
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Heather – DDnL#2 wants to give Will a baby so much ‘it hurts’. Going to a specialist is really, really expensive because they either have to go to Jackson, MS or Baton Rouge, LA every other day to be checked out to see if any eggs have dropped. Her fallopian tubes are almost totally blocked, so having one naturally is going to be something short of a miracle. They would have to go during the months that Will can leave whenever he needs to (which means before the middle of September). I think they have just ‘given up’; but, every month she has a period, she knows she isn’t pregnant. Because they turn 39 in August, they are getting to the age that they are not considered good candidates/ They decided to start looking for a house or property to build on (they want to get on the lake). I laughed and told her last year, all they’d probably have to do is ‘buy a house’ and she’d find she was pregnant, jokingly of course. She is already upset that it seems like she won’t be able to give him a baby. I tell her that is NOT why he married her (and Mallory), he did so because he was ‘head over heels’ in love with both of them.

    Childcare here is a ‘minimum’ of about $75 per child per week, maybe more since we no longer have children in daycare. If you keep several age groups you are required to have a certain number or working watching out for them. Insurance, all other sorts of things and you are expected to ‘teach’ them to get them ready to pass a first grade test.
    They expect to be paid for the upcoming week; and, you had better NOT get behind or you’ll find yourself being told, ‘you need to find a different daycare’. Most of them stay at compassity.

    Beth – I am also meticulous about my checking account and I want to balance to the penny. When I buy checks, it drives me crazy that they don’t tell you when they send them how much they’ll cost, they just take it out; so I put that they have taken out $40.

    I’ve wrecked my car twice since last May; both times it was my fault. So when all of a sudden my right passenger stopped sounding like a heavy car door slamming and started sounding like a tin can (without any insulation) I took it to my Agent and he called for an adjuster to come look at it. Then I was told that ‘maybe’ I shouldn’t file a 3rd claim within a year; so I took it back to the body shop and told him they weren’t going to pay as they had suggested that I not file another claim. I did hit a curb when I had my first wreck; but, he told me and the adjuster that they would have noticed that the running board had been bent when I brought it in for those repairs. We were surprised they did not total the car. Over $16K worth of repairs. So he told me that depending on what it took to fix it, he’d help me out on the deductible. So Louis and Trey went to pick it up, Trey drove off in it and Louis said that Mr. Perry never mentioned a price while they were talking about it. Apparently he was able to put a block on it and know the bow in it out. Now the door sounds like it should when I shut it and it isn’t binding when it is closed and opened. Of course, I guess he could always bill us. He’s been in business for 40 years, at least; and has fixed other cars for us and we used to recommend him and 2 other body shops to clients. They said that it looked like someone had hit a curb (run over it). I know I haven’t and Louis says he hasn’t, Trey’s says he hasn’t and the only others who have driven it is DDnL#2 (and I did not like it), and DOGD. DDnL#1 never looks me in the eye when she is talking about anything, including the weather. She did not admit nor deny ever running over anything. I’m sure DOGD would deny it, too. Pisses me off, in a way – but somebody did run over something to make that running board bow up. At least it was NOT the frame!

    Margaret – When I get ‘junk’ mail and it has a return address and it has postage prepaid, a good friend of mine told me they don’t get charged for pre-paid postage until that response gets returned. So when I get something I cut it up in pieces and then stick some more trash that doesn’t have my name and/or address on it and then would take a bagful to the P.O. and send it back to them. It was surprising how few things of junk I get in the mail now.

    Okie in Central Texas – All it took for me was get within 1lb of hitting 200lbs on a 5’4” frame. I looked quite dowdy at my son’s wedding, especially after I had changed into flats before the pictures were taken. I’ve lost the equivalent of an elephants’ heart and working on down to his ‘penis’ or more. About 60llbs total. It is a lot harder now that I am close to my goal. A LOT HARDER.

    Welcome to all the “Newbies”. Congrats to all the NSV as well as those lbs. lost. For anyone else needing {{{{{HUGS}}}}}; here they are. Even those who have taken the wrong side of the hill to slide down, don’t give up; you’ll get there. This is a journey not a ‘diet to race through’. Slow baby steps on losing so you will have a better chance of changing your life-style in the meanwhile.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Just click on the pic.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    stats for the day:

    rowing machine- 20min, 3329meters 59aw = 137c
    other- around basketball court- single leg squats 10 each, set 30 sets, single leg balancing swings touch floor and single leg squat balancing- 40min = 200c
    other-quick jumping and single leg hop- 9min = 98c

    total cal 435, took it easy
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hugs Allie!!! We love you!!!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Love ya all back xoxoxo
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allie, does your brother know all that yOU do? You are one of the most selfless human I know.

    When Charlie's Dad married his second wife, she was against about anything anyone could say. If I said this print is black, she would say it was something else. She wasn't liked by a lot of people. I did something good for his Dad's Boy Scout group one year and got n her good graces so I was OK. But their neighborhood for drainage purposes needed a ditch put on their street. She was very vocal against it. So when his Dad died she had him cremated and was going to throw his ashes in that ditch just to spite the neighbors. I didn't want that for my FIL so now I have half of his ashes. I hope when either Charlie or I are buried we can put this box in our vault with us. We loved him dearly. He was Charlies Karaoke buddy.

    I am really tired and going to bed quite early, like real soon.

    Joyce, indiana
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    Well, so far I've cooked two meals in the Instant Pot and I liked both of them better the way I used to cook them. The first was honey garlic chicken thighs and the second was cabbage, onions, potatoes, and polish sausage. I used recipes I found on the internet. I need to try a roast and also just some plain pinto beans. If I don't like either of those, I'm going to give up. Oh, and cheesecake. I do want to try cheesecake! I've ordered a cookbook from Amazon. I do like the set and ignore part, but both dishes were lacking in flavor somehow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :) My word for 2017 is balance. After two days of dancing both in the morning and afternoon and being gone from the house most of the day, today was Jake's day and we did what he wanted to do. He had phone calls to make in the morning so I had time to walk the dogs and do some work in the yard. Today is our neighborhood's yearly yard sale so we walked around a bit and talked to neighbors. Since we are so focused on decluttering, it was easy to not buy anything. Jake wanted to visit a lavender farm and have lavender ice cream. So we went to a small cafe near our house for ice cream and had lunch, then ice cream. Then we went home and napped with the pets for two hours. After the nap we went to one lavender farm where Jake took a few pictures and we walked around for a few minutes and left. It took awhile for him to say that he wanted to go out to eat again so we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. When we got home, he found that the mailman had delivered the hat rack that he ordered so now he's on the floor in the living room putting it together. Soon it will be bedtime and we'll have spent a happy day together.

    :) We have our own shredder with a box next to it for papers that need to be shredded. From time to time, Jake shreds for awhile til he fills a plastic bag or two and we put the shredded stuff in the recycling bin.

    <3 Barbie
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited July 2017
    Marcelyn my DH has been collecting for years. He has purchased many finds at artifact shows or from private individuals. He's well aware of the federal and state laws regarding Indian artifacts. (DH has an archeology degree) He certainly wouldn't want to jeopardize a whole collection by going out digging for them. We have found some points on our property which is very rare. I was shocked to see them wash up in the creek.

    Heather Thanks for admiring DH's collection. It's only a small part of it. He has boxes and boxes of pottery, but he prefers the Mississippian cultures and the Caddo Indians. The points are Paleo. Much much older.

    Lanette You may not want to give away your artifacts. They can be worth a lot of money.

    Becca Love those rocks! They are works of art! And the video of the bank building. Very interesting.

    Signing out early. Going to church early tomorrow.
    Have a good evening all!

    Dana in Arkansas

    Clovis point found in our creek. About 10-12,000 years old.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: Google elephant ear fair food photo. I'll try to post one. If I fail you can find it easily. It is deep fried dough that is sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, definitely NOT health food. :noway: I was not able to post the picture I found. :grumble: :ohwell:

    Beaver tails! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited July 2017
    Machka I like your pictures of the Eastern Shore ride and your bicycle stuff!

    My husband is a big collector too. He has been collecting American Indian artifacts for 50 years. Some Paleo points are 10-12 thousand years old and the Mississippian pottery about 800-1000 years old. I love them too since I always bought American Indian (Navajo) turquoise jewelry. I also collect some Indian dolls and baskets too.

    Anasazi pottery from SW Colorado;
    Some of DH's collection:

    Thanks ... and nice collection!! :)

    That photo of bicycle stuff is only a fraction of the whole collection. I see bicycle stuff ... and must have it. :)

    lhscapil wrote: »

    Machka - love your little bikes! What a neat way to display them. Also loved the pictures of your neighborhood. I may have to put the Oz area on my bucket list. Any US Ex-pats living around there?

    There's more in the cabinets below, and scattered here and there around the house. :)

    Australia is beautiful, and quite varied. We're in Tasmania, an hilly/mountainous island state, so most of my photos will have water and hills or mountains in them.

    There are some people from the US around ... and other places. I know another Canadian, several from the UK, and a large number from Asia.

    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka - What a beautiful area! If I had such stunning vistas at the top of every hill and at each bend, I would definitely bike more often! I hope the hills weren't too much for you!

    I have been getting better at the hills. When I moved here, the hills killed me and I was astounded at the people who could cycle up them like they were nothing. Bunch of mountain goats! But then, I was carrying extra weight ... so I lost the weight and kept practising on the hills and most of them aren't too bad now.

    I did, however, walk one of them yesterday. Strava says it was 46% at the start but I don't believe that for a moment. They show the middle part as about 25% which is much more believable, and still a very steep climb.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my dear Friends,

    Beth, too bad about your car and the deer but glad your son was okay.

    Ginger, way to go!

    Tailee, sorry for your loss. Good for you on getting back on track. Take one day at a time and you’ll get there.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC