Things I have learned during 4 years of Keto



  • amanda_sandiego
    amanda_sandiego Posts: 5 Member
    Love the post!! I wish I had read this the first time I started a keto diet a couple of years ago. I was following a well known program that said calories don't really matter as long as you keep your carb intake to under 20 gm per/day and eat a lot of fat. (Butter in your coffee anyone?) Of course I gained weight, felt like crap most of the time (probably because of low mineral levels), and gave up after only a few weeks. I hated stepping on the scale because I really thought I was doing everything right, but kept gaining weight. After joining MFP and this Forum, I realize what I was doing everything wrong. I'm going to try this again and with the MFP calorie counter, I can track everything to keep me honest and accountable.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I thought I'd bump this because I just happened to stop by and it is still a great post by @DietPrada . :) Reading through the comments was a stroll down memory lane. Wonder where they are now. <3
  • rowingmama
    rowingmama Posts: 1 Member
    #12 is intriguing, because most resources I've read have stated that to be effective you need to be below 20g of net carbs per day. Having a greek yogurt with berries, and a handful of almonds almost puts me over that count. I seem to be averaging about 50 grams a day. I'm wondering if this is still too high for weight loss. Granted my carbs are coming from vegetables and other whole foods with a handful of blueberries thrown in on a daily basis.
  • gabe9000
    gabe9000 Posts: 2 Member
    This is the best post on how to 'keto' I've ever seen. Thanks for writing it!
  • Snookums666
    Snookums666 Posts: 12 Member
    Amazing post, Thank you ♥️