


  • savgar32
    savgar32 Posts: 23 Member
    I've been vegan for about 6 months now and I guess the key to my success so far is dependent on a few things. I pretty much surround myself with it as much as I can- Initially, I told everyone that I was making the change (that has really helped keep me accountable), I started reading a lot of different vegan blogs for inspiration and sometimes I go to the bookstore and read the vegan cookbooks/ literature if I have downtime. As far as food there are the obvious things like avocado, beans, rice, veggies and the world of soy meats. It can get boring if you aren't willing to cook (that's my problem sometimes lol) but there are SO many great recipes online or if you have hankerin' for something you can just search for the vegan version - the other day I made vegan biscuits and gravy and it was rockin! You just gotta be willing to cook and I've found that it's really rewarding when ya do. Good luck!
  • Staying on the Vegan diet is a lot easier to me then even eating meat but eating healthy. When I eat meat or animal products, I get hungrier faster, but when I am eating a vegan diet, I eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables and I stay full a lot longer and I really don't ever feel hungry. And the times that I do feel hungry, it's like a different kind of hungry. It's a hungry where I feel it but if I can't eat right away, it's not a big deal. When I was eating animal products, I would get hungry but it would feel like cravings and I almost always gave into them which isn't good and was quite annoying for me trying to lose weight.

    Something else that made it easier to stick to was a change of the way I was thinking. When I was just trying to eat healthy, even as a vegetarian, it was all about the diet; all about losing weight. When I switched to being a vegan, it became about health and not contributing to the factory farming. I know that if I eat animal products, I AM contributing to it and I am NOT being healthy. Knowing these things contribute greatly to my willpower, and I know it's not worth it to give in.

    Most days, I struggle to even get enough calories. I am usually full around 800 calories and I have to force myself to eat those last 400-500 calories, which tells you how much I am not hungry on a vegan diet.

    One of my favorite things I have discovered so far is the simplest salad dressing ever. I was wanting to start making my own salad dressing because who knows what is in the store bought ones and I found that squeezing a lemon over my salad and then adding some black pepper and garlic salt is so delicious and probably the lowest calorie dressing you can use. I also always add avocado to my salads so it kind of mixes over everything and adds to the dressing. Super yummy.

    Hope this helps! :)