You Have $1,000 To Go Shopping With....What Do You Buy?



  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 338 Member
    I wouldn't spend $1000 on clothes. I'm too far away from my goal.
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    A new wardrobe and a trip to the hot springs with a couple of friends.
  • SergeantG
    SergeantG Posts: 92
    A Victoria's Secret Bra.....
    Or you could buy an eliptical trainer :)

    ROTF....thats funny...."A" victoria's secret bra....arent they are so uselessly expensive!!!
  • SergeantG
    SergeantG Posts: 92
    I would go see my kids in Texas :o)
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    Nothing, I'd make an additional car payment.

    This or put it in savings
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    soft rope
    whips and chains