How to deal with extreme hunger all the time...



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,835 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I'm always hungry if I don't do strength training. It certainly does something for me. Not sure what, but it keeps constant hunger at bay. Might be something hormonal. Hey, why not try and see if it works for you? Just a bodyweight programme with a few upper or lower body exercises. Not done for speed but slowly, well controlled and such that it's somewhat difficult for you.

    I don't know what it is about exercise, but if I do intense cardio, I'm starving. If I just walk, I'm not hungry. I used to stuff myself with food after going to the gym.

    Yes, but I'm not talking about cardio but slow strength training. Cardio uses much more energy than strength to start with, thus it's not surprising you're hungry afterwards. This odd effect that I'm noticing only happens when I do strength training, not cardio. It doesn't matter if I lift weights or do something fairly easy as the first week of You are Your own Gym.
  • ezekielsherrard205735
    ezekielsherrard205735 Posts: 42 Member
    An orange or grapefruit a day helps keep appetite away :pt6245td72y2gd23.jpg
  • RockinLowCarbs
    RockinLowCarbs Posts: 10 Member
    Low carb/high fat diet. Havent been hungry yet and meeting my weight loss goals. Increase your protein and healthy fats (eggs, chicken, salmon, avocado etc). Apart from that, keep busy. Get out of house and find ways to get your mind off the whole eating less thing
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    My advice is to eat when you're hungry--carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, etc. Low calorie foods. I'm also hungry all the time, and I keep a bag of sliced carrots and celery in the refrigerator so I can just grab, weigh, and eat.

    Also, as others have said, make sure you're getting enough protein and fat in your diet. Being low in either of those can cause hunger, and they're better for keeping you full than carbs.
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    The only time I ever felt like I was hungry 24/7 was when I was not eating enough.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Lots of great comments here but wanted to add my two cents worth. If you are just starting out your body is not used to smaller quantities of food yet and will eventually adjust. If you have been at this awhile you may have made the mistake I sometimes make and gotten lazy about veggies. Whenever I find myself hungry all the time I can trace it back to not enough roughage. I love shredded cabbage so often add it to salads or instead of lettuce in tacos etc. Steamed broccoli with dinner really helps me feel satisfied. Watch the starch intake as many of us find that increases hunger. Particularly white flour. I don't mean you can't ever have it just don't eat too much of it. Protein and fat tend to keep me full longer coupled with the roughage in fruits and veggies and I am satisfied most of the time. Good luck.