Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @swenson19d Do whatever motivates you. For me, I prefer positive reinforcement. I used to pay myself $10 for every pound I lost and $2 for every day I exercised at least 30 minutes. I would use the money to buy something that I wanted, but didn't need. If I gained weight, I had to subtract that amount from my total. Maybe you could pay yourself for staying within your calorie count and save up for something really nice.

    My recipe probably isn't the healthiest. I dredge a chicken breast in melted butter and then coat it with a mixture of bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, and Mrs. Dash. For the potatoes, I cut them in cubes. Put them in an oven proof pan with a lid, add some Mrs. Dash, minced onions, and a little oil, stir to coat, put on the lid, and stick in the oven. I cook both at 400°F for about 45 minutes, or until done. I do basically the same thing with a pork chop. Sometimes I roast veggies. All quick, put in the oven, and go do something else until done.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso I used to be a Samsung girl through and through.

    Then my phone started doing some annoying things - people would call and it wouldn't connect despite full cover etc. So I bought a new phone. I couldn't afford a Samsung with the same specs, and ended up with a huawei. I love it. The camera is amazing, and it's just kept going. No weird issues etc.

    But I don't think they are available in the states cause Chinese made =spying apparently
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @swenson19d Do whatever motivates you. For me, I prefer positive reinforcement. I used to pay myself $10 for every pound I lost and $2 for every day I exercised at least 30 minutes. I would use the money to buy something that I wanted, but didn't need. If I gained weight, I had to subtract that amount from my total. Maybe you could pay yourself for staying within your calorie count and save up for something really nice.

    My recipe probably isn't the healthiest. I dredge a chicken breast in melted butter and then coat it with a mixture of bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, and Mrs. Dash. For the potatoes, I cut them in cubes. Put them in an oven proof pan with a lid, add some Mrs. Dash, minced onions, and a little oil, stir to coat, put on the lid, and stick in the oven. I cook both at 400°F for about 45 minutes, or until done. I do basically the same thing with a pork chop. Sometimes I roast veggies. All quick, put in the oven, and go do something else until done.

    Sounds good! I will try it tomorrow. I think we only have boneless breast left, but the butter will add some fat and flavor!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @avidkeo I've heard of the brand but I think you're right, they aren't currently available here (but you know, every phone is made in China so it's just so weird)
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    I have an MRI disk! Now lets see how long I can go with out diagnosing myself!

    oh here's whats wrong with me. I have an funny alien inside me. no idea if this is a valid way to share a video... LOL! it worked!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    I have an MRI disk! Now lets see how long I can go with out diagnosing myself!

    oh here's whats wrong with me. I have an funny alien inside me. no idea if this is a valid way to share a video... LOL! it worked!

    Ohhh pretty

    I can only see one pic, and unfortunately 1 pic in 3D imaging kinda means nothing. But on this image, Nothing jumps out at me, though I'm no MRI expert! no bulging discs, bones look fairly uniform, spinal column looks normal...

    Id be interested what the report says. Wish
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    swenson19d wrote: »
    I have an MRI disk! Now lets see how long I can go with out diagnosing myself!

    oh here's whats wrong with me. I have an funny alien inside me. no idea if this is a valid way to share a video... LOL! it worked!

    Ohhh pretty

    I can only see one pic, and unfortunately 1 pic in 3D imaging kinda means nothing. But on this image, Nothing jumps out at me, though I'm no MRI expert! no bulging discs, bones look fairly uniform, spinal column looks normal...

    Id be interested what the report says. Wish

    Maybe this Google drive share will work

    I dont expect the report before Friday. Ill share it with ya!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I think the last time I had an MRI that showed the lower thoracic they said this was an intraosseous lipoma. It kinda boring.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    swenson19d wrote: »
    I have an MRI disk! Now lets see how long I can go with out diagnosing myself!

    oh here's whats wrong with me. I have an funny alien inside me. no idea if this is a valid way to share a video... LOL! it worked!

    Ohhh pretty

    I can only see one pic, and unfortunately 1 pic in 3D imaging kinda means nothing. But on this image, Nothing jumps out at me, though I'm no MRI expert! no bulging discs, bones look fairly uniform, spinal column looks normal...

    Id be interested what the report says. Wish

    Maybe this Google drive share will work

    I dont expect the report before Friday. Ill share it with ya!

    Saw the video. Don't we love technology, it's amazing what we can do these days.

    Still not seeing much. Be interesting when the report comes in.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @noblsheep Man I love those dumplings. I think mine would turn out terrible too. I believe if the weather permitted, I might be up to trying to make some with ground pork. But I'll probably be lazy about it and just go buy them from the Chinese fast food place. Another cultural question, Whats your traditional breakfast? We grow up with bacon, eggs toast, maybe grits, oatmeal and some have sweat rice. I watched a David Chang (Korean) show and noticed their breakfast isn't like ours. Up til then, I just thought everyone in the world ate the same breakfast. I can't believe you aren't a Apple techie! I like the google products. I had a google made phone back in the day when they bought Motorolla. (least I think they did). I loved the phone and still have it. Every time I get in it, I think I'd get another.

    Maybe I'll just upgrade my ipad and keep the Dell. Although this AM it was a pain. Updated and stuck on rebooting. I am always weary that I'll have to call my favorite peeps in India.

    cold snap! wow it is hard freeze for a week here. I don't mind it much. I might have to find a way to get heat to my outside cat and thaw the dogs water.

    I got a new canvas photo of Alex
    I have him here with me in the cat study room.

    I set chicken to thaw for Quilteryoyo's chicken and taters. mmmm! Bear will love the chicken.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @swenson1I love the photo of Alex. I hope you enjoy the chicken too. I think it's good and easy for one person.

    @noblsheep Thanks for sharing your traditions. Sounds great. Sorry you can't travel this year, even if it is a mixed blessing for you.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've heard good things about the Pixel. I'm only interested in it because of the camera. Like when I got my Galaxy 9+ the camera was leaps and bounds better than the Note 5 I had been using. Then DH gets the Note 20 (something I don't recall which model) and his camera is WAY better than mine. Hell, he has more megapixels than my freaking Fuji mirrorless.

    I was going to enter this trail running photography contest but they said no phone photos. I'm like I bet you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a cell phone and DSLR/mirrorless camera except from looking at the metadata showing the camera. It was for a magazine & online so it's not like they need to print something HUGE. I have some amazing cell phone shots from trail runs but I never take my camera when running, just my phone. And I don't always take it hiking either.

    Sorry. I could talk cameras and photography for days.

    Anyway... here is an interesting article I came across this morning. I would like to see more research into this.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 593 Member
    edited February 2021
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @noblsheep Man I love those dumplings. I think mine would turn out terrible too. I believe if the weather permitted, I might be up to trying to make some with ground pork. But I'll probably be lazy about it and just go buy them from the Chinese fast food place. Another cultural question, Whats your traditional breakfast? We grow up with bacon, eggs toast, maybe grits, oatmeal and some have sweat rice. I watched a David Chang (Korean) show and noticed their breakfast isn't like ours. Up til then, I just thought everyone in the world ate the same breakfast.

    Fast food? Ugh. As a hardcore northern Chinese person, dumplings are consumed straight out of the pot or not at all. I'd even take frozen dumplings over takeaway any day. (I'm kidding, any dumplings are better than none at all.) But in all seriousness, some frozen dumplings are actually pretty good. Do you have any legit Asian grocery shops in your area?

    Re: breakfast. Another thing that varies around the country. Again, as a hardcore (lol) northern Chinese, it's mostly carbs of all shapes and sizes. Noodles. Mantou (white flour buns) with pickled veg and/or beancurd. Fried mantou, also with the above. Youtiao (fried dough) with soy milk. Jianbing, which are crepe-like things with eggs and youtiao. Shaobing (flatbread?) and lamb soup. Sauced meat inside the shaobing, and then with lamb soup. These things don't translate, sorry. And I'm making myself hungry. Also I really like having tea eggs as a part of breakfast. Those things, done well, are awesome, but a pain to do at home so I rely on breakfast stands on my morning commute.

    In the south, where people eat much more rice, they have congee and rice noodles as well as other stuff I can't remember right now. In the Shanghai area, there's this thing called paofan, which is basically last night's leftover rice in hot broth and whatever greens one feels like throwing in. And the Canton area breakfast is an artform - all the dim sum one can imagine and all the time in the world to eat it, as it would seem.

    Oh and loving the photo of Alex.

    @quilteryoyo Thanks! I'm giving myself a project to do over the holidays so hopefully it will be a good use of downtime.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @noblsheep all those sounds good. We poor American have no idea what real food is, everything fast food.

    ETA Sorry was interrupted.
    I am rural and don't have immediate access to an Asian market. But Do make it to Dallas now and then or oklahoma city where there are many. You have a recipe to share with me? We bought a kumquat tree the last time we went to the market.

    I had to ask my DD what tea eggs were. Sounds good. I may have to try them. Regular black oolong tea or something else?

    Id agree on the dumplings. I had fresh ones at a Japanese Ramen place, (yes, japanese, chinese, koren american all rolled in to one here. It's not authentic most of the time). They were very good, I could live on dumplings i think.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Lamb soup for breakfast sounds awesome! I would have a problem with all the carbs though.

    My favorite Korean place celebrates lunar new year and in years past they have had dumpling soup specially on the day - I wonder if they are doing it this year.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Oh boy, all I want to do at the moment is stuff my face with food. I'm doing the best I can to control it, but stress totally makes me lose my self-control. Ugh.
    Been to the doctor this afternoon, he fumbled and prodded and compared one side to the other and made me sit up, lie down, turn one way, turn the other (at one point I wasn't sure whether he was trying to tune an old-fashioned radio or about to tell me to do the hokey-pokey) before announcing "well dear, I really couldn't say one way or the other but given your history we'll send you to the breast unit and let them have a look". So, at least I got my referral which is what I wanted, even if he didn't exactly give me any peace of mind.
    Also mentioned I wanted blood tests and hormone checks, he was so intent on getting me out the door to get on with his phone consultations that the moment I said 'irregular cycles and hot flashes' he handed me the paperwork.
    So, progress at least.
    In other, more positive news, my Dad had blood taken for tests on Monday in preparation for chemo starting next week (he told me he didn't sleep the night before 'because needles' and claimed he had never had blood taken before even though his wife insists that he has and she was there!), an MRI yesterday and then the hospital phoned yesterday asking him to go in today. He thought it was for some other test, turned out it was for his first dose of covid vaccine!

    @quilteryoyo I can't believe it's so long since your surgery, time is flying for me this year though I'm sure it has dragged for you. Hope you're sleeping a bit better.
    @RunsOnEspresso hugs, depression sucks.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I have the Pixel and love it. I'm surprised they won't let you enter pictures taken from a phone for a trail running photo contest. Who runs with an actual camera? I hope your depression subsides soon.

    @eleanorhawkins I feel you. I tend to be a stress eater too. You have a lot going on, so try to not be too hard on yourself for your food choices. I'm glad you got your referral and hope you find out something soon. Also glad your dad got a CoVID shot and hope he does well with the chemo. The year seems like it has gone quickly for me too. I've had plenty to occupy my time...still don't have my to-do list done. I am chipping away at it though.

    Today was so nice outside - sunny and 65°F this afternoon. If I didn't have restrictions, there are a lot of things I could have done in they yard or along the driveway today. I opted for a 2 mile walk with Tippy, sitting outside and reading a book for about an hour, then walking to mom's for a visit. Food wasn't the best today, but I was pleased to by back under 140 pounds this morning. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hey all. Skimmed while I relax for half an hour before work.

    Went out to the dentist this morning. Need 5 fillings. Joys. Sigh.

    Then I went for a 20k bike ride along the coast walkway to the velodrome and back. It was a fantastic day for it. Warm and not hot with a slight breeze.
    At the velodrome, mountain in the background.


    Then got home and did strength workout. Almost skipped but I know I'm not doing it Thursday next week so didn't want to skip today.

    Weight the last 3 days has been the same. Not worried. Just find it amusing.

    DH has been trying to lose weight. He weighs in every Monday. And typically after his initial loss he's stalled. Typical. I explained yesterday how I weigh daily and track the trend and how that's more accurate. He's also stopped rolling his eyes every time I weigh food, and I kinda half expect him to start as well, because he can see how mine is going down and his isn't. Will see.

    The next couple of days is going to be crazy. I'll be in bed at 1130 tonight, then have to be up at 630am for my long run before taking my oldest DD for her food challenge! Trying peanuts for the first time since she had a reaction as a baby. I'm excited because I doubt she will have a reaction!

    Then Saturday, I'm doing a long run - 16k!. So will be up at 7am, to be out at 745.

    Roll on Sunday so I can sleep in!