Is it ok to always be sore ?



  • bruby28
    bruby28 Posts: 4,123 Member
    bruby28 wrote: »
    When I rest 2 days in a row ,I am no longer sore and feel good going back to my workout . But then that night I'll just feel achey, like restless mostly in my legs . Not pain that's like an injury just an ache /soreness .

    Maybe you could just tone it down sometimes instead. If you're feeling restless when you don't "workout" then you maybe aren't getting enough activity outside of your workouts. So you could either build in some other activity (like a walk) or just adjust your workouts so that you can do them just as often, but for less time / less intensity sometimes. You could do no cardio on your strength days, for example. You could do some lighter cardio options or use lighter weights some of the time.

    I don't mean to not challenge yourself and not progress. I mean to have some days that are more "activity" focused and other days that are more "workout" focused. Rest does not have to mean NO activity.

    Good ideas here , Thanks a lot ;)
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Rusty740 wrote: »
    bruby28 wrote: »
    Yeah the soreness I have too , I like it . Just curious

    So this^ This is good.

    "soreness" is a really good proxy for muscle/strength growth. It's not perfect, but you can definitely rely on that feeling (the good kind of sore) as an indication you're going in the right direction.

    Not necessarily. You can workout and be sore, but never make progress. You can also workout and never be sore, but make progress. The OP is doing doing arms every other day and legs every other day along with tons of cardio. Her being sore all the time is her body trying to say there's a problem. Part of her problem is over use and no balance.

    I know what you're saying and it's true there's got to be a balance, but OP said it's the kind of sore that she likes, and generally speaking (not all the time, like you've said) soreness is a good indication of some kind of growth. Trying to read between the lines, but if she is continually able to workout like this, and soreness is the only issue (not injury) then I don't see the problem yet.