


  • MsChewMe
    MsChewMe Posts: 130 Member
    This is me, at least I like to think it is me. Lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    People who isolate themselves from having fun and socially playing, end up with feelings of loneliness and depression and many times these are triggers to make food their friend instead of people.

    I find the above to be an inaccurate summation. Not ALL people end up depressed and lonely from not playing games socially. I like to have fun alone, preferably infront of my PC or console playing a game or taking photos of birds outside. And I've been thin my entire life. And never been depressed or lonely. (I gained when I stopped smoking 2 years ago and have now lost it)

    Your post makes people like me sound pitiful. I find it offensive.
    I should have that edited to say MANY, since ALL doesn't apply. Sorry if I offended you and others.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Moving around outdoors is a key piece of staying happy for me. I do it riding a bike, hiking, skiing cross country, climbing granite crags, swimming, and occasionally paddling a kayak or canoe. Sometimes with others, sometimes by myself.

    This summer we had hellish smoke for three weeks, ash raining down from the sky, I found it hard to be outside, this was hugely depressing.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Everyone has a different idea what "play" means. The point is that doing physical things we enjoy can be considered play. It doesn't have to be with someone. We introverts are really, really good at playing by ourselves. I never wear headphones or play music when I go on my walks. I love to listen to the real world and it brings a smile to my face. I think that is play. I also stop to greet and dogs being walked (always ask their human first if I can pet them) and I consider that play. I talk to the chipmunks, squirrels, birds, snakes, frogs, toads, and any other critter I come across. I consider that play.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    MsChewMe wrote: »
    Nice! I’m going for a hike this afternoon with my kiddo and will be looking for snakes on the trail. Fun stuff.

    How can anyone be offended by this OP, it’s the internet for crying out loud.

    There was a snake on the street one day while I was out running. This was in my corner of suburbia. At first I thought it was rubber, but then I got a good look and ... nope, it was the real deal. Something had rendered it no longer among the living, but that was something you don't see every day in South Jersey.

    I live in right by downtown of a major city and I saw a wild turkey outside my apartment a few months ago. Just getting started on my run, turned the corner, and there he (?) was, at least up to my waist. It was 6 AM or so, so we were the only ones around. We just stared at each other for a moment and then I backed away (because I have no desire to have a fight with a giant bird and I had no idea if they were aggressive or not) and continued my run in another direction.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited October 2017
    MsChewMe wrote: »
    Nice! I’m going for a hike this afternoon with my kiddo and will be looking for snakes on the trail. Fun stuff.

    How can anyone be offended by this OP, it’s the internet for crying out loud.

    There was a snake on the street one day while I was out running. This was in my corner of suburbia. At first I thought it was rubber, but then I got a good look and ... nope, it was the real deal. Something had rendered it no longer among the living, but that was something you don't see every day in South Jersey.

    I live in right by downtown of a major city and I saw a wild turkey outside my apartment a few months ago. Just getting started on my run, turned the corner, and there he (?) was, at least up to my waist. It was 6 AM or so, so we were the only ones around. We just stared at each other for a moment and then I backed away (because I have no desire to have a fight with a giant bird and I had no idea if they were aggressive or not) and continued my run in another direction.

    Oh, that sounds like quite the surprise! We're rotten with them around here, though I've never come across any on my runs.

    To the topic of the thread, I ran 6K this morning, and I ran down the hills with my arms out just for you ladies!
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    MsChewMe wrote: »
    Nice! I’m going for a hike this afternoon with my kiddo and will be looking for snakes on the trail. Fun stuff.

    How can anyone be offended by this OP, it’s the internet for crying out loud.

    There was a snake on the street one day while I was out running. This was in my corner of suburbia. At first I thought it was rubber, but then I got a good look and ... nope, it was the real deal. Something had rendered it no longer among the living, but that was something you don't see every day in South Jersey.

    I live in right by downtown of a major city and I saw a wild turkey outside my apartment a few months ago. Just getting started on my run, turned the corner, and there he (?) was, at least up to my waist. It was 6 AM or so, so we were the only ones around. We just stared at each other for a moment and then I backed away (because I have no desire to have a fight with a giant bird and I had no idea if they were aggressive or not) and continued my run in another direction.

    Oh, that sounds like quite the surprise! We're rotten with them around here, though I've never come across any on my runs.

    To the topic of the thread, I ran 6K this morning, and I ran down the hills with my arms out just for you ladies!

    I'm in the burbs of Boston and I'm always coming across turkeys on my runs. I try and steer clear of them because they can be really aggressive. I've had a bunch of them attack my car (I think they are attacking their reflections) which is quite disconcerting.

    And if anyone was running the Tufts 10k today, I was the woman doing aeroplane impressions at the turn around.