Jogging is TERRIBLE



  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    Well, if you decide that you really do want to get into running, I'll also suggest C25K as others already have. I'm starting week 7 this week and I went from not being able to run 90 seconds to running 2 miles straight yesterday. That program really lets you build into it. And, not sure if someone already also suggested, but getting fit for proper running shoes makes a big difference in my opinion. Don't have the pain I used to when trying to run over the years. But, if you hate it, go find another thing that's your thing!! Just move, whatever that might be, and your body will be happier for it. Good luck!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I always think it's a good idea and it gets me out of the house but 20 minutes in I realize it's really rediculously unpleasant, I can't run. I tried jogging in the park because it's easy and convenient but I always feel like I can't breath freely and I don't enjoy it at all. I was thinking about joining the gym or maybe biking instead ? Do you guys have any suggestions on good, doable exersizes that do not include jogging in the park?!

    As the saying goes, If running is hard it's because you're not running enough!
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Relser wrote: »

    I hate running or even walking in a park. I find it very boring. Now I try to walk because I work from home. I use Pokemon Go to make it more interesting. Gives me something to do.

    I personally love, Zumba, lifting weights, pilates and any kind of dancing. I used to jump rope a lot too, but my joints are too old now and no longer like that, I still do, but my joints not so much.

    My advise is think about things you liked to play when you were 5, did you like jumping rope, did you like dancing? if you did then start there. Some people find having a buddy helps. Life is short, make exercise fun for you!!!! Not based on what everyone says is healthy. Besides, if its fun you are more likely to do it regularly right?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Jogging is indeed terrible. Joggers find dead bodies. Runners don't. That's why I run.

  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I always think it's a good idea and it gets me out of the house but 20 minutes in I realize it's really rediculously unpleasant, I can't run. I tried jogging in the park because it's easy and convenient but I always feel like I can't breath freely and I don't enjoy it at all. I was thinking about joining the gym or maybe biking instead ? Do you guys have any suggestions on good, doable exersizes that do not include jogging in the park?!

    Biking is fun.
    I don't like jogging either.
    Walking is great too.
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Do what you will commit to. Jogging is NOT for everyone. But I can outrun the owner of the gym. She can bench press me. LOL. Find something that will help you in the areas you want to work. I do TRX at the gym, and take my dogs jogging, but like others on this thread, if you are going to start, use c25K. IT helps and you shouldn't run daily either. I also lift, but only for tone. Find what will help you burn the calories you are wanting to lose