Anyone have before and after of a "hanging" tummy?



  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    I was about 148 in this picture, starting off I was at 158, this was after I had just lost 10 pounds. I also had a baby 9 months ago so that's why I have that and the stretch marks.
    I'm currently around 128. It still hangs but it's easy to cover up with underwear or such.
    I also can grab it pretty much wherever and now it around like it's play dough. Disclaimer there's still extra fat there I need to get rid of but I do have some extra skin that'll hopefully tighten up!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    angel7472 wrote: »
    Getting my stomach flat took till about the end of my weight loss goal (50-60lbs). Weight lifting and cardio together were really big for me, but the stomach being the last weight to go and first to arrive is just in my genes.

    Your belly never hung. The first pic shows your belly as tight there is no apron to tighten up. This isn't what OP was asking for.
    I've had 3 kids. All difficult pregnancies and put on bed rest. I'm 5'5" and at the end of my last pregnancy I weighed 220 pds. I was HUGE!!! Had the full on apron. Over the years I've lost and gained since then. If I let my weight go I get full on hanging apron. Even now at 127 I've got loose skin there that just kinda drapes. My left side (where they tell you to lay all the time) is worse than my right. It can be done but it's hard work. The belly and thighs are the last to go too. I'm more bottom than top heavy. I'm also older so that's also gonna play a major role.
    I do believe that there is another thread just like this one that show lots of pics.
    I wish you the best of luck :)
    I also had a very difficult pregnancy due to preeclampsia (which the doctors never even gave it a thought until after a few weeks I brought up my concern for the high blood pressure (which I'm in the medical field so I know was a big no no)). My highest when I was pregnant was about 172 but I also had a very very hard time keeping anything down or eating anything. I was 158-160 now I'm 128 close to what you weigh and mine drapes as well!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Getting my stomach flat took till about the end of my weight loss goal (50-60lbs). Weight lifting and cardio together were really big for me, but the stomach being the last weight to go and first to arrive is just in my genes.

    Woaaaaahhhh!!! Amazing!! Not a hanging belly but still just as impressive and definitely can tell a lot of hard work was put into it! I wish my results turn out this amazing in the end!!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    do you have any photos of what your talking about? this was one of my before pics, right after having a child. my stomach wasn't tight at all, and just sagged. i lost 100 lbs in about 8 weeks, and you can check my profile for my after pics ( idid this twice, gained over 100 lbs with pregnancy, and my stomach is not saggy anymore)... but my stomach isn't like very tight, like before i had kids, there is some loose skin there, just not much. way better after losing the weight.


    Eating only a thousand calories a day is very unhealthy as is, but throwing in exercise and breastfeeding which is sustaining the life for two people, which you're typically suppose to eat around 2,000 calories a day while breastfeeding and CAN still lose weight on those kinda calorie intakes. But you're working out and breastfeeding which I'm surprised you didn't have any medical issues after that, like fainting or nutrient deficiencies. I would definitely not recommend this for anyone ESPECIALLY breastfeeding. Diets like these are not worth it and you're more than likely to binge and gain all the weight back because of such a huge calorie deficit, and you're honestly losing more muscle and nutrients and water weight than fat. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited October 2017
    Never been pregnant but was very fat. In the winter I sometimes warmed my hands under my apron whenever it was cold and I was wearing stretchy lounging pants, and they fit whole fists closed with room to spare even with layers with clothing. I can no longer do that. It still hangs, which is to be expected, but it has shrunk back considerably from a several inch overhang to barely a couple. I suspect this has to do with the time frame of my weight loss. It took several years to lose this much so my skin had plenty of time, it just shrunk gradually as much as it would without having to wait for it. Generally, with faster loss skin needs time to catch up and shrink as much as it would. The rest is up to genetics, age, fat distribution, and your starting weight. If you've lost a lot of weight, some laxity is to be expected no matter how favorable other factors are.

    PS: people with larger stomachs that don't hang at all are likely carrying a lot of it viscerally, not on the outside but around the organs, so they're at an increased risk for certain diseases and need to be careful.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I did until probably the last 10lbs or so. I still have 7lbs to goal weight, and that is the top of my BMI range. I still have quite a bit of body fat in my belly and upper thighs, and it wasn't until recently that it wasn't saggy and more inline with my belly if that makes any sense at all.

    I'm guessing I'd have to lose another 15lbs to see "all" of it go away and some serious recomp to get it flat or toned or whatever the kids are calling it these days.

    Aside from all that, I've lost 95lbs and I'm THRILLED about that and doing my darndest to not be bothered by the little flaws and imperfections that might result because of that weight loss, because I'd much rather be where I am now with things that really only I see vs. being 256lbs. I will own a saggy, cellulite belly all day long if it means not being that heavy again.

    Hang in there @Verity1111. You're doing great.

    You are inspiring--LOVE your dedication. Just sayin. ;)
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    It'S a panniculus or stomach apron. You can look it up on the internet under both terms. Sympathy - it's notoriously hard to get rid of.