's grave.

    Penny - I loved the Arctic Philharmonic video. Very exciting! Somehow they mostly managed not to look like they were freezing out there.

    mavisjones - We all have good days and bad days, and you must give yourself credit for making progress even though you are caretaking for your mother. Welcome back!

    I've let my routine slip over the last couple of days. Today is when I need to get myself back in hand with eating and exercise before I lose any more ground.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sherry, I have an iPad and I can't get on community here from the app. But I can on the browser Safari. Do you have that on your tablet. It comes downloaded on the iPad.

    When I had the basic fitbit, I didn't like to clip it to my PJ's so I cut the toes out of a sock and rolled the fitbit in it and put it on my arm.

    Headache gone today and must have went to sleep pretty quickly since I didn't hear Charlie come in.

    Heather, could you DH be upset that you chose this place then got sick he was left to his own. Plus, as you said, he must have been extremely worried about your health.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Mavis you sound determined. A very important step!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Janet #2 – A couple of weeks ago, my left eye itched so bad that I thought I had something in it. I wanted to dig it out, throw it into a bowl of water, and wait to stick it back in the next morning; but, could not do that. I finally called the eye MD when it started feeling like I had scratched the inside of the lid. He gave me some drops (and I about dropped) that were extremely expensive for the amount that I got; but, they worked great. Next day, eye felt 100% better. Told me to put some sort of ‘fresh eye’ type of left eye matt over so bad that I have used some eye ointment that I have used before into his eye. He did NOT like it one bit; but, it cleared it up. The first time I saw it, I thought he had gotten into a fight with one of my DOS’s cats and had lost it.

    KarenNY – I gave a Scrabble game to my DOGD and her boyfriend for Christmas last year; this year I gave them some books for finding words with those letters that are sometimes hard to come up with words, I think the included “I”, “M”, “X”, "Y", and “Z” plus 2 or 3 others. DOGD said it was a favorite game of theirs.

    Sharon – CCP must be like our SSA (Social Security Administration) which we pay into when we are working so we will have income as we get older and retired (or disabled). Early retirement is 62; regular retirement (I think) just went up to age 66 from 65. It is supposed to go up each year until it reaches an age that is more in tune with ‘life expectancy’. Of course, after they ended up adding 'widow's and children's benefits' ... it started eating into the balance and now people are afraid it will run out of money by the time they get to claim it. Others think that it should not be taken out of their checks because it could be better invested on their own.

    I think it is difficult for any couple to lose a baby; stillborn or through a miscarriage or other pregnancy complication. I also would have voted to put a headstone for the baby that was lost. Or at least a slab with date of birth, death, and ‘name’ if given one.

    Maybe with your DGS, could be that he is getting ‘bullied’ … ‘online’ or ‘at school’. I know our DMGD had stomach issues and was not doing well in school for a couple of years before she admitted that one of the girls in her class was a ‘mean girl’. One day, DOGD saw her confront our DMGD; and, she took out her cellphone and filmed it, sent it to mother at work. I don’t know how fast she was driving; but, was there before the incident had ended. She had complained already to the Headmaster, who did not do anything about it. But, when this girl saw DDnL#1 storming her way … the kids that had gathered around … scattered! It ended very quickly. The girl was ‘invited’ to NOT come back the next year. Surprisingly, they are friends now. She lives in a different county; so they aren’t ‘close’ at school. One of the boys in the class, jumped between them when it looked like the ‘mean girl’ was going to ‘hit’ or ‘otherwise’ put her hands on DMGD. DMGD had been told ‘if she touches you – DECK HER’! Sixth and seventh grades were ‘horrible’ for DMGD and he grades suffered, she also would not bring ‘pink slips’ home to be signed; which only meant she got more. Eighth grade she did a total 180° turn-around and was on the Junior Honor Society and then on the Honor’s Society once she entered HS. DH told her the best way to get back at the ‘mean girls’ was to show them she was as smart or smarter than they are … she is so much more beautiful than she will ever know. Beautiful blue eyes and dark auburn hair.

    Don’t know how old your DGS is … but, if his age is ‘double digits’ he might tell the MD what is going on if his parent(s) or grandparent(s) are not ‘in the room’ when they talk. I know that when DMGD went to MD … she got to talk to the Pediatrician without an adult being in the room. He had ways of talking to his patients that would put them ‘at ease’. Then he would talk to the parent(s) and tell them ‘how to deal with it at home’. Letting her ‘start’ a conversation giving him 3 topics … might lead into what has been making him feel this way.

    … and Katla – My BFF and I did not mind all the mucking out the stalls and grooming all the horses at the farm another friend’s father owned was worth doing to be able to ride horses all afternoon any time we wanted to.

    Kids came come up with the darn-dest things to say … and their ideas of ‘how things should work’. I think sometimes even ‘adults’ had ideas about what they want “free”; but, never think about ‘who or how those ideas will get paid’.

    I drink a minimum of 8 8-oz glasses of water; and, that doesn’t count the coffee or no-calorie lemonade I drink. I’ve been trying to increase the water and decrease the coffee; but, that is a no go for me. I love my coffee too much to cut it back. Take Vitamin E and Evening Primrose to help with feeling lumps in breast. MD has told me to cut back on coffee and I just look at him ... 'yeah, right'!!!!!

    Penny – I really like “Yanni” … masterful composer; and, he really gets into his music as does the symphony playing with/for him. They all look like they enjoy what they are doing.

    Chris in MA – My DH and I were just talking about leggings/yoga pants. When he was making fun of some of the ladies he has seen wearing them; I reminded him that most of the pants I wear are either yoga pants or skinny jeans with a long top over them. He then said, that isn’t what I am saying … I then said, “you’re thinking that ‘just because they make them in your size, does not mean you should wear them’ … RIGHT?” Exactly.

    Great loss; it seems like for the past 6 weeks I have been losing then finding the same 1.5 – 1lb all the time. We’ve done some modifications to see if it will ‘kick me off the plateau’ I am on. Nurse still does not think I should take the ‘appetite suppressants’. Instead, upped my exercise, water intake, and protein.

    Pip – On a fence is a good place; chain-link even better because it will get pretty heavy; just have to watch for the shoots that might put out, like I said, it can be very invasive. I have a Confederate Jasmine on a trellis. It got blown over during a high wind, Louis pulled it back up and the ratchetted it to the cypress tree. It is very top heavy and the arch can no longer be seen. The flowers are yellow; but, I want a bush that has the ‘white’ flowers because it give out a nice scent. The yellow ones don’t even give off a scent.
    In my flower bed, I had a trellis for a ‘butterfly plant’ (hummers really like the red tubercular flowers) but, it is so darn evasive we have to pull it up before it starts coming out this Spring. I’d love to be able to dig up my bulbs and do whatever needs to be done to them – separated and replant’ but, that isn’t going to happen this year. Mow those suckers down and add extra potting soil over them. There is just no ‘plan’ to my madness in how they are planted. Last year several of them just did not bloom.

  • sherryminchagain
    sherryminchagain Posts: 86 Member
    Hey now....

    Yay, all the kids are gone and I have the "big house" to myself! It's soooo quiet. Got my chore done, my room cleaned, my bed made, and laundry washed and in the dryer and a shower taken, wooohooo! Been babying my back and arm and actually feel pretty good today.

    Joyce - this tablet has what is called "Silk" for an internet browser, but I do have Safari on my iPhone. For some reason Amazon's version of the MFP app won't let me log into the app so had to uninstall it. I'm accessing MFP through the internet browser now, but that's OK, this browser is a lot faster than the one on the other tablet.

    Katla - thanks, I definately like this tablet much much better. It was definitely a good trade off.


    OK, gotta go check the laundry. Be back later.

    Sherry in "Co!umbia River Gorge"