Not losing weight?



  • Bubbles_Brule
    Bubbles_Brule Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks to all for advice, thoughts etc.

    One comment: if you think playing goal "can't be much of a workout" then you've never played goal. Ask Martin Brodeur.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    Are you weighing all your food?
    How long has it been (sometimes weight loss stalls for a few weeks)
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    weightloss doesn't stall for weeks. Effort may stall for weeks, but if you put in work, you won't have weeks of no weight loss.

    weight loss isnt linear,some weeks you may not lose,some you may gain. so she may be overeating,/retaining water which can mask a stall. yes,it can stall for weeks. I was on a 6+ month long plateau,I lowered calories,exercised more,ate back less exercise calorie,ate back no exercise calories,etc.

    I have a metabolic disorder but still. it can stall for weeks.I weigh EVERYTHING. I also dont have cheat meals or cheat days anymore still didnt make a difference.

    It took me that 6+ months to lose 1.2 lbs,then it stalled again and it took a few more months to lose 1.8lbs.
    Not saying this is her issue,but it was mine.I finally said to heck with it and eat @/close to maintenance for now to give myself a break. It took me 4 years to lose 45 lbs.

    meh, it took me 7 months to lose 65lbs. It was pretty linear process with no plateauing. Firm believer it's effort that platueas.

    for you,maybe. its not that way for everyone. so you are saying you were losing 0.3lbs a day or 2.16 lbs a week? as for effort I was many times working out twice a day as well. you cant say its a lack of effort when people plateau or stall,when you have no clue what they have or havent done. some people out there are working their *kitten* off,weighing everything,being as precise as possible with everything and still have a hard time losing. just because it was easy for you doesnt mean it will be for everyone else out there.

    The more you have to lose the faster its likely to come off as well. I had less than 75 lbs to lose and I still have 20+ to go.Its also about CICO not how much you workout or dont workout when it comes to weight loss.

    It's simple math, calories in vs calories out. your body can't create weight, it's fully dependent on your activity and consumption.

    So if they're "working their kitten off" but not losing any weight, then they're not realizing how much they're actually eating, not counting their drink calories, or have terrible cheat meals.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    Are you weighing all your food?
    How long has it been (sometimes weight loss stalls for a few weeks)
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    weightloss doesn't stall for weeks. Effort may stall for weeks, but if you put in work, you won't have weeks of no weight loss.

    weight loss isnt linear,some weeks you may not lose,some you may gain. so she may be overeating,/retaining water which can mask a stall. yes,it can stall for weeks. I was on a 6+ month long plateau,I lowered calories,exercised more,ate back less exercise calorie,ate back no exercise calories,etc.

    I have a metabolic disorder but still. it can stall for weeks.I weigh EVERYTHING. I also dont have cheat meals or cheat days anymore still didnt make a difference.

    It took me that 6+ months to lose 1.2 lbs,then it stalled again and it took a few more months to lose 1.8lbs.
    Not saying this is her issue,but it was mine.I finally said to heck with it and eat @/close to maintenance for now to give myself a break. It took me 4 years to lose 45 lbs.

    meh, it took me 7 months to lose 65lbs. It was pretty linear process with no plateauing. Firm believer it's effort that platueas.

    for you,maybe. its not that way for everyone. so you are saying you were losing 0.3lbs a day or 2.16 lbs a week? as for effort I was many times working out twice a day as well. you cant say its a lack of effort when people plateau or stall,when you have no clue what they have or havent done. some people out there are working their *kitten* off,weighing everything,being as precise as possible with everything and still have a hard time losing. just because it was easy for you doesnt mean it will be for everyone else out there.

    The more you have to lose the faster its likely to come off as well. I had less than 75 lbs to lose and I still have 20+ to go.Its also about CICO not how much you workout or dont workout when it comes to weight loss.

    It's simple math, calories in vs calories out. your body can't create weight, it's fully dependent on your activity and consumption.

    So if they're "working their kitten off" but not losing any weight, then they're not realizing how much they're actually eating, not counting their drink calories, or have terrible cheat meals.

    yes its calories in vs calories out, Im not disputing that at all. Im saying that I know how much Im eating.Im not having cheat meals, Im counting everything including any supplements/vitamins that have calories.etc. I log all my drinks.I weigh everything.

    Ive been doing this(weighing everything) the last 3 years and its been a LONG 3 years.its not dependent on your activity though,if you eat less than you burn you lose weight,exercise or not,as some people cannot exercise. I also said I was at one point working out twice a day and still had issues losing..

    you are saying that a persons weight cannot stall or plateau,if they are doing everything right. It can and one said creating weight out of thin air.But sometimes for people even with CICO,and doing everything they are supposed to,weight loss can be slow,stall or plateau.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    Are you weighing all your food?
    How long has it been (sometimes weight loss stalls for a few weeks)
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    weightloss doesn't stall for weeks. Effort may stall for weeks, but if you put in work, you won't have weeks of no weight loss.

    Yes it can that is not true
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    Are you weighing all your food?
    How long has it been (sometimes weight loss stalls for a few weeks)
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    weightloss doesn't stall for weeks. Effort may stall for weeks, but if you put in work, you won't have weeks of no weight loss.

    weight loss isnt linear,some weeks you may not lose,some you may gain. so she may be overeating,/retaining water which can mask a stall. yes,it can stall for weeks. I was on a 6+ month long plateau,I lowered calories,exercised more,ate back less exercise calorie,ate back no exercise calories,etc.

    I have a metabolic disorder but still. it can stall for weeks.I weigh EVERYTHING. I also dont have cheat meals or cheat days anymore still didnt make a difference.

    It took me that 6+ months to lose 1.2 lbs,then it stalled again and it took a few more months to lose 1.8lbs.
    Not saying this is her issue,but it was mine.I finally said to heck with it and eat @/close to maintenance for now to give myself a break. It took me 4 years to lose 45 lbs.

    meh, it took me 7 months to lose 65lbs. It was pretty linear process with no plateauing. Firm believer it's effort that platueas.

    Umm your not a menopausal women
    Go research the facts about weight and women
    Water retention and hormones the medication they put you in all effects your weight
    Our bodies will not lose fast like you men go research

    What happens to you is individual we don't all lose the same

    I lost 2-3lbs a week aged 20-30
    Aged 30-47 I lose 0.5-2 lbs
    Since I had a coil contraception it effected my loss it's those awful hormones they ref to my weight they tell you when you have done contraceptive it may effect some people's weight

    It's not black and white cico as women age or as men age you won't lose fast aged 60 as you do aged 25