September 2017 Running Challenge



  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    The other person in the group related to us the story of a runner that she knows that took part in a marathon this last weekend. It was his first marathon, and he was apparently running a great race and was set to run it in under three hours. He passed mile 26...and then woke up in hospital with an IV in his arm. DNF. Just how bummed would THAT make you feel? I mean, could no one slap the poor guy conscious and push him over the finish line?

    Good lord, for sure you'd want someone to drag you across at least. Yikes.

    Sounds like you are in really good shape going into your marathon, @garygse! It's Oct 1, same day as my HM? Can't wait to hear how it goes for you.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2017
    @Runningmischka If you are on mobile Strava, (Android) you can go to the MFP club page, select where it says *84 runners" and it should have a list of all of us. From there you Follow, a request will be sent, then we can follow you back. Apple? Idk. PC, I believe it is similar.

    @garygse KTT tape it is! LOL! Ill probably call it such and sound like I have a stutter.

    @sarahthes Nice to be so close to work! I'm in a lab too. It's old, stinky, too small.... Love the move!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    @JessicaMcB @PastorVincent @skippygirlsmom Quick update on the race tat: it's still on and looking fresh, despite sleeping, showering twice more, and having clothing rub against it throughout parts of the day; it's showing no signs of coming off any time soon. At this point, I have a feeling I could almost leave it on and still use it come race day. Almost.

    Dang. Okay. I might get one soon then.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent Wow! That picture is amazing!!! Was that taken with a professional camera?


    Not really. A Canon T5 Rebel that I bought as a refurb during a big clearance sale last year, or the year before. It is a class called "Prosumer" which is better than average consumer stuff, but not as good as real pro stuff. Aka plenty good for me. :)
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    September Running
    09/01: Off, rest day
    09/02: 4.02 mile easy run + 30 min biking
    09/03: 20.05 mile long run
    09/04: 60 min biking + strength training
    09/05: 5.04 mile easy run + 15 min elliptical
    09/06: 8.03 miles- 7 mile progression, 1 mile cool down
    09/07: 5.40 mile easy run + 15 min elliptical
    09/08: 3.56 mile easy run
    09/09: 75 min biking
    09/10: 13.17 mile long run- 3@MP/1E/2@HMP/1E/2@HMP/1E/3@MP
    09/11: 6.04 mile easy run + strength training
    09/12: 6.05 mile easy run + 15 min elliptical
    09/13: 10.05 miles- 1.5 mile warm up; 10x800m with 400m recovery; 1 mile cool down
    09/14: Off, rest day
    09/15: 6.06 mile easy run
    09/16: 20.01 mile long run
    09/17: 90 min biking
    09/18: 5.06 mile easy run
    09/19: 5.19 mile easy run
    09/20: 6.04 mile easy run + strength training
    09/21: 6.00 miles @ MP
    09/22: 12.03 mile long run
    09/23: 10ish miles backpacking
    09/24: 5ish miles backpacking
    09/25: 3.01 mile easy run
    09/26: 4.00 miles- 3@MP, 1@HMP + strength training
    Total: 148.82 miles

    Easy three mile run yesterday (9:19 pace), then a four mile workout run today. It was over 90*F again this afternoon so I took to the treadmill instead. I was supposed to do two miles at marathon pace with one mile each of a warm up and cool down, but I think the taper crazies got the best of me: instead I ran 3 miles at marathon pace (8:48 average) and 1 mile at half marathon pace (7:58). The good news is that today seems to be the last day of the heat here (hopefully for the whole year!) so we shouldn't have to suffer through any more 90+ degree days or treadmill runs.


    Upcoming Races:
    - Chicago Marathon, 10/08/17
    - Space Coast Half Marathon, 11/26/17
    - Excalibur 10 Miler, 03/18/18
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    9/1 - Rest day
    9/2 - 13.18 miles. Very slow, mostly walking. Really struggled with low BG throughout entire run. Depleted electrolytes and had cramping towards end and afterwards.
    9/3 - Rest
    9/4 - Cross train - hiked 10 miles.
    9/5 - Unplanned rest day - seems like I might have sprained left ankle.
    9/6 - 6.34 miles (plan was for 8, but trying to be easy on ankle ahead of HM on 9/9)
    9/7 - Unplanned rest - trying to rest ankle for HM and spare electrolytes
    9/8 - Rest
    9/9 - 12.74 Wabash Trace HM 2:02:08 (we all took a wrong turn shortly after start, causing the short distance)
    9/10 - Rest
    9/11 - Rest
    9/12 - 5 miles treadmill intervals
    9/13 - 8.04 miles
    9/14 - 5 miles treadmill, low BG issues and generally not good :(
    9/15 - Rest
    9/16A - 9.12 miles fasting, with electrolytes and yohimbine. Good BG's, indicating yohimbine is working to release stubborn fat, but slow run. Plan was for 18 miles today. Stopped for rain and because pace was so slow.
    9/16B - 5.01 miles - did not get to 18 today, but stopped because it was dark and I was worn out
    9/17 - Rest
    9/18 - Rest
    9/19 - 5.0 miles treadmill before weight lifting
    9/20 - Unplanned rest day. BG's high in the afternoon and I'm exhausted so going to bed early.
    9/21 - 5.0 miles treadmill before weight lifting
    9/22 - Rest
    9/23 - Unplanned rest (BG Issues)
    9/24 - 18.01 miles; everything went really well until about mile 12 when I started to feel muscle pains of electrolyte depletion. Swung by home and got 2 electrolyte tablets, but it wasn't enough. Walked most of the last 2 miles.
    9/25 - Rest
    9/26 - 5.0 miles treadmill before weight lifting

    I'm so far behind that I'm not going to reach goal

    Upcoming Races:
    9/9/17 - Wabash Trace HM
    10/21/17 - Oregon Trail Run HM (Maybe switching to marathon)
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sounds like you are in really good shape going into your marathon, @garygse! It's Oct 1, same day as my HM? Can't wait to hear how it goes for you.
    Thanks, I certainly feel race is October 8th. Good luck with your race this weekend!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    @elise4270 The apple nachos don't involve chips OR cheese! Just thinly sliced apples with so much stuff piled on top to completely negate choosing fruit for a snack. :D Also, I expect you to say "KTT" from now on!

    Is it similar to zucchini squash noodles? I have tried those these week. Without pasta sauce, it tastes like zucchini. With pasta sauce, like tomatoes and zucchini. With pasta sauce and mozzarella cheese, almost like pasta.

    No way I am I going to catch up to 20 pages of posts.

    Good luck to all who are racing this weekend. I think that we will be out of the heat wave soon.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member

    September goal....I'll know it when I see it.

    9/1 rest
    9/2 4mile hike through Kilauea Iki, then 3.2 run on treadmill
    9/3 4.35
    9/4 4.00
    9/5 rest
    9/6 5.62
    9/7 4.10
    9/8 4.30
    9/9 rest
    9/10 3.12
    9/11 4.10
    9/12 rest
    9/13 4.10
    9/14 snorkel 2.5 hrs
    9/15 7.20
    9/16 4.44
    9/17 rest
    9/18 snorkel 3 hours
    9/19 4.00
    9/20 6.40
    9/21 life/chores/#damngames
    9/22 5.35
    9/23 4.35
    9/24 rest
    9/25 5.82
    9/26 4.22

    Total: 82.67

    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and progress to date:


    Upcoming races:
    AIM at Melanoma 5k 10/14/17
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    13/9-3.3 (running club - lots of hill work!)
    Total - 95.4/110 Miles
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Tired+humid+foggy this am = rest day
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    -------   -----    -------
    Sep   2     4.5        4.5 
    Sep   4     5.1        9.6
    Sep   7     3.8       13.4
    Sep   9     6.2       19.6
    Sep  10     4.3       23.9
    Sep  26     3.0       26.9
    Sep  27     3.7       30.6
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    So about that rest day....Paisley problems, Paisley problems :D . Sitting at 399 miles on the month after conversion...why didn't I run longer?! Haha

    September 1- 23
    September 2- 60
    September 3- 30
    September 4- 20.6
    September 5- Off
    September 6- First Day of School
    September 7- 23.4
    September 8- 16
    September 9- 70
    September 10- 20.1
    September 11- 20.1
    September 12- 20.1
    September 13- Off
    September 14- 8
    September 15- Off
    September 16- 80.7
    September 17- 7.3
    September 18- 21.7
    September 19- 21.4
    September 20- 21.4
    September 21- 20.5
    September 22- 19
    September 23- 42.4
    September 24- 26.4
    September 25- 22.4
    September 26- 22
    September 27- 23.3


  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Another 88 degree run last night. Day off today and then morning runs for the rest of the week.


    Upcoming Race - Fleri 5K 9/30
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    9/1- REST
    9/2- Family Time
    9/3- Family Time
    9/4- 6- 384 feet elevation
    9/5- 8- 1598 feet elevation
    9/6- 6.2- 1263 feet elevation
    9/7- 8- Track Thursday
    9/8- REST
    9/9- 20
    9/10- REST
    9/11- REST
    9/12- 8.1 - 1663 Feet Elevation
    9/13- 8.1- 1640 Feet elevation
    9/14- 7.2- 1388 Feet Elevation
    9/15- REST
    9/16- 14- 2352 Feet elevation
    9/17- REST
    9/18- REST
    9/19- 8,1- 1663 Feet Elevation
    9/20- 6.2- 1247 Feet Elevation
    9/21- 4
    9/22- 6
    9/23- 26.2- 1142 feet elevation
    9/24- REST
    9/25- REST
    9/26- 8.1- 1681 Feet elevation
    9/27- 6.2- 1253 Feet elevation

    Total Miles: 150.4
    Total Elevation: 16914 ft

    September goal: Survive 100k training and the beginnings of pre-race freak out
    Nominal Mileage goal: 200 miles.
    Elevation goal: 15000ft

    Today's notes: Shorter day today. Went out there and got in my 6.2 miles and over 1200 feet elevation. Kind of tired today, kids have been (even more ) crazy this week. Thank goodness for running, it saves what sanity I have left.

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon (full)
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    9/1 13.1 miles! 2h:09m:49s
    9/2 3.1mi 31m:56s
    9/3 rest
    9/4 4.38mi 41m:07s
    9/5 6mi 57m:38s
    9/6 4mi 39m:50s
    9/7 7mi 69m:59s
    9/8 4mi 38m:49s
    9/9 9mi 1h:26m:35s
    9/10 rest
    9/11 5.2mi 53m:20s
    9/12 4mi 36m:16s
    9/13 6mi 56m:41s
    9/14 4mi 36m:25s
    9/15 4mi 34m:46s
    9/16 8mi 1h:15m:28s
    9/17 rest
    9/18 5mi 47m:53s
    9/19 4mi 37m:32s
    9/20 8mi 1h:14m:48s
    9/21 5mi 45m:14s
    9/22 10mi 1h:38m:41s
    9/23 4mi 40m:10s
    9/24 rest
    9/25 6.59mi 1h:02m:32s
    9/26 5mi 49m:02s
    9/27 7mi 67m:33s

    Decided to run outside even though it was very windy. We are having mild effects of Maria. It wasn't too bad, windy and muggy. The forecast calls for fall weather soon... soon I'll be complaining about how cold it is.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited September 2017
    Last night as I was getting my shoes on to run I mentioned to my husband that I kept feeling a tiny bit of gravel in my shoe but couldn't seem to get it out. He promptly exclaimed, "THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO BUY MORE SHOES!" :p I assured him I don't need to BUY more because I have a stock at home that I haven't worn yet. LOL

    @skippygirlsmom Great job passing your goal!

    @ereck44 Loved your description of the zucchini "noodles". :)