Is very slow weight loss possible?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I've lost 5lbs in 5 months so far this year without food logging,

    Also lost 6lbs in 6 months with calorie counting a few years ago.

    If you are good at maintaining it's not difficult to nibble away a few calories here and there - I don't aim for an every day deficit, majority of my days are at or around maintenance level. It's quite painless really, just making a few conscious food/drink choices to shave off some calories here and there. A 400 calorie sandwich instead of a 500 calorie sandwich for example.

    The bonus for me is that training/exercise performance isn't impacted by the tiny and erratic deficit.
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    It took me three years to go from 215 lbs to 185 lbs. It was a very slow process. about 10 lbs per year.
  • twistedingenue
    twistedingenue Posts: 38 Member
    This is roughly what I'm doing. My aim is really for .5-1 pound a week, but I'm still struggling with impulse control (which is due to ADHD, so yes, it's all technically mental), particularly on the weekends. But I know this about myself, so I understand that my weight loss is going to be slower and very uneven.

    I'm ~14 pounds down since the beginning of the year.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    Yes, I didn't have very much weight to lose, and I travel a lot for work, so that was the approach I had to take. I'd spend a few weeks trying to lose .5 lb a week, go on a business trip, regain a pound, lose that pound the following week and another half pound, then I'd be up after travel, then down. It was hard to be patient with the slow trend downward--felt like an act of faith!

    The good news is maintenance doesn't feel all that different from losing, so there wasn't really a transition for me.