5'10" what is your goal size/weight?!



  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Hi ladies! Thank you for sharing the TDEE calculator @rianneonamission. My workouts have gone from an average of about 4 sessions per week to 1 session if that and i have been maintaining around 165/166. It says my BMR is 1554 calories/day. MY TDEE is 2023 calories/day. For Fat loss it says 1618 per day. I think currently my food diary is set at hitting around 1800 calories if I don't exercise. Since I am exercising less because of a change in schedule I am thinking of going down to 1600-1700 calories a day without exercise. Any thoughts on that?

    @beggers7 welcome to the thread! I'm happy you found us. My biggest piece of advice would be just to keep checking in. Check in with yourself every day. Check in on this app, and check in with this group. I am convinced that the reason I have been able to lose weight and keep it off so far is because even on the days I absolutely did not feel up to checking in, I did so anyways. It really did keep me accountable. I learned so many tips in the process from other women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. The October Accountability thread is going on right now in this group, and I recommend joining us in it! :)

    @andicarvalho I agree with rianne's comment on this one. Small changes only are the key to LONG TERM success. In my opinion fad diets are often times more likely to have the opposite effects that they are intended to have. Meaning you end up gaining weight because your body stores fat and thinks it's starving! Making those little adjustments and little commitments to yourself and your overall health will have big pay offs. At least it has for me!
  • angienofrills
    angienofrills Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies :)

    It's so nice to find this thread!!

    I'm 27, 5'10 and 166lb. I joined mfp 8 weeks ago and have lost 12lbs in that time. I did creep down to 164lbs a few weeks ago in time for my best friend's birthday but all the eating and drinking that weekend meant I have been back up to 166lbs now for two weeks.

    I got down to 160lbs for my wedding last year and that was my lowest ever. Highest weight was 215lbs when I was in university!

    My strategy is normally to stay as close to 1200-1300 Monday - Friday and then allow myself to drink/eat as I please on a Saturday, and then try and stick under 1750 on a Sunday (hangover salty cravings!)

    This has been fairly easy as I have been working seasonally on a barge in France, so I can eat by myself when I want and not worry about joining people for mealtimes etc. I am heading back to the UK next week and will be staying with family and friends and am so scared of slipping back to old ways as other people will be cooking for me and I don't want to be rude!!

    For the first time in my life I have been enjoying exercise, so I'm hoping when I have more time and space I can up my intensity and workouts from 3-4 times a week to 5-6 so that I can feel less guilty about not asking people to post every ingredient in the dinner they've prepared me.....

    Anyway, super happy to find this thread, you've all done amazingly!!
  • Heyyyyy! I love a good tall girl thread!

    I am 5'11" (Technically 5'10.5", but I round up, haa.)
    I am relatively small-framed, my wrists measure at 5.75", but I have broad shoulders. I currently weigh 143.8, hoping to get down to 135ish.
    I am considered "thin" I guess, but my main focus is to get my body fat percentage down, and build long, lean muscle. I am still too squishy!
    My BF % is around 21%, aiming for 18-19%.
    Measurements are Chest: 33.5", Waist (smallest part): 26.5", Hips: 37.5"

    I eat a vegan diet, and health and wellness is part of my daily life. :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • emrose311
    emrose311 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm 5'10.5". I just had a baby and right now I weigh 167ish. I'm 28. I've weighed in the 160s most of my college and post-college life. My goal weight is 145! Last time I weighed that was in high school.
  • andimickey
    andimickey Posts: 25 Member
    After reading the above and using the TDEE calculator I think I am not eating enough calories. I've been around 1400 (including exercise) and the TDEE says 1800!! What??!! I am not seeing movement on scale however, hovering at 183. Very active so perhaps this is right. Has anyone experienced this? Thank you.
  • brig220
    brig220 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I am 5'9", around 148 lbs, goal is 140 for xmas. Small frame so I still have flesh at that weight even if it sounds light. I saw somewhere that a healthy weight for my height is 140 to 146 lbs.

    @rianneonamission TDEE accounts for exercise, so should we not enter the workouts in MFP if we are following the TDEE numbers?
  • SkinnyFatBGone
    SkinnyFatBGone Posts: 59 Member
    Heyoooo Tallies!

    I noticed the thread for the 5'8"ers and thought I'd love to hear some feedback from the 5'10"ers! It's pretty amazing how a 2 inch difference in height can make for some very different goals! Obviously age, frame size (large, medium, small), all play into it.

    Technically, I believe I am a hair under 5'10", but not even a half inch under. I have broad shoulders, and a large frame. I also (even at my lowest weight) have always maintained at least a C cup in bra size.

    I typically feel my best when I weigh between 150-160lbs. 155 is my current goal and I am 168 as of this morning. When I am under 150, I am typically not eating enough. I have never gone under 150 the healthy way. I am sure it can be done. Personally, I think thats a bit too low for me to maintain. At 155 I am usually a size 6 or 29 in pants.

    What are your goals? :smiley:

    Sounds like we're literally almost body twins, except I'm a hair over 5'10. Broad shoulders and C cup bra size. SAME.

    I feel my best at 150-155. However, I would like to be 145 to give myself breathing room. I'm currently at 168.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    brig220 wrote: »
    @rianneonamission TDEE accounts for exercise, so should we not enter the workouts in MFP if we are following the TDEE numbers?

    If you set MFP to your activity level including exercise, then don't add it in manually. I've always set my exercise level to sedentary though, just so that I can add in my exercise as it happens, meaning my calorie allowance stays lower in the weeks where I don't get round to as much exercise. But, remember that you should work with what works for you.

    I now have a Fitbit Charge2, which I have linked to MFP. At the same time I have set my MFP base calorie goal to my BMR (in line with Fitbit). This way my Fitbit data gets uploaded and gives me a calorie increase based on how active I am. Because my MFP profile is also set to a small loss (I think .25kg a week) it doesn't give me all my Fitbit calories as an allowance. So far, so good, my Fitbit seems relatively accurate in terms of its calorie burn estimation for me, but I know it's not the case for everyone.