The Scale



  • MissLady03
    MissLady03 Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh in every morning. I like to know where I'm at. For instance, if I gained some weight, then I can think about what may have happened the day before to cause that. Like too much sodium (so I need to drink more water today), maybe it was those donuts I couldn't refuse (so I need to watch my sugar intake today), etc.

    Weighing in every morning has also helped me in seeing my weight loss pattern. I tend to lose like 0.4 lbs, then stay at that weight for 2-3 days, and then drop again. I like knowing my routine.
  • SergeantG
    SergeantG Posts: 92
    I did that a couple of times last week..."just to see" one day, I literally had a five pound fluctuation...I gained four pounds one morning, and by the next morning, I had lost it plus one. I attributed it to the (sorry to the men reading) my cycle starting. So after that 'panic moment', I now keep it to just once a week (maybe I will check mid-week) but that is pretty much it....
  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member
    I need to weigh in daily in order to keep my motivation. I get pretty discouraged if I go a whole week thinking I did really well and then the scale shows otherwise. If I weigh myself daily, then I can see where I went wrong and correct the problem right away. Usually the scale drops a little every day. The only times I stay at the same weight for several days is if I had a cheat meal and my calories weren't low enough.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I weigh in every morning if I can. I have learned what causes me to gain (alcohol, salt, heavy exercise), and not to panic. I gained 4.5 lbs this week and lost 2 today -- pretty consistent when I have a few drinks!
  • That's discipline! I don't know if I could weight a whole month to weigh myself!

    That was supposed to be "wait" - and I'm an English major. Yeesh.