Keto weight loss help me please?



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    gwong1966 wrote: »
    The great thing about keto is that you don't need to watch the calories, just the carbs (with normal protein). Keep at it!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    What got me hooked was not the weight loss (which lasted only a few days) but rather the feeling of always being full. the standard bodybuilding diet ,with similar calories consumed, left me always hungry and more prone to bingeing on unhealthy food options. (Also, there's less belly bloat)

    Well, the bro-science diet is a terrible diet. And there are so many ways of eating outside of chicken, rice and broccoli (which BTW, this diet is only for show prep, and most BB arent even using it now a days since we have programs like MFP). The bloat was probably from the broccoli.

    Most of us, if you had to identify a diet, would be following flexible dieting. In a nut shell, it is eat anything you want that keeps you full and that addresses nutritional and performance requirements. For me, I focus on calories, protein and fiber. Carbs and fats are whatever.