Slim fast buddies!?



  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    I started on my SlimFast today. I've had my shake for Breakfast, but I've packed some snacks to help me out. I have my lunch shake with me as well. I'm hoping for the best because honestly I've tried EVERYTHING I can't get rid of the visceral fat, that is my biggest problem. I'm on Plexus, that has helped me control my sugar, carbs, and clean my gut out daily. I am just struggling with areas that do not want to go away.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I started on my SlimFast today. I've had my shake for Breakfast, but I've packed some snacks to help me out. I have my lunch shake with me as well. I'm hoping for the best because honestly I've tried EVERYTHING I can't get rid of the visceral fat, that is my biggest problem. I'm on Plexus, that has helped me control my sugar, carbs, and clean my gut out daily. I am just struggling with areas that do not want to go away.

    NOTHING targets fat loss for specific areas. Well, except liposuction. Genetics plays a large role too. I'm pear shaped....that's my body type. I lose weight and strength train to shape things the best I can. But no guarantees.

    Eating fewer calories than your body expends - that's weight loss. It's always about calories.

    Supplements can make as many bogus claims as they want. If it's not a drug, it's not regulated. Are you going to take Plexus forever to "control your sugar, carbs, and clean your gut out daily?"

  • mparker87
    mparker87 Posts: 8 Member
    I do generic slim fast, have for years. I usually buy a four pack from Aldi for $3.29 I think. I only do them for breakfast and then try to eat reasonably the rest of the day. I lost 20 lbs in college by doing shakes for breakfast and lunch. I did gain the weight back, but it was because of poor eating choices in general. I do them now because mornings are chaotic and it's easy to grab one on my way out the door. It's 50/50 on whether or not I stay full until lunch time though. I've tried making my own protein shakes but it usually costs me more calories while still giving me the same odds of being hungry shortly thereafter.