Humans are not designed to drink cows milk



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I say everyone drink human milk, if we SO need milk... I bet that would gross you out! LMAO! Exactly. That's what I thought.

    I have a weird desire to try human milk one day.......
  • costahobo
    costahobo Posts: 20 Member
    I find it odd that people have no issues with eating the muscle tissue of a cow, yet suddenly there are issues with its' milk? Please.

    It's like people have turned their dietary preferences into some exclusive religion.

    There's a joke going around ... How do you know if somebody is a <insert various food disorder/diet here>? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    We know what we're supposed to eat. We've always known it. Always. Don't listen to the media. Ignore studies. If you really want to know what you're supposed to eat, ask a few of the oldest people you know what they ate when they were kids. Then, eat that. Diet truly is simple. People make it so complicated.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    but we were designed top make sure that our opinion is the right one, no matter what anyone else says and then we were designed to spread our own views .... crap I am doing it right now ..... curse you intelligent designer who made me like this!!!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Gahhhh! Where is the Tasty cake thead?
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Gahhhh! Where is the Tasty cake thead?

    THIS!!! I have been waiting most patiently...I'm taking matters into my own hands...
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    What I saw was a good portion of pictures without context that could be sad or benign depending on the actual context.

    Thinking for yourself does nobody any good. Now stop it and drink some SOY JUICE!

    /I prefer almond never liked the taste of moocowmilk

    lol!!!! don't drink too much soy! THAT can put boobs on a man and make all his hair on his legs and arms disappear! too much estrogen.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Did you know that in order for a cow to produce milk she must be pregnant. The cows are KEPT pregnant year round to produce it. The girl calves are kept to raise as new cows & the cycles starts again. The boy calves are killed as young as 5 days old as they become useless to milk production. 5 days old. Separated from their mother & killed because they are a boy.

    Think about THAT when having your cows milk. The dairy industry won't tell you that either.

    Proof please?
    I worked on a dairy farm for 4 months out of the year for almost 15 years and never saw this.

    The general public needs the truth. We all want to enjoy our food with a clean conscience. Those who believe cows are treated fairly drink milk, those who do not, do not drink milk.

    As a dairy farmer, what was your personal experience and what everyone wants to know is, did the cows suffer pain or abuse?
    Thanks in advance.
    My opinion is that people do not have enough facts to make a true judgement. I don't drink milk because I like the idea of eating food raw and from nature and I'd personally never approach a cow in a field and suckle it. And having dairy causes me skin and respiratory allergies.

    Pain or abuse? Absolutely not
    Does it happen? I am sure at some dairy farms it does, but the many that I have worked on, it does not.

    I don't know about you, but I have a difficult time taking serious any conversation that includes the terms "girl" and/or "boy" when referring to young cattle. The terms "boy" and "girl" refer to the human species, not to bovines.

    Also, I don't think the lactation process differs greatly between species of mammals. Pregnancy stimulates the hormones necessary to begin lactation (esp oxytocin which generates "milk-letdown"), but once lactation begins, it is the continual stimulation of the breast (or teat for bovine) that continues the milk production - not pregnancy.

    Wait so there are no boy or girl animals? Only in HUMANS? I have 2 GIRL dogs. Yeah they are female. Girl or boy refers to YOUNG female or male.... regardless of what animal they are. :noway:
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    I say everyone drink human milk, if we SO need milk... I bet that would gross you out! LMAO! Exactly. That's what I thought.

    I have a weird desire to try human milk one day.......

    Human milk is kind of like sweet skim milk, at least to me anyway. They do make human milk cheese too, though never had the opportunity to try it
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    So all of you crying BS... watch this video.

    What? Faked? Photoshopped?

    explain it.

    enjoy your milk.

    Thank you. I am enjoying it very much.

    But wait...I thought I was full of crap & was ignorant. Seems as though I'm not the only one who actually knows the truth & can prove it.

    BTW message me again like that.

    So where's this "proof" you allude to?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I think I'm entitled to more than an apology right about now. Ignorant my :mad:

    Enjoy your friggen milk. It came at the expense of some more animals that DID have to suffer.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I could really care less what other people eat/drink. I know what I provide for my family and teach my kids to eat. Heck, the way I see it, if it wasn't for MFP and the members here, I wouldn't have as much knowledge of what foods to avoid.

    I joined this site not to lose weight, but to see what other people were eating to bring them here to lose weight. It has helped me purchase and grow better food.

    So to the unhealthy eaters, I thank you for providing me with your open diaries and being part of the statistics I am trying to avoid.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think I'm entitled to more than an apology right about now. Ignorant my :mad:

    Enjoy your friggen milk. It came at the expense of some more animals that DID have to suffer.

    Time out.

    What are you talking about?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Try the link I posted, try really searching for it. Not hard to find proof at all. For anyone who does give a damn.

    The link to the propaganda site with the factual errors about cows being kept constantly pregnant? That's only proof of the author's vivid imagination and/or lack of knowledge surrounding lactation.

    You're the one making the wild and factually erroneous assertions....the burden of proof is on you......

    Have you ever even been on a dairy farm?
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    If this debate is to continue, please be sure to follow our forum rules and avoid attacking other people in the process of making your point.

    From our Community Guidelines:
    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I say everyone drink human milk, if we SO need milk... I bet that would gross you out! LMAO! Exactly. That's what I thought.

    I have a weird desire to try human milk one day.......

    I've got three sisters who can hook you up...what are ya offering? :laugh:
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Gahhhh! Where is the Tasty cake thead?

    THIS!!! I have been waiting most patiently...I'm taking matters into my own hands...

    errr so am i
  • therunninghippie
    therunninghippie Posts: 53 Member
    Not taking a side here, just gonna defend my beloved almond milk. If you blend up almonds and water then pour the puree through cheesecloth to strain it, BAM! Almond milk.

    I also use my cheesecloth to strain plain yogurt into greek yogurt! Just want people to know no black magic goes into the making of almond milk :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    so unnatural, do you think cows put out 1% and 2% milk? NO it's processed, probably with chemicals

    Wait. Didnt you say you drank almond milk? How did the milk get from the almond to the carton? If it wasnt processed then its just magic?


    They are dissolved in water, no chemicals needed
    Right, because water certainly isn't a chemical...
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Excuse me, but my father worked his *kitten* off for years as a dairy farmer making milk for AMERICA.
    That milk is made to make not only milk, but yogurt, cheese, and countless other products you eat.

    How about you spend a day with my dad, on your knees putting milkers on cows at LEAST twice a day, getting kicked, being hot and sweaty, doing your JOB, and making a living?

    Excuse me while I go THANK my farmer of a father.

    I don't drink milk but I eat cheese and yogurt!

    I LOVE THIS COMMENT!!!!!!! Thanks to your dad, from sk_pirate!! :drinker:
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    P.S. The apple comment is completely irrelevant. Apples don't grow 15 feet up and if you can't reach, look down.. there's plenty on the ground for you :laugh:

    I was assuming almost all the fruit on a tree that has not been grafted onto a smaller rootstock (i.e. it is naturally 20-30 feet tall) would be out of reach, and that the e coli on the apples that have fallen to the ground was relevant since milk debates generally include a mention of raw milk vs pasteurised and that we're neither that tall nor immune to food poisoning. Apples also contain sugar and without toothbrushes and dentists our teeth would fall out.

    We're not "designed" for a lot of things (i.e. have genetic adaptations that allow us to do them) unless you include our intelligence. Pasteurisation, toothbrushes, knifes, QWERTY (although one could argue English speakers were designed to use DVORAK keyboards), etc.

    Unlike in the Neolithic Era when no-one in northern Europe could drink milk, 90% of people today with north European ancestry have the gene that produces lactase. My point was (unlike in one of the previous threads where I pointed out all the animals that drink milk from other animals) that we have a genetic adaptation that allows us to drink milk which we did not have a few thousand years ago, and although we have grown taller in that time we have had to make apple trees shorter so we can pick them.

    It comes down to what is meant by "designed". Modern humans are not the same as early humans. Should us men be running after and killing our food instead of going to shops because we were designed with a greater lung capacity? Cattle domestication somehow gave us a gene that allowed us to tolerate lactose and Wikipedia suggests natural selection favoured cow milk drinkers. We may have been wearing clothes for as long as 650,000 years, and we started becoming less hairy 240,000 years ago - were we (modern humans) designed to wear clothes?

    Philosophically, if our ancestors did something long enough and that caused a genetic adaptation that gave us a greater chance of survival if we continued what they started, were we designed to do that? "We" have been using tools for 2.5 million years and possibly didn't before then - were "we" designed to have the ability to use tools or did our ancestors cause an adaptation? Were we designed to walk upright? Diverge from fish (and thus being designed not to swim)? Be carbon based?

    People say I should stay away from philosophy because it makes their heads hurt when they try to work out how I got from one thing to another and their ears hurt when I explain (I obviously failed at my attempt of a less verbose post). Looking at the previous thread I am not the only person to bring up the lactase gene or what is meant by designed (last page of previous thread includes a definition of human) but I suppose I may have been wrong in assuming my milk/apple comparison without a complete explanation of my thought process (including human intelligence and genetic adaptations) would be understood by everyone (and I should probably explain here that I have Asperger's and that I don't understand some connections others make and assume others understand the connections I make).