Im stuck. + Hypothyroidism



  • taltakumi
    taltakumi Posts: 66 Member
    @taltakumi It's a 30-day lifestyle/diet that cuts out a lot of products and foods that are known to cause inflammations in the body. Then afterward reintroducing one item at a time to see what you might be "allergic" to that's causing problems in your body. It's a bit like a variant of Paleo. There are a lot of resources online, but I'd suggest reading their two books which you can check if they are available at your local library. Takes a lot of discipline and planning at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's just a lifestyle change. I think there's a whole30 community group too.

    Lol! I live in the Middle East, pretty sure we don't have those in my local library..
    Anyway I googled it. Tnx!
  • taltakumi
    taltakumi Posts: 66 Member
    edited May 2017
    aggelikik wrote: »
    taltakumi wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    taltakumi wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    taltakumi wrote: »
    Hey guys.
    I've been dieting for 91 days. Lost 5.1 kilos. 16 more to go..
    Due to medical situation, i can't exercise (no aerobics at all, chronic pain etc.) - plus my metabolism is very low. Meaning ive been living on MFPs 1200 calories/day for 3 months now.. and this is alo i lost: a kilo and a half per month.
    Last 3 weeks my body somehow is *gaining* wait! Its so depressing!!
    I have no motivation, im not enjoying this, and now im even going back up.. wtf..
    Help please. What can i do to keep this going? I need about 10 montgs more.

    Assuming a sedentary lifestyle and you not being extremely tall, losing on average 1 kilo per month is actually a very normal weight loss rate, not something to feel disappointed about it. Start thinking of this as progress, not a failure!
    Regarding exercise, regardless of weight loss, not being at all active is not good for your health, so talk to your dr about what is possible and safe: walking, swimming, water aerobics, a stationary bike, pilates? It will improve your mood too and help you feel more positive, being able to do something, it does not have to be a marathon!

    Thanks, i'm aware that being ill isn't good for my health ;). Pls accept my basic inability as a given, believe me im frustrated enough by this situation myself. If i could, id do all that.

    Is this just temporary or is it how things are going to be? You do not need exercise for weight loss though, so do not panic about this too! Just watch your calories and remember you ARE making progress.

    No, it isnt temporary.

    What does your dr say? Have you discussed your concerns about your weight and how this is mentally affecting you? Can he/she recommend a nutrition specialist or is there a nutrition department in the hospital? Are you in any support group for people with similar disabilities, so you can see how they deal with the same issues?

    Dear aggelikik, please read my next comment :smile: )
  • taltakumi
    taltakumi Posts: 66 Member
    I'm clarifying my request, I don't need any medical advice. I only stated my physical condition to make it understandable that I'm having a really hard time not going back up. It takes a lot of dedication to lose weight, even more so with a few conditions that make basic stuff, such as movement, metabolism, mental stability harder.
    What I need from you guys is support for not giving up, your mental advise, your success stories in such conditions etc.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear :smile:
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    My advice for the support you are looking for is to (1) discuss this with your dr, because having weight issues related to a medical problem is something a dr can help with and (2) seek support groups or a psychologist through your medical care provider.
    I understand you somehow perceive this advice as "offensive", but I do not understand why? In similar situations, I have found for myself that talking about health related problems with a dr and a therapist was far more effective, especially in my mental well-being, than discussing the issues with anyone else, since medical care professional deal with similar problems daily, and are far more knowledgeable than the average well-meaning friend or acquaintance. My therapist was able to give simple, practical advice, that while it looked like "common sense", it was not the kind of "common sense" anyone else had given. It has been a very helpful experience for me, so this is what I would do in your situation.
  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    You need to.start doing some research. Do not be defeated! And no excuses! I totally understand the challenges☺️.
    Find another way or try.a new way. What have you tried?
  • taltakumi
    taltakumi Posts: 66 Member
    Leenizi129 wrote: »
    You need to.start doing some research. Do not be defeated! And no excuses! I totally understand the challenges☺️.
    Find another way or try.a new way. What have you tried?

    Research about what?
  • taltakumi
    taltakumi Posts: 66 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    My advice for the support you are looking for is to (1) discuss this with your dr, because having weight issues related to a medical problem is something a dr can help with and (2) seek support groups or a psychologist through your medical care provider.
    I understand you somehow perceive this advice as "offensive", but I do not understand why? In similar situations, I have found for myself that talking about health related problems with a dr and a therapist was far more effective, especially in my mental well-being, than discussing the issues with anyone else, since medical care professional deal with similar problems daily, and are far more knowledgeable than the average well-meaning friend or acquaintance. My therapist was able to give simple, practical advice, that while it looked like "common sense", it was not the kind of "common sense" anyone else had given. It has been a very helpful experience for me, so this is what I would do in your situation.

    I don't see this as offensive, it simply isn't what i asked for. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  • claireariela
    claireariela Posts: 29 Member
    taltakumi wrote: »
    I'm clarifying my request, I don't need any medical advice. I only stated my physical condition to make it understandable that I'm having a really hard time not going back up. It takes a lot of dedication to lose weight, even more so with a few conditions that make basic stuff, such as movement, metabolism, mental stability harder.
    What I need from you guys is support for not giving up, your mental advise, your success stories in such conditions etc.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear :smile:

    Hey Hun, will you be trying the whole30? I encourage you to surround yourself with positive people too. :) it's hard at first, but try to get out for walks. Having a good and positive mental attitude will help you. :)

    I'd encourage you not to focus so much on weight loss, but more on your fitness and health (both physical and mental). As you get stronger, the weight will come off. :) be patient with yourself and stay positive! :) go for a walk or hike. Keep going and you'll get stronger!