Frustrated with all the information?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited June 2017
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    About 2 yrs ago I aimed to lose ~60lbs. I shed 14lbs then got stuck. Eating to TDEE and upping the workouts were popular recommendations at the time. I tried them and gained weight. I went back to what I had been doing but those new pounds would not go. I gave up.

    I'm back, as of February and lost 10lbs in about 3 months doing moderate macros with min recommended kcal. Then I seemed to plateau, so I began looking for other solutions. I am revisiting low-carb/higher-fats, which was a part of my past success and something new: HIIT(high intensity exercise). I am down another 2lbs in one month.

    I want to lose a bit faster, so I can meet my stage1 goal by mid August, so I am also exploring IF (Intermittent fasting), which when I take the milk out of my coffee, I am essentially doing anyway, because I am not a breakfast eater.

    My current sources of new information is:
    Jason Fung, M.D. ...

    Barabara O'Neill ...

    This is the opposite of making things simpler for OP.

    Guru types like Fung (and perhaps some of the others you linked -- HIIT is another huge trendy thing that way more people think they should be doing than can actually do it correctly or benefit from it) pretend like it's all complicated and you can make a big difference by following whatever protocol they are pushing vs. any others. It's bunk.

    Fung may well be able to help the ill patients he actually works with in person, but claiming everyone needs to eat according to some IF pattern and go low carb and fast and so on is really not true. But tell people they can lose without work or that they can get some sort of advantage, and a percentage will buy into it. It's too bad, it's why there's all this confusion.

    OP, if your concern is weight loss, just watch your calories and keep doing what you are doing if you enjoy the paleo way of eating. If nutrition, make sure you are eating adequate sources of protein and healthy fats and keep the vegetables up, and you are good. At a weight loss diet if you do that you aren't going to have room to be eating excessive sources of low nutrition calories anyway.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    About 2 yrs ago I aimed to lose ~60lbs. I shed 14lbs then got stuck. Eating to TDEE and upping the workouts were popular recommendations at the time. I tried them and gained weight. I went back to what I had been doing but those new pounds would not go. I gave up.

    I'm back, as of February and lost 10lbs in about 3 months doing moderate macros with min recommended kcal. Then I seemed to plateau, so I began looking for other solutions. I am revisiting low-carb/higher-fats, which was a part of my past success and something new: HIIT(high intensity exercise). I am down another 2lbs in one month.

    I want to lose a bit faster, so I can meet my stage1 goal by mid August, so I am also exploring IF (Intermittent fasting), which when I take the milk out of my coffee, I am essentially doing anyway, because I am not a breakfast eater.

    My current sources of new information is:
    Jason Fung, M.D. for physiology understanding around insulin resistance & obesity.
    for understanding IF or the short-course in Aetiology of Obesity

    Barabara O'Neill for Water & Mineral Salt
    for understanding Acid-Alkaline balance
    for learning why HIIT works
    for accepting fats, albeit healthy, into my diet

    IF won't make you lose faster ....

    Then I misunderstand the purpose of the word "fast." :disappointed:
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    About 2 yrs ago I aimed to lose ~60lbs. I shed 14lbs then got stuck. Eating to TDEE and upping the workouts were popular recommendations at the time. I tried them and gained weight. I went back to what I had been doing but those new pounds would not go. I gave up.

    I'm back, as of February and lost 10lbs in about 3 months doing moderate macros with min recommended kcal. Then I seemed to plateau, so I began looking for other solutions. I am revisiting low-carb/higher-fats, which was a part of my past success and something new: HIIT(high intensity exercise). I am down another 2lbs in one month.

    I want to lose a bit faster, so I can meet my stage1 goal by mid August, so I am also exploring IF (Intermittent fasting), which when I take the milk out of my coffee, I am essentially doing anyway, because I am not a breakfast eater.

    My current sources of new information is:
    Jason Fung, M.D. for physiology understanding around insulin resistance & obesity.
    for understanding IF or the short-course in Aetiology of Obesity

    Barabara O'Neill for Water & Mineral Salt
    for understanding Acid-Alkaline balance
    for learning why HIIT works
    for accepting fats, albeit healthy, into my diet

    IF won't make you lose faster ....

    Then I misunderstand the purpose of the word "fast." :disappointed:

    I think you just misunderstand IF.

    Instead of eating your 2800 daily calories between sunrise and sunset spread over 3 or 4 meals/snacks,

    you eat your 2800 daily calories between 4PM and 8PM in 1 or 2 large meals.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited June 2017
    Then I misunderstand the purpose of the word "fast." :disappointed:

    I don't know if you are being facetious or not.

    intermittent (adjective)
    "occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady."

    fast (verb)
    "abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance."

    You are still bound by CI:CO while "Intermittent Fasting" but you are only allowed to eat at certain times.
    It is not magic.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    Then I misunderstand the purpose of the word "fast." :disappointed:

    I don't know if you are being facetious or not.

    intermittent (adjective)
    "occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady."

    fast (verb)
    "abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance."

    You are still bound by CI:CO while "Intermittent Fasting" but you are only allowed to eat at certain times.
    It is not magic.

    There is some metabolic magic, because there is a limit to how many calories can be processed from food as it passes through and is turned into waste, so there's a little bit more flex than if you're spreading out your calories.. but it's relatively minor
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited June 2017
    There is some metabolic magic, because there is a limit to how many calories can be processed from food as it passes through and is turned into waste, so there's a little bit more flex than if you're spreading out your calories.. but it's relatively minor
    Fair enough. I will focus on the "relatively minor" part of it myself.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    About 2 yrs ago I aimed to lose ~60lbs. I shed 14lbs then got stuck. Eating to TDEE and upping the workouts were popular recommendations at the time. I tried them and gained weight. I went back to what I had been doing but those new pounds would not go. I gave up.

    I'm back, as of February and lost 10lbs in about 3 months doing moderate macros with min recommended kcal. Then I seemed to plateau, so I began looking for other solutions. I am revisiting low-carb/higher-fats, which was a part of my past success and something new: HIIT(high intensity exercise). I am down another 2lbs in one month.

    I want to lose a bit faster, so I can meet my stage1 goal by mid August, so I am also exploring IF (Intermittent fasting), which when I take the milk out of my coffee, I am essentially doing anyway, because I am not a breakfast eater.

    My current sources of new information is:
    Jason Fung, M.D. for physiology understanding around insulin resistance & obesity.
    for understanding IF or the short-course in Aetiology of Obesity

    Barabara O'Neill for Water & Mineral Salt
    for understanding Acid-Alkaline balance
    for learning why HIIT works
    for accepting fats, albeit healthy, into my diet

    IF won't make you lose faster ....

    Then I misunderstand the purpose of the word "fast." :disappointed:

    I think you just misunderstand IF.

    Instead of eating your 2800 daily calories between sunrise and sunset spread over 3 or 4 meals/snacks,

    you eat your 2800 daily calories between 4PM and 8PM in 1 or 2 large meals.
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    Then I misunderstand the purpose of the word "fast." :disappointed:

    I don't know if you are being facetious or not.

    intermittent (adjective)
    "occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady."

    fast (verb)
    "abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance."

    You are still bound by CI:CO while "Intermittent Fasting" but you are only allowed to eat at certain times.
    It is not magic.

    Yeah, I was kidding. I know what fasting is.