I don't understand.



  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    for scale users, how do you deal with eating out?
    I have a scale I use at home, but I often eat in my work cafeteria (which, awesomely, has MFP barcodes for a lot of what they serve!) But when I go to the salad bar, I eyeball it by cup/tablespoon. And I'm getting stuff I don't normally eat at home to weigh.

    When i first started, I pretty much refused to eat anywhere that didn't post the nutrition info from their menu online. There is still a lot of "squishy room" between the recommended portion and what you actually get, but it was helpful for me to make good choices. A year or so into this, I now have a pretty clear picture of where the calorie bombs are hiding... who am I kidding, i can recite the calorie count of almost every raw food from memory. That helps me a LOT. I go overboard to avoid bad decisions when I eat out (no desssert, no chips/salsa/guac, never sandwiches, no fries, etc) and then try to log my food by individual ingredients. That is to say, if I order a cheeseburger with a fried egg, I log like this: 1 hamburger bun, 6 oz ground chuck, 2 pieces american cheese, one large egg, 1 tsp oil, 1/8c onion, 5 dill pickle slices, 3 tbsp mayo, 2 tbsp ketchup, etc. I find that its more accurate than just picking an entry from MFP.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I am also 5'6" and started at 255 now down to 250. It actually sounds like you are eating way too little! This is going to sound a little scary but I would suggest bumping up your calories by 50-100 per day and work your way up to between 1900-2000. You might see a short term gain but once your body is settled there the weight should start coming off more easily. There's actually a little more in depth and more effective way to do it including a reset, check out the em2wl group
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @LPflaum - I often do the same thing too, tracking ingredients individually. Sometimes it's the only way, particularly if you are adjusting from the standard prep (no special sauce, for example). I also will often do ingredients for a recipe individually instead of using a pre-saved recipe since each time I make it the portionsof each ingredient can be slightly off. I only do that for recipes with short ingredient lists though *_*
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited February 2017
    Im 5'6" and weigh 255 pounds. Ive been counting calories for 21 days. Most days I stay under 1300 calories but occasionally I do go over but not to a complete 2000. I go to the gym and do cardio AT LEAST every other day. Sometimes I get to go more often, but when I'm there, I go 5-6 miles on the stationary bikes and then will either walk 1.5 miles on the treadmill or I will do a weight training 30 min. Full body curcuit. I am killing it! But the numbers on the scale aren't reflecting all the work I'm puting in. What am I doing wrong????

    I'm your height and started at 225 pounds. If I had netted* as low as 1300 calories I would have lost a lot more than a pound a week. I suspect you are eating more than you think, which is common when people use cups rather than a food scale. Buy a scale and get back to us in a month :)

    *Net calories = total calories minus calories earned from exercise and eaten back. I can eat back about 75% of the calories I earn from exercise.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Just a quick anecdote on measuring using cups vs weight. I make some relatively healthy protein pancakes that include oatmeal instead of flour. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup or 40 grams of oatmeal. I was using 2 x 1/4 cup because that's the measuring cup I had available, probably with a little heap on the top of each for the longest time. When I actually measured on a scale, 40 grams came out to less than 1 and half 1/4 cups, so I was going over by nearly half a serving. Now, for one meal, that's not so bad, but if you do it 3 times a week for a month, you can see how that would add up.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member

    I do use measuring cups. That's bad? :(

    It's easy to be way off from accurate when you use measuring cups and spoons. Watch the video posted above.

  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I see her earlier posts, but just none of her more recent ones that people have quoted as replies

    If you clicked on her avatar a window pops up with two buttons at the bottom. I've accidently clicked on the Ignore button before. Maybe try going back to one of the posts you can see, click on the avatar and see if you accidently clicked ignore?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I see her earlier posts, but just none of her more recent ones that people have quoted as replies

    If you clicked on her avatar a window pops up with two buttons at the bottom. I've accidently clicked on the Ignore button before. Maybe try going back to one of the posts you can see, click on the avatar and see if you accidently clicked ignore?

    and now I'm seeing them again - its really weird - I hadn't opened her profile when this happened (I opened it after though)
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    I see her earlier posts, but just none of her more recent ones that people have quoted as replies

    If you clicked on her avatar a window pops up with two buttons at the bottom. I've accidently clicked on the Ignore button before. Maybe try going back to one of the posts you can see, click on the avatar and see if you accidently clicked ignore?

    and now I'm seeing them again - its really weird - I hadn't opened her profile when this happened (I opened it after though)

    Huh. Sometimes it feels like this site exists in an alternate universe with it's own (secret) rules. Glad the problem was fixed :-)